2020-05-21 MERIDIAN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION (:>-WE IDIAN- MEETING AGENDA City Council Chambers 33 East Broadway Avenue Meridian, Idaho Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 6:00 PM Item 1: Join the Meeting at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89255661709 or by Calling 253-215-8782, Webinar ID 8925 5661 709 Item 2: Roll-Call Attendance X Lisa Holland X Patricia Pitzer X Andrew Seal X Nick Grove X Rhonda McCarvel X Bill Cassinelli X Ryan Fitzgerald - Chairperson Item 3: Adoption of Agenda - Adopted 4. Consent Agenda [Action Item] - Approved A. Approve Minutes of May 7, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Item 5: Action Items Land Use Public Hearing Process:After the Public Hearing is opened the staff report will be presented by the assigned city planner. Following Staffs report the applicant has up to 15 minutes to present their application. Each member of the public may provide testimony up to 3 minutes or if they are representing a larger group, such as a Homeowners Association, they may be allowed 10 minutes. The applicant is then allowed 10 additional minutes to respond to the public's comments. No additional public testimony is taken once the public hearing is closed. A. Public Hearing for Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020- 0022) by Baron Black Cat, LLC, Located in the northeast corner of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. (SH 20/26) - Continued to July 9, 2020 1. Request: Rezone of a total of 21 .59 acres of land for the purpose of reducing the C-C zone from approximately 7 acres to 0.74 acres and increase the R-15 zone from approximately 15.1 acres to 20.85 acres; and, 2. Request: A Short Plat consisting of 2 building lots and 2 common lots on 21 .59 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts; and, 3. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi-family development consisting of 195 residential units on 20.13 acres in the R-15 zone; and, 4. Request: A Modification to the Existing Development Agreements (Inst. #'s: 106151218; 107025555; 110059432; and 114054272) for the purpose of removing the subject property from the boundaries and terms of previous agreements and enter into a new one, consistent with the proposed development plan. B. Public Hearing for COMPASS Charter School East Expansion (H-2020-0042) by Bouma USA, Located 4540 W. Franklin Rd. - Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for June 16, 2020 1 . Request: Annexation of 5.15 acres of land from RUT in Ada County to the R-15 zoning district to develop the property with additional parking and recreational fields for an existing Education Institution; and, 2. Request: A Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. # 2018-079763) to incorporate the subject property and revise the concept plan based on the proposed expansion of the Education Institution. C. Public Hearing Continued from April 23, 2020 for Idaho Central Credit Union (H-2020-0010) by Idaho Central Credit Union, Located at 3152 W. Peak Cloud Ln. - Approved 1 . Request: Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through establishment within 300 feet of another drive-through facility on 2.03 acres of land in the C-G zoning district. D. Public Hearing for Tanner Creek Subdivision (H-2020-0024) by Schultz Development, Located at 675 W. Waltman Ln. - Recommended Approval to City Council, Hearing Scheduled for June 23, 2020 1 . Request: Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. #108131100), which allows commercial/office/hotel uses, for the purpose of replacing the agreement with a new agreement allowing a mix of single- family and multi-family residential uses to develop on the site; 2. Request: A Rezone of a total of 38.47 acres of land from the C-G to the R-8 (10.13 acres), R-15 (12.20 acres) and R-40 (16.14 acres) zoning districts; 3. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 142 buildable lots and 18 common lots on 37.87 acres of land in the R-8, R- 15 and R-40 zoning districts; and, 4. Request: A Conditional use permit for a multi-family development consisting of 272 residential units on 16.14 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district. Meeting Adjourned at 9:18 p.m. Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting May 21, 2020. Meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Commission of May 21, 2020, was called to order at 6:01 p.m. by Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald. Members Present: Chairman Ryan Fitzgerald, Commissioner Lisa Holland, Commissioner Bill Cassinelli, Commissioner Andrew Seal, Commissioner Rhonda McCarvel, Commissioner Nick Grove and Commissioner Patricia Pitzer. Others Present: Chris Johnson, Adrienne Weatherly, Andrea Pogue, Bill Parsons, Sonya Allen and Joe Dodson. Item 1: Join the Meeting at https://us02web. zoom.us/j/89255661709 or by Calling 253-215-8782, Webinar ID 8925 5661 709 Item 2: Roll-call Attendance X Lisa Holland X Rhonda McCarvel X Andrew Seal X Nick Grove X Patricia Pitzer X Bill Cassinelli X Ryan Fitzgerald - Chairman Fitzgerald: So, at this time I would like to call to order of the regularly scheduled meeting of the Meridian Planning and Zoning Meeting for the date of May 21 st and let's start with roll call. Item 3: Adoption of Agenda Fitzgerald: Thank you, ma'am. So, moving on to the --the first item on our agenda, which is the adoption of the agenda. We do have one change for tonight's agenda. Public hearing for Modern Craftsman, File No. H-2020-0022 has requested a continuance. As we get into that we will talk about it, but we have a quorum challenge for the day of June -- or July 2nd and so as we are starting to roll through the agenda I think the hope is that our Commission Members can discuss the opportunity to have a meeting on the 9th versus the 2nd to keep our backlog of significant amount of applications we have got in front of us. I think we are racking up four to five and I have heard a six meeting coming in July that everybody needs to get a cot for to get us through it, but if it's okay I think we have a quorum challenge on the 2nd, so we would -- if it works for the Commission we would like to move that meeting to the 9th. It would shift from our regular meeting to a special meeting, but we would have two meetings in -- in July. So, just think about that as we are starting this process. But with that change can I get a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 5 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 2 of 62 Seal: So moved. Pitzer: Second. Cassinelli: Second. Fitzgerald: Motion and a second to adopt agenda as amended. