03-02 Walter and Mary Steed1 Christopher Johnson From:Morgan Andrus Sent:Friday, March 02, 2018 2:31 PM To:C.Jay Coles; Charlene Way; Christopher Johnson Subject:FW: Move From: Walter M. Steed [ mailto:wmsteed@aol.com ] Sent: Friday, March 02, 2018 1:16 PM To: mayortammy Subject: Move Tammy, Since I did not win re-election in November for Moscow City Council, Mary and i decided to permanently move to our Meridian home in BridgeTower; the one we have owned for the past five years and used for business trips and to visit kids and grandkids. Having done so, Mary decided it was not large enough to actually live in, so next week we close on a larger one in The Oaks, near Black Cat and McMillian. That being said, we see that P & Z has forwarded the Costco 10 Mile at Chinden development proposal to Council for approval. Using Costco on a more or less monthly basis, we would love to be able to drive only a mile and not over 12 miles to do our shopping there. Therefore, we would really like to see the Council agree with P & Z and approve Costco's request. See, 30 day new residents already wanting something from the elected officials...... Trust you are doing well and looking forward to being able to tell people, you now really are our Mayor! Walter and Mary Steed 208-883-0123