Linda Leach 03-011 Christopher Johnson From:Linda Leach <lindaleach@cableone.net> Sent:Thursday, March 01, 2018 10:13 AM To:City Clerk Subject:Harper Ridge Subdivision (H-2017-0151) I attended the City Council Meeting on February 27 expecting that the Harper Ridge Subdivision hearing was to be on the agenda. As you are fully aware, this project was moved to the meeting on March 9 without proper notice to be served to those wanting to attend. I find that I am unable to attend the March 9 meeting so I would like to voice my concerns even though I don’t have the required 7 days notice prior to the meeting. #1 Concern: Visitor Parking On paper it appears that the Visitor Parking has been addressed, however, I feel there isn’t adequate visitor parking because the subdivision will have a swimming pool and playground. Swimming pools and playgrounds typically have use by more than the tenants. Tenants invite family and friends to use their facilities and where are they going to park their cars? Copper Point is the obvious place and there is no parking on Copper Point. If they park there who will enforce this “no parking” area? The daily traffic on Copper Point is heavy especially in the mornings and after work hours. Not only do the residents of Sutherland Farm and Muir Woods use Copper Point, the workers at Citi Bank use Copper Point as their means of getting to and from work because Eagle Road and Overland Road are already backed up. The Movado project will surely add to the traffic on Copper Point too since there aren’t any entrance/exits using Cloverdale Road. The pool and playground aren’t the only time to have family and friends invited to their homes. The specified parking space/spaces per the number of bedrooms you have rented also isn’t adequate. It is rare that a couple with a one bedroom apartment will have only one car. When you get up to a three bedroom apartment there could be up to three or more cars. I understand the Harper Ridge Subdivision has used the “standard” for parking, however, many tenants will need to spill over to visitor parking. #2 Concern: Ridenbaugh Canal I understand there will be a “chain link type” fence at the back on the Harper Ridge Subdivision project. South of the fence is the canal. Canals and children don’t mix. As you all know, children are very curious and when they see water they think playing in it would be great fun. The proposed fencing will not be a deterrent to them getting by the fencing barrier. As a resident of Sutherland Farm we see kids playing in around the canal all the time. We have even gone out to tell them they shouldn’t be playing in the canal. The safety of our children should be of great concern. It certainly seems the 10.68 acres should have remained true commercial property and developed with an office complex like the rest of the area. Apartments in the middle of the offices seems to present a problem with all concerned. One last thing - If I heard correctly at the February 27 meeting, the 10.68 acres has been annexed into Sutherland Farm. I believe this is incorrect. Can you respond to this question? Linda Leach 2491 S. Jeblar Way Meridian, Idaho 83642-7928 208.362.5559 lindaleach@cableone.net 2 Sent from my iPad