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Item 4: Consent Agenda [Action Item] A. Approve Minutes of May 7, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Fitzgerald: The next item on the agenda is the Consent Agenda, which is -- the only item on there is the approval of the minutes of the May 7th, 2020, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. Can I get a motion to accept the Consent Agenda? Seal: So moved. Cassinelli: Second. Simison: I have a motion and a second to accept the Consent Agenda presented -- as presented. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Perfect. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: So, as we move in I think welcome to all those that are joining us virtually. We appreciate it during this COVID response the city's doing an exceptional job of providing us a platform where we can all continue to receive public comment and get the city involved in our development applications that we are bringing through Planning and Zoning Commission. So, on your screen you will see the Commissioners who are present for this evening's meeting, which we are all here. Also on the call our staff attorneys, the City Clerk's Office, and our Planning and Zoning staff-- or our Planning Department staff. Everyone else is online for the Zoom call -- attendees are able to observe the meeting and we can see that you are there. However, your ability to talk and be seen will be muted until we are ready to call on you. During the public testimony portion of the meeting you will be unmuted and be able to comment. If you have previously sent a presentation for the meeting our clerk's office will run the presentation for you or if you have already worked with them they can hand over the capability to run the presentation yourself. The clerk will bring your slides up for your presentation and, then, kind of walk you through how to -- how to run that. If you simply want to watch the meeting we encourage you to watch that through the streaming live YouTube channel that the city has set up. You can access that at meridiancity.org forward slash live. When public testimony is open for each Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 6 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 3 of 62 application the clerk will call the names of those who have signed up to testify on our website. You will be unmuted and brought into the meeting, so that we can see you. Hopefully if you have Zoom capability you can turn your camera on if you would like to do that or you can just talk via the audio function. Please state your name and your address for the record and you will have three minutes to provide your testimony to the Commission. After that time we will -- we may ask you questions for clarification and, then, once done you will be muted and no longer have the ability to speak. Once all of those who have signed up in advance are called on I will open it up to see if there is anybody else who wishes to testify on an application. If you wish to speak on the topic you may press the raise the hand button in the Zoom app or if you have only been listening through a cell phone or a Iandline you can press star nine and let Chris know that you would like to speak. If you are listening on multiple devices, a computer and a phone, please, be sure to mute one of the devices so you don't have an echo and, then, we can make sure we can effectively hear you. Please note that we cannot take questions until the public testimony portion. In addition, if you have already been given your three minutes, unless we specific -- have a specific need that -- that will be your time to speak. So, make sure you get your comments into that portion of the discussion. If you do have a process question during the meeting you can e-mail Chris or Adrienne, our city clerks, at cityclerk@meridiancity.org and they can hopefully help with your -- making sure you are heard during the meeting or if you can deal with any process questions. So, hopefully, that's clear and we can move on with the next item on the agenda. Item 5: Action Items A. Public Hearing for Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020- 0022) by Baron Black Cat, LLC, Located in the northeast corner of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. (SH 20/26) 1. Request: Rezone of a total of 21.59 acres of land for the purpose of reducing the C-C zone from approximately 7 acres to 0.74 acres and increase the R-15 zone from approximately 15.1 acres to 20.85 acres; and, 2. Request: A Short Plat consisting of 2 building lots and 2 common lots on 21.59 acres of land in the C-C and R-15 zoning districts; and, 3. Request: A Conditional Use Permit for a multi- family development consisting of 195 residential units on 20.13 acres in the R-15 zone; and, 4. Request: A Modification to the Existing Development Agreements Inst. #'s: 106151218; 107025555; 110059432-1 and 114054272) for the purpose of removing the subject property from the boundaries and terms of previous Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 7 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 4 of 62 agreements and enter into a new one, consistent with the proposed development plan. Fitzgerald: So, why don't I open up the public hearing for Modern Craftsman in order to continue it. That's H-2020-0022. Hopefully everybody had a chance to check your calendars to see if you wouldn't be able to be a part of a meeting on the 9th of July. If that's the case, does anybody have concerns with us shifting our July 2nd meeting and holding a July 9th meeting and, then, putting this application on that day. Holland: It works for Commissioner Holland. Seal: Same for Commissioner Seal. Pitzer: Ditto for Commissioner Pitzer. McCarvel: Yes for Commissioner McCarvel. Cassinelli: Commissioner Cassinelli has a conflict. Grove: Works for Commissioner Grove. