03-02 Kristopher Derentz1 Christopher Johnson From:C.Jay Coles Sent:Friday, March 02, 2018 4:47 PM To:Christopher Johnson Subject:FW: Project H-2018-004 Lost Rapids/Costco Comments From: Kristopher Derentz [ mailto:kderentz@gmail.com ] Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 3:22 PM To: C.Jay Coles < cjcoles@meridiancity.org > Subject: Project H-2018-004 Lost Rapids/Costco Comments Dear C. Jay Coles, City Clerk, Thanks for taking the time to read my e-mail in regards to the new Costco development between Chinden/Lost Rapids/Ten Mile. I am writing you today to urge you to deny the zoning change request that was submitted by the project. Based on the data that Costco their selves provide at the meeting the new development would increase daily trips by 17,000 (currently they stated that Chinden currently has 16,000) which would more than double the traffic. Of that 17,000 increase in trips 11,000 for that is from Costco alone. I personally am not anti-development, but due to the number of residential properties in the area, I believe that the intended current zoning is the proper size development and should not be changed to make way for a store the is 4x the current plan. Other concerns include the following: 1) Lost Rapids will become a major street that is neighboring a newly developed park and is adjacent to other residential streets. These streets are going to be traveled by children, and members of the Bainb ridge community and the traffic flow can put that at greater risk. 2) Cut Through Traffic. People wanting to avoid the lights will attempt to drive through the Bainbridge community resulting in cars that are not only wondering the neighborhood looking for an exit but also again resulting in higher traffic flow than there should be in a residential neighborhood. To make matters worst, the only alternative exit is on Black Cat, and Ada County School district plans to build a new Elementary school near Black Cat between W Vanderbuilt and Gondola. This means as school hours there will be increased student traffic on W Vanderbuilt which is the road that Costco traffic will be required to exit the neighborhood putting these students at risk of being hit by cars. 3) Noise & Light Pollution. Costco reps stated at the meeting that traffic will start at 4am and continue through 10am each day as their trucks exit I-84 and come down Ten Mile making a left on to Lost Rapids and then turning into the development. This is not only going to create lots of noise for the Bainbridge residents during morning sleeping hours but will also require bright lights for them at the loading docks creating light pollution across the neighborhood. To make matters worst these semis will also be filling up the roads during morning commutes making traffic more difficult. With this said I think that there are great alternative locations for Costco to build on. For example at HWY 16 and Chinden which is already a commercial area for a development of this size or various locations on State Street between 16 and Eagle Rd. All these areas are already planned for commercial use and are not in the middle of residential neighborhoods. As I said before I'm fully in support of development, but I believe that the Costco its self is not right for the location and will greatly impact the quality of life for all Meridian residents surrounding it. Thanks for your time and consideration. If you have any questions please feel free to call me on my cell phone as I'm happy to discuss this further with you: 702-334-2494 Best Regards, 2 Kristopher Derentz 6044 N Eysnford Ave Meridian, ID 83646