Todd Woodell1 Christopher Johnson From:Todd Woodell <62woody@gmail.com> Sent:Friday, March 23, 2018 3:28 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Protest of Application H-2018-0018 This is a formal protest to Application H-2018-0018 by Doug Jay I, Jayo Land Development Company, Inc. for a Rezone of 10.74 Acres of Land from the R-4 to a R-8 Zoning District and a Preliminary Plat Consisting of 60 Building Lots and 10 Common Lots on 10. 25 Acres of Land in the Proposed R-8 Zoning District for Cherry Blossom Located at 615 Cherry Lane. I live in Midtown Square, just to the East of this tract of land and am the President of the Midtown Square HOA. Another high density subdivision was built last year just West of us, off 4th street, much smaller than this development, but the traffic through our neighborhood has increased significantly. There are a lot more people running the stop sign at W. Maple and 4th Street putting our children at risk. We don’t want or need more high density development. I understand the developer wants to forego sidewalks, but this would be a thoroughfare for children walking to school. That can’t happen! This development would share our entry off of Cherry Lane on Crestmont. Will the residents of the new homes be required to share the cost of maintaining our common areas? We currently spend several thousand dollars a year on lawn care and water. I just learned of a meeting to discuss this development that will take place on April 19th. Unfortunately I will be unable to attend that meeting due to a work commitment but please log this message as my protest to this development and re-zoning . Sincerely, Todd Woodell 2 428 W Maple Ave Meridian, ID (208) 761-2818