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli, are you okay with us moving forward with a 9th meeting and moving it there? Cassinelli: I am. Fitzgerald: Okay. So, with that being the case, can I get a motion to continue the public hearing for Modern Craftsman, H-2020-0022, to a special Planning and Zoning meeting on July 9th. Seal: So moved. McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to continue the public hearing for Modern Craftsman, H-2020-0022, to the date of July 9th. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. Perfect. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. B. Public Hearing for COMPASS Charter School East Expansion H-2020-0042) by Bouma USA, Located 4540 W. Franklin Rd. 1. Request: Annexation of 5.15 acres of land from RUT in Ada County to the R-15 zoning district to develop the property with additional parking and recreational fields for an existing Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 8 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 5 of 62 Education Institution; and, 2. Request: A Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. # 2018-079763) to incorporate the subject property and revise the concept plan based on the proposed expansion of the Education Institution. Fitzgerald: Thank you all very much and appreciate all the work we are doing. I know that we are busy and we have some special meetings coming up and a lot of applications to get through, so I appreciate all your efforts. Moving on to the second item on our agenda is a public hearing for COMPASS Charter School East Expansion, H-2020-0042, and before we get started, Mr. Cassinelli, I know you had a -- you had a comment on this application before we turn to the staff report. Cassinelli: I did. Thank you. I -- I actually serve on the board at COMPASS Charter, so I'm going to go ahead and recuse myself on this. I think -- I think I could be impartial, but I think just to --just for the optics I'm going to go ahead and recuse. So, I will mute myself and turn off my video and, then, I will -- I will be back for -- for the following item. Fitzgerald: We appreciate your letting us know and -- and I commend your actions. I think that's great and we appreciate it. So, I will move on to -- Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yes, Commissioner Seal, go right ahead. Seal: Just for full disclosure, I have a child that goes to COMPASS Charter, but I think I can be completely impartial about this. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you for the disclosure. Any concerns or comments about Mr. Seal having a child at that school? Holland: No concern from Commissioner Holland. Fitzgerald: And I have no concerns either. I appreciate your disclosure. Thank you. Moving on to from there, Joe, I will turn it over to the staff report for the COMPASS Charter School and go from there. Dodson: All right. Thank you. Good evening, Commission. Appreciate you being here tonight. Always fun to present these new projects to you guys. So, this is Item No. 5-B, COMPASS Charter School East Expansion. The site consists of 5.15 acres of land currently zoned RUT. It's located specifically at 4540 West Franklin Road, which is near the intersection of Black Cat and Franklin. The applicant is requesting annexation with the zoning designation of R-15. The proposed use is an educational institution because it will be an extension of the COMPASS Charter School directly to the west of the subject cite. Next slide, Chris. An education institution is a principally permitted use in the R-15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 9 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 6 of 62 zoning district. A parking lot for additional parking and a sports field for the students are the only development proposed with this annexation. So, there is no plat, just to be clear. The parking lot, an additional 88 spaces, is a requirement of the recently approved classroom expansion at the existing school site. A condition of approval in that approved CZC and design review hinges on this annexation and the future parking lot. I did specifically add some conditions in there in case this were not to pass as well. Currently the existing development agreement shows additional parking and conceptual sports field on the parcel directly to the north of this site and across West Aviator. You can kind of see it on this image where that current temporary turnaround is, that's the southwest corner of the larger site that the original DA and concept plan shows the track and field and additional parking. Since the original annexation and development of the COMPASS Charter School, the applicant's desired location for this additional parking and sports field has changed. Citing potential safety issues for children and staff crossing West Aviator and the cost of installing a signal from that northern parcel to the main school site, the applicant has decided to move these development items to this subject site just directly adjacent to the existing buildings. Because this concept plan is not in line with the approved plan within the existing DA modification, a development agreement is required. Staff believes that this new concept plan will offer better integration of the sports field into the existing school site and help eliminate the need of children to cross the street from the parking area to get to school after parent pick up and drop off. The proposed use of education institution requires a 25 foot land use buffer adjacent to residential uses. The submitted landscape plan shows compliance with this requirement along the eastern boundary, except for the area directly abutting the proposed parking lot. Next slide, Chris. In order to fit the required number of spaces in this area, the dimensions of the parking area push into that 25 foot buffer. Because of this the applicant is requesting a modification to the buffer by City Council only for this area abutting the parking lot. The rest of the parcel will meet the required landscape buffer. Staff supports this request as the submitted landscape plan fills a landscape buffer of at least 15 feet with landscaping and staff would also like to note that if this were to be labeled as only a parking lot, instead of an education institution, UDC standards would only require a five foot landscape buffer. The applicant's landscape plan shows extensive landscaping and a six foot vinyl privacy