03-30 Carolyn Soto1 Christopher Johnson From:Carolyn Soto <sweetgrl323@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, March 30, 2018 8:05 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Pro Costco I am writing to let you know I am Pro Costco. I think this is a wonderful idea and excited for it to come. Costco offers so much for the families who live here! It will be a great addition to this city and will increase the value our neighborhood. I know people are concern about traffic but times change and let’s be honest people are moving here as homes are being built. It’s unstoppable that people want and will move to this beautiful city and state. As homes are built people will come. We need valuable and amazing stores like Costco around here. No matter what they decide to build there the population will grow and so will traffic. So let’s go with the flow and let’s add something valuable. Costco is WAY better than anything else they can build. I am for and support Costco coming! Carolyn Sent from my iPhone