Rachel Murillo 1.171 C.Jay Coles From:Anne Little Roberts Sent:Wednesday, January 17, 2018 2:02 PM To:R M Cc:City Clerk Subject:Re: Linder Village, Last Night's Council Meeting Thank you, Rachel. I appreciate your testimony and taking the time to send an email. The Council always appreciates hearing from our citizens, especially when a meeting runs as long as it did last night. Your input is greatly appreciated. Best regards, Anne Little Roberts Meridian City Council Sent from my iPad > On Jan 17, 2018, at 1:36 PM, R M <rrs17586@gmail.com> wrote: > > Dear Mayor & Council, > I want to thank you for your time and patience last night. Last night, I attended my first ever city council meeting and must say I'm impressed with the leadership in our city and grateful to have a voice. I did testify briefly on just a few points- perhaps not as well as I would have liked as addressing a roomful is a bit nerve wracking. I wanted to follow up. I came in last night ready to press for approval on Linder Village. I think it will be a wonderful asset to the city. After hearing testimony from others in the community, I did hear a valid point brought up regard ing access to the development through Arliss being disruptive and unsafe- I do agree this is a concern and should be addressed. Otherwise, I believe this development should continue as conceptualized with one additional caveat- IF access to the development can be made at Fox Run, avoiding an additional light at Bergman, then it absolutely should. If it turns out that it still is not possible, then I believe the concept should continue as planned, save for changes to/removal of the Arliss access. I would propose perhaps a sidewalk access at that point, but not a through street. > We also heard a lot of concern about a 24 hour store and potential noise. I want to commend the developer and WinCo for making appropriate concessions such a moving and rotating the store, creating landscaping barriers and multiple walls. They have absolutely done their due diligence in negating the impact on the surrounding neighborhood in that regard, and I feel they should proceed as planned. I heard a few residents cite video of loading dock noise at area stores and concern with 24 hour operation, but what I did not hear was that these residents had bothered to set foot in a WinCo at 3am to see what actually goes on. With the demographic in the area, I believe this looks a whole lot like a parent picking up tylenol for a sick child at 3 am, a family coming home from vacation late, after midnight, and restocking the fridge for the next week, a soon to be father running out at 1 am for a crazy pregnancy craving. Otherwise, it is their freight crew, busy filling shelves. In my opinion this is a wonderful addition to the community, convenient and incredibly affordable for growing families. Meridian needs this additional WinCo to support the explosion in growth we are experiencing. Meridian can use the jobs this will bring. On average, I believe a WinCo store has about 140 employees. Having worked in the insurance industry, I know that these employees are receiving some of the absolute best benefits in the state-coming neck and neck with State of Idaho and Federal coverage. That's pretty amazing. Who in their right mind would turn down such an asset to our community? WinCo is a strong anchor for other successful businesses as well, again bringing more jobs and more amenities to the area. > Development happens. With all due respect, I hear several people who bought backed to a field, knowing the parcel was zoned for MU-C, complaining. Might I suggest that had they been so strongly concerned with how the MU-C would look and what businesses it might bring, they should have looked elsewhere to purchase? I have 2 owned a home backed to a field with an unknown factor to it, and I have passed up home purchases due to uncertainty as to what might back to the home. That was my prerogative based on the knowledge I could access at the time, which is never set in stone. Furthermore, the developer is willing to bring long overdue expansion to Chinden, far before it is planned by local entities entrusted with this responsibility. > In closing, I would urge the council and/or P&Z committee to get this approved this next go around- before a strong anchor business like WinCo decides to look elsewhere. I'm hopeful that we will see this development happening sooner rather than later. > > Respectfully, > Rachel Murillo > 2077 N Devlin Ave > Meridian, Idaho > 208-283-6847