fence along the entire eastern boundary, including that area along the parking lot. Staff finds the proposed landscaping to be greater than or equal to the required 25 foot buffer. The neighbors to the east have also shown support of the proposed landscape buffer along their shared -- shared property line. We did have -- that neighbor directly to the east did write in as you probably saw and her concerns were -- well, first, her name is Linda Bowery. Her concerns were regarding the concept plan which was on the previous slide showing the southern parcel and the potential cross-access. I have spoken with her and to be clear with the Commission that this is merely a concept plan and how that southern piece were to develop in the future is not up for debate tonight, it is just required to be part of the amendment to the DA to show some type of concept. I did speak with Mrs. Bowery and calmed some of her fears regarding the cross-access and things like that. One other point of note is the applicant did respond to my staff report and they would like to change one of the conditions regarding the Franklin Road access and this concept plan, basically. Their request -- or are requesting that I modify that condition and it is up to Commission and Council whether they -- whether you choose to make that change. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 10 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 7 of 62 Staff recommends approval of this applicant's request for annexation and zoning and a modification to their existing development agreement with the conditions of approval in the staff report. Thank you and I will stand for questions. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Joe. Are there questions for the staff? Holland: Mr. Chair, this is Commissioner Holland. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland, go right ahead. Holland: One quick question. So, I know the reason that they probably selected an R-15 zoning is to be consistent with the future use map, but if this specific project doesn't go through does that open us up that we can see an R-15 development come in there at some point in the future or is there something in the DA that would prohibit that, that they would have to come back before the Commission and Council? Dodson: Commissioner Holland, Commission, if this -- if this were annexed in and zoned R-15, then, that would stay, yes, R-15 zoning. What use is proposed on that would -- or if any future subdivision were to occur that would still have to come through and come back and that includes for -- if the applicant wants to break off that southern parcel they will -- that will also have to be done through a future land use application and would also require modification to the development agreement. Holland: Thank you. Appreciate it. Dodson: Uh-huh. Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, go right ahead, sir. Seal: A question on the access to Franklin. Is that -- the access to Franklin is only on the parcel that is being considered as -- as part of this; correct? It's not their existing access to Franklin that's in debate? Dodson: Commissioner Seal, Commission, the -- yes and no. The -- there are currently at least one access to Franklin on this parcel for the residents that is currently there, that's a standard condition, because they have a lesser classified road for access, which would be West Aviator, is too close to the access to Franklin Road and that's in line with Comprehensive Plan policies and ACHD policy. So, that's -- the condition in my staff report is to close that access, but if in the future they want to subdivide this parcel and sell off that bottom piece as shown on the concept plan, then, that would have to go through a new modification of development agreement and probably some type of plat in order to do that and, then, we would re-evaluate that access at that point. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 11 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 8 of 62 Fitzgerald: Additional questions for Joe? Okay. Thanks, Joe. We appreciate it. Would the applicant -- Chris, can we get the applicant into our platform. Johnson: I do have Mr. Bierlein in. I'm not aware if anyone else is with him. Happy to bring anybody in. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Mr. Bierlein, I think you are muted currently, but if you could unmute yourself we would love to hear from you, sir. I can hear you now, sir. Bierlein: Well, thank you very much for hearing us tonight. Do you guys have any questions for me right now? Fitzgerald: No. If you could state your name and your address for the record and, then, we can -- and whatever additional comments. You have got 15 minutes to give us your presentation -- or ten minutes. I'm sorry. Fifteen to -- to make your presentation. Or you can agree with the staff report, whatever you would like to do. The floor is yours. Oh, think you are muted again, Mr. Bierlein. Chris, can you unmute him? Johnson: It does not respond when I try to unmute him. Fitzgerald: Oh, Mr. Bierlein, I think you are back. Bierlein: Yeah. How is that? Fitzgerald: That's better. Sorry about that. Paul Bierlein. Bouma USA in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I think Joe did a -- Mr. Dotson did a very good job in relaying what we would like to do with the site. Regarding item number four, I would like to talk about that a little bit. In reading the city agency comment number four, our team has concerns that they may not have the opportunity to -- or may not have the opportunity to potentially develop the south parcel in the future and that's as shown on the concept plan on page eight of the staff report. As of now the intent is for the school to split off that south one acre of that parcel and rezone it to commercial and sell it to a developer and the sale will generate much needed revenue to construct this parking lot expansion, as budget constraints are a big concern. Reading the comment it might be misunderstood that access to Franklin may never be allowed, thus prohibiting the potential sale of a one acre commercial lot. I -- we believe the intent of this comment is that the drive is to be closed so that the school does not use it to access the five acres. Since that is not the intent of the school, we have no