Pat Catanzaro 02-22Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission Re: H-2018-004 Lost Rapids/Costco Hi, my purpose today is to let you know of my opposition to the Costco location proposed for Ten Mile and Chinden. I will not give you a billion statistics on road and traffic impacts. I’m sure someone else will come forth with that information. My opposition is more from a commonsense standpoint. First of all, I must disclose that I recently moved into the Bainbridge subdivision and was aware that there was going to be a Costco built “close by”. I wasn’t particularly concerned by this as I, personally, have NEVER seen a Costco that was built in a residential area, so it never even occurred to me to be concerned that one would be built in or adjacent to any of the pre-existing subdivisions along Chinden. Whether it was being built right next to Bainbridge or Paramount or Bridge Tower or Lochsa Falls wasn’t even a concern because EVERY single Costco I’ve ever seen has been in a commercial or industrial area. Never even entered my mind that any neighborhood would be impacted and in fact that was consistent with the current zoning which called for much smaller business operations, hence the need for a zoning change to permit this monstrosity to invade prime residential living space. I would not wish that kind of business model to be imposed on any residents of ANY community. I was therefore, quite appalled to find out that this location was even under consideration. And in my neighborhood! As if that wasn’t bad enough, I then learned that there is an entry / exit directly into the Bainbridge subdivision from the proposed Costco parking lot! To me, this is the definition of insanity. An absolute open invitation to “shortcut” through a neighborhood. Where people live. To avoid lights and traffic on Chinden and Ten Mile. OF COURSE this is what would happen! I don’t live on one of the main thoroughfares through the subdivision that would be most affected, or even near where the Costco would be, but am HORRIFIED for my neighbors who do. I understand that this area has to be rezoned to allow for this Costco to be built. I’m wondering why there is even a Planning and Zoning commission if this kind of aberration is considered “OK”. It’s a huge zoning variant completely outside the bounds of the character of the area in which we live. Why even bother with planning and zoning? Choosing a commercial / industrial location would not have the negative impact on the people who actually live here in Meridian, would still be convenient for residents, but not in anybody’s back yard. And not totally screw up traffic in an area where traffic is already terrible, and where people live and work. Additionally, if a location might still require some variance one should be chosen that is not yet built up to the extent of the existing location where hundreds or perhaps thousands of home owners already made purchase decisions never imagining that you would consider changing the character of the environment so dramatically after the fact. It’s one thing to choose to live in a neighborhood knowing there is a Costco there and quite a different matter to impose a very large-scale warehousing and retail operation on unsuspecting Meridians who selected their homes based upon the existing character of the area. If you DO vote yes on this, you need to be clear that you are voting to pretty much destroy a residential neighborhood when in fact, you must be aware of many other currently zoned properties available for a Costco location that would also be more consistent with the vast majority of Costco locations. And those locations would still be close enough to have the desired effect of drawing shoppers from Eagle, Boise, McCall, Emmett, Star, etc. I also understand that Costco is a very powerful corporation, has its “heart” set on this location, and is likely to get its way. I’m not even sure why, exactly, anyone on this city council would consider voting YES for rezoning the land so this can happen. Why? I’m trying to figure out what’s in it for the city? For the city council? For the residents of Meridian? Maybe more tax dollars? Or is Costco paying the City of Meridian a bunch of money to do this? What kind of pressure are you getting to vote YES for this? Respectfully Submitted, Pat Cat (Pat Catanzaro) 5884 No Carlese Ave (408) 710-4700 Meridian, ID 83646