03-17 William and Heidi Nelson1 Christopher Johnson From:Heidi Nelson <heidinelson621@yahoo.com> Sent:Saturday, March 17, 2018 4:47 PM To:City Clerk Cc:mayortammy Subject:Proposed Costco Hello, We’re writing to you to voice our concern over the proposed Costco at Chinden and Ten Mile. We are big fans of Costco and how well they treat their employees and were undecided about a Costco in that location until today. We were just told that Costco wants 20-30 fuel pumps right there on the corner. Our house is directly across Chinden behind the berm. Having lines of idling vehicles there is going to have a direct effect on our family and neighbors. The fumes from the gasoline, diesel and exhaust is not only going to impact our health and the liveability of our neighborhood, it’s going to make it difficult to sell our home. We bought our house in SpurWing one year ago and were told that the land at Chinden and Ten Mile was zoned for houses or smaller stores and restaurants. We are very much in favor of development, but a massive gas station and warehouse is NOT what that land was zoned for. If the City changes the zoning so drastically, it amounts to a bait and switch scam for all the people who have recently made huge investments to live in SpurWing. We sincerely hope that you reconsider this rezoning. We will be speaking out against this proposal at all community meetings and will be contributing to the legal defense fund. Thank you, William and Heidi Nelson