problem closing the driveway. Again, the concern is the wording of the comment and the -- and the potential misinterpretation that access to Franklin will never be allowed, thus rendering the south part of the parcel as undevelopable. We understand that if the one acre lot sells and develops it will be subject to its own development agreement and that agreement may outline the access requirements for that particular development. Depending on timing, that development may need temporary access to Franklin if the alternative master plan shared access is not in place as depicted on the concept on page eight. So, that all being said, we are suggesting the following wording for comment number four. The applicant shall close the existing driveway connection to West Franklin Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 12 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 9 of 62 Road as part of the parking lot, play field development to prohibit this driveway from being used to access either the play field or the parking lot. Closing of this driveway shall not affect the potential development of the south portion of the parcel. Any potential future development will be subject to local code and zoning requirements and will have its own development agreement. So, thank you. That's all I have to say. Regarding number -- item number four and I will close with that. Fitzgerald: Thank you, Mr. Bierlein. Are there any questions for the applicant? Mr. Bierlein, so I understand the concern about the permanent closure and the ability to resell that or if you are going to do a one time split or a subdivision of that parcel later and I guess is the concern because this is a development agreement that overlays the whole thing and it could impact that, even though it does have to come back before us for further development? Bierlein: -- if that's closed off and curbed up it will -- we are questioning whether -- the ability for us to sell the -- the site in the future and we are just recommending that the driveway be closed, but the future of how that's developed, whether a new driveway needs to be put in or -- or it's accessed some other way, that that's determined in the future. Whatever we put in there now could likely need to be taken out, you know, when the property is developed. Fitzgerald: Do you have a plan for how you guys would block it off or close it off? Bierlein: We could put a -- some sort of barricade across there, whether, you know, that's a concrete barricade or a -- or a wood barricade or -- it could be a number of things, like some signage there. Fitzgerald: Okay. And, Joe, do you have any comment in regards to the language that Mr. Bierlein has provided? Dodson: Commissioner Fitzgerald, Commission, I -- I do not. Honestly, I would kind of lean a little bit on Legal onto how much I can and can't say with that kind of condition, but with the language it sounds fine to me. I -- it is implied in our processes, but to have it specifically stated I understand the applicant's request for that and --just to make it clear. Fitzgerald: And, Joe, if we are going to close it off what would the city requirements or what would you like to see if we are going to close it off for temporary? Is there something we can put in -- into the -- into a motion? Dodson: Commissioner Fitzgerald, Commission, I would recommend some type of bollard as if-- same as we use with emergency accesses for the Fire Department. Things that can be removed and, then, if they need to be permanently removed they can -- they can easily be fixed that way, too. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 13 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 10 of 62 Pogue: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Pogue: I would recommend maybe the -- the applicant can be directed to work with the staff to make sure that what they put up complies with code. Fitzgerald: That makes sense. Thanks, Andrea. Parsons: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Bill, go right ahead. Parsons: Yeah. If the applicant is looking for flexibility I think we can certainly do that. My recommended -- I'm looking at the staff report and that provision number four is -- I like the idea of -- obviously, they are going to have to do some landscaping across that frontage, because it's an arterial roadway and they are not subdivided at this time. So, we are --we only recognize this as a single parcel. So, that improvement is going to have to happen with the ball field. So, even if they keep the curb cut there is still going to be a buffer across that frontage to prevent vehicle access, but if the applicant needs flexibility we can simply say that they will close out existing driveway with landscaping as depicted on the concept plan with the expansion of the parking lot and the ball fields and that future access from Franklin Road will be reviewed and approved with the future subdivision in accordance with UDC 11-3A-3. That allows the -- that particular section of code allows them -- allows Council to grant a waiver to -- for access to the arterial roadway. So, think Mr. Bierlein's testimony said he wanted some language in there to comply with local codes. Well, that's the local code is that you comply with UDC 11-3A-3 and at the time that they come back and do a Comprehensive Plan map amendment, a rezone of that property and subdivide that property, with the hopes -- or with the intention of going commercial, we can look at this development agreement again -- as Joe stated they are going to have to modify this agreement and, then, access will be on the table again in accordance with UDC 11-3A-3. Fitzgerald: Okay. Well, thanks, Bill. Mr. Bierlein, do you have any follow up to that? Can you kind of understand where we are headed? Bierlein: Yeah. Two things. That sounds great to us and we really appreciate the -- the willingness to work with us on that. So, that sounds fine and we have full confidence we can work with Mr. Dodson and Mr. Parsons to figure out exactly what we need to do there. I have one other comment that's not related to number four, if -- if we are ready to move past that. Fitzgerald: Absolutely. Go right ahead, sir. Seal: Mr. Chair, actually, I --just in looking at the ACHD report they actually say it shows that there is two driveways that are accessing from that piece of property. So, just want Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 14 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 11 of 62 to make sure that -- there is two driveways that are on the ACHD report, so I just want to make sure that we are -- all of that is consolidated in the staff report or considered. Fitzgerald: Appreciate that. Thank you. Mr. Bierlein, go right ahead, sir. Bierlein: Thank you. Know that our drawing currently shows on the north side of the developing that we would develop both sides of Aviator. The school currently owns the property that we are talking about here today and, then, the ten acre piece that's on the north side of Aviator. So, the requirement makes sense. I just want it to be known that the school is intending to sell off a ten acre piece of property north of Aviator and they are planning to do that as soon as possible. The sale of that will help to fund this parking project. So, at some point, you know, if the school is under a development agreement to develop both sides of Aviator, it's likely that that north side of Aviator will be owned by somebody else prior to the school getting toward -- to construct that work on the north side. It would be the preference of the school to only have to develop the south side, but at this point we --we do understand why the requirement is for both sides to be developed because it is their property. Fitzgerald: And I don't want to speak for staff and other Commissioners, but I think in -- in -- hopefully in your negotiations with whoever you are selling it to that's part of your negotiations and I, obviously, don't want to tell you guys how to do your business, but, hopefully, you can work that into your discussions with whoever you are going to purchase it with -- or wherever you are selling it to. Bierlein: Understood. Dodson: Commissioner Fitzgerald? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead. Dodson: Thank you. Commission, just to be clear, if you guys were to change or request me to change that condition, proper language would likely be half plus 12, as is the standard for that, just to --just to be clear on that. Fitzgerald: Joe, do you have an opinion on that? Dodson: Commissioner Fitzgerald, Commission, not specifically. I do understand where the applicant is coming from and like he said he understands where I came from in my staff report. Now, they currently do own it. It is in line with what ACHD's staff report states, but when it comes to funding I get it, if they can have a developer pay for it, you know, that would be ideal, you know, but there is also no guarantee that that will get sold off, but it's just a little bit tricky to do that, you know, and it's -- it's going to be the street, but also the -- you know, the sidewalk as well. So, all of that needs to be taken into account. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Joe. Mr. Bierlein, did you have any additional comments for us? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 15 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 12 of 62 Bierlein: No. I think Joe said it well. It's kind of a -- we understand that it's something we have to do. I just wanted to throw it out there, so that there was understanding on what likely will happen and, you're right, I mean we will probably have to -- most likely have to work that out with the developer, but that might be a good thing for the city to understand. Fitzgerald: No. We really appreciate it and I hope you understand we are --we only have one shot at usually making these kinds of-- like outlining what we want everything to look like when it's all said and done and so hopefully we can find a balance there. Bierlein: Appreciate it. The budget is always a concern for us all, so I understand. That's kind of where we are coming from. Fitzgerald: Okay. Appreciate it. Are there any other questions for the applicant or for staff? Okay. Mr. Bierlein, we appreciate it. We will -- if there is anyone in the public that would like to testify we will let you close, so we appreciate it. We will be back to you in a second. Madam Clerk, do we have anyone who is signed up to testify on this application? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, no one is signed in for this project. Fitzgerald: Okay. If anyone online would like to testify, please, raise your hand or do star nine on the phone and let our clerk know that you would like to testify. We will pause here and so we can make sure everybody is squared away. Going once. Going twice. Hearing none, Mr. Bierlein, did you want to -- did you want to say anything else? I will give you one more chance. Bierlein: No, I'm all set. Thank you very much. Appreciate everyone's time tonight. Fitzgerald: We appreciate you being here and thank you for being a part of that process. We appreciate it. With that can I get a motion to close the public hearing on file number H-2020-0042. Holland: So moved by Commissioner Holland. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on H-2020-0042. All those in favor say aye. Opposed same. Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Commission, this is before you -- or properly before you. Any comments? Anybody want to start off? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 16 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 13 of 62 Pitzer: Yes. I'm in favor of this. I think that for safety reasons I think this is a wise decision to not have the children cross that street, so I'm -- I'm totally in favor of this and -- and to have the amendment to close the West Franklin exit under the UDC 11-3A-3. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Commissioner Pitzer. Additional comments? Seal: Mr. Chair, quick -- quick question on that ten acre parcel that's on the north side of the property -- property. What is that currently zoned? Fitzgerald: Joe, can you comment? I don't have my map in front of me. Dodson: Commissioner Seal, Commission, yes, it is currently zoned to M-E and I guess before we skip over a bunch of stuff, just a quick history on that. Originally when the -- that was their line of annexation was that northern parcel, that ten acre parcel and, then, they did the southern one and in order to get an education institution on there they -- they actually did a comp plan map amendment to do the M-E zoning, rather than the medium density residential future land use, which would have probably been R-8 or R-15. They chose to do a comp plan map amendment and, then, change it to M-E. With this application we had directed them that, you know, as long -- because you are not doing anything more than a parking lot and ball fields, that you should just -- rather than try to do another comp plan map amendment, just try to come in under the medium density residential and zone it residential and, then, do the improvements. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Dodson: You're welcome. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, did you have any comments on that -- on the applicant going forward or just questions? Seal: I -- I echo Commissioner Pitzer that to me this seems like a smart move to move that field over closer to the -- to the school and in direct access. Other than that the -- closing off the driveway there to Franklin is -- I can kind of go -- I can understand both sides of it, so I'm just hoping we are not opening ourselves up to something in the future that might get a little sticky on that as far as what we are going to see coming in front of Planning and Zoning and going to -- onto the City Council. So, I'm a little hesitant about it, but I completely understand why it is they want to do that, so -- and I can kind of go either way on that. The rest of it looks good. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Commissioner Grove, Commissioner -- do you have any thoughts? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, sir. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 17 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 14 of 62 Grove: I don't have any concerns with this project. It looks good to me and looks like a good use of what they had to work with. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I would be in supportive of this as well. Fitzgerald: And I'm -- I'm in agreement with all the comments that are made. I understand the -- making sure that when they are going to sell something -- especially with a budget of a charter school, they have to make sure they can resell things to get the project put in places and where they want it. I know they are selling off that lower portion, but making sure access is available when an application comes back in and they try to sell it and it's pretty important. So, giving them the ability to work with staff to find an amenable way to temporarily close that and -- or at least make sure that the language reads that they can -- it's closed until they go to sell that parcel or to redevelop it, I'm okay with that. It gives us the ability to get another bite at the apple when it comes back through, but it doesn't -- but it closes it off for right now, so there is not access. So, it's a balance point. So, I'm okay with that if that's the direction the Commission wants to go. Holland: Mr. Chair, this is Commissioner Holland. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, Lisa. Holland: I think I agree with what everybody else said, too, and I wrote down some rendition of what all the comments were related to what needs to change in the staff report, so at this point I think everybody's gotten a chance to talk. I would be happy to take a stab at a motion if you would like. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, ma'am. Holland: After considering staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to City Council of File No. H-2020-0042 as presented in the staff report for the hearing of May 21st, 2020, with the modification of item number four in the staff report, that the applicant would close off the access to the driveway on Franklin Road with landscaping as depicted on the concept plan for purposes related to the sports field use at the school and that the southern parcel's access to Franklin could be reevaluated at a future date for potential commercial development and that the applicant would work with staff to refine the specific language in the staff report for item number four to be coherent with city code prior to the City Council meeting. Seal: Second. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 18 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 15 of 62 Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to recommend approval of file number H-2020- 0042, COMPASS Charter School. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. C. Public Hearing Continued from April 23, 2020 for Idaho Central Credit Union (H-2020-0010) by Idaho Central Credit Union, Located at 3152 W. Peak Cloud Ln. 1. Request: Conditional Use Permit for a drive-through establishment within 300 feet of another drive-through facility on 2.03 acres of land in the C-G zoning district. Fitzgerald: Thank you all very much. Appreciate it. And, Mr. Bierlein and the COMPASS crew, I hope everything goes well. We wish you luck and we appreciate you guys being here. Moving on to the next application on the docket is H-2020-0010, Idaho Central Credit Union, at 3152 West Peak Cloud Lane and before we go to the staff report I want to -- while we are disclosing things this week, I just want to -- full disclosure, I am -- work for the Northwest Credit Union Association and ICCU is one of my members. I don't have any--there is no financial repercussions on this either way, but I'm just a trade association representative for them, but I just want to make sure for full disclosure I think I can be impartial on this application, but I wanted to put that out in front of the Commission for any comments or concerns. Seal: No concerns here. McCarvel: Yeah. No concern. Holland: No concern. Pitzer: No concern. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, my only concerns is that flag behind you. Fitzgerald: I love my flag, but thank you. Cassinelli: Otherwise no concerns. Fitzgerald: Welcome back, Commissioner Cassinelli. Thank you for your comment. I got that flag from one of my coworkers who thought my background was too weak and he is a fellow Coug, so -- but appreciate the comments. With that let's start with the staff report on the ICCU at Ten Mile and Franklin, I believe. Allen: Thank you, Chairman. Good evening, Commissioners. The next application before you is a request for a conditional use permit. This site consists of two acres of Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 19 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 16 of 62 land. It's zoned C-G and is located at 3152 West Peak Cloud Lane at the southeast corner of West Franklin Road and South Ten Mile Road. To the north and west is vacant undeveloped land, zoned RUT. To the east is commercial property in the development process zoned C-G and to the south is a multi-tenant building with a drive-thru zoned C-G. A modification to the existing development agreement was approved on Tuesday night by City Council for the proposed site layout and amended concept plan for the development agreement. The Comprehensive Plan future land use map designation is mixed use community. A conditional use permit is requested for a drive-thru establishment for a financial institution, Idaho Credit -- Central Credit Union within 300 feet of another drive-thru facility, Happy Teriyaki to the south, as required by the UDC. The proposed site design is consistent with the specific use standards listed in the UDC for drive-thru establishments and with the standards listed in the UDC for self service uses, i.e., ATMs as noted in the staff report. Access is proposed via a private drive aisle from South Ten Mile Road that runs along the southern boundary of this site and no access is proposed directly to Ten Mile or Franklin Roads. The existing drive-thru to the south and the proposed drive-thru are separated by an east-west driveway from Ten Mile Road. Therefore, no traffic conflicts exist between the two sites. Additionally, the property to the east is separated from the subject property by the Ten Mile Creek, which is partially piped in this area. Street buffer landscaping was installed with development of the subdivision along Ten Mile and Franklin Roads. Parking lot landscaping will be provided with development of the site in accord with UDC standards. Conceptual building elevations and perspective renderings were submitted as shown consistent with those approved by Council with the recent amendment to the development agreement. Final design is required to comply with the design standards listed in the architectural standards manual and the design guidelines in the Ten Mile interchange specific area plan. Next slide, please. Thank you. Written testimony was received from Mark Heazle, the applicant's representative, and in agreement with the staff report. Staff is recommending approval. Staff will stand for any questions. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Sonya. Any questions for staff? Hearing none -- Holland: Actually, Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yeah. Go ahead, Commissioner Holland. Holland: Sonya, one question to you is the placement of the drive aisle, are they going to have some sort of crosswalk in front of where the cars are going through the driveway? Because it looks like most of the parking is further away from the building. People are going to have to be walking in front of where the drive -- driveway is. Allen: Chairman. Commissioner Holland. Clerk, could you go back to the previous slide, please. Previous. Sorry. So, you can see the buffers there. Through the buffers there is walkways to the main building entrance from Franklin and Ten Mile and, then, further to the east in the parking area, the darker shaded areas are also sidewalks. So, they are delineated. Staff doesn't feel it's an issue. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 20 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 17 of 62 Holland: Thanks, Sonya. Yeah. That helps seeing it. The pathway goes to the east and, then, north, instead of just north in front of the driveway. I appreciate that. Allen: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Any additional questions? Okay. Mr. Clerk, do we have our applicant? Is that Mr. Heazle? Heazle: I'm on the line. Yes. Yes, sir. Fitzgerald: Hi, sir. Heazle: Good evening. Fitzgerald: Thanks for being with us tonight. We appreciate your time and, please, state your name and your address for the record and the floor is yours. Heazle: Absolutely. Thank you. My name is Mark Heazle with Lombard Conrad Architects. Address is 1221 Shoreline Avenue, Boise. 83702. 1 have no -- no issues with the statement that -- that Sonya has made. She is accurate with her description of the project and I appreciate her assistance on this. The --the -- the items as described in the staff report we do not take issue with. We have submitted prior site plans that showed this drive-thru lane or drive-thru lanes for this financial institution on the north side of the property, but that was not consistent with the future development plans for this Ten Mile area, so we did relocate the drive-thru and emergency exit lanes to the south side and also increased the height of the building to be more consistent with the future development plans for Ten Mile. What that -- with the drive-thru lanes on the north side that would, indeed, get the -- get the drive-thru lanes and pedestrian access from -- from parked cars on the south side. It would make a larger separation putting the building in between the two, but -- but in order to meet the frontage requirements for Ten Mile and Franklin we had to relocate that -- those drive aisle lanes to the south side of the facility. We have provided that sidewalk that goes to the east and crosses over in the -- in the effort and attempts to make sure that we are -- we are keeping pedestrians and keeping people exiting their vehicles from walking directly in front of the -- the drive-thru area. But as far as the staff-- staff report is concerned we do not have any -- any concerns with the report. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir, very much. We appreciate it. Are there any questions for the applicant? Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: Just a question -- or just a comment. I appreciate you explaining that originally it was on the north side, because that was one of my questions and I think he must have Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 21 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 18 of 62 been intuitive in guessing that we might have been asking why it wasn't on the north side instead of the south side for the drive aisle, but that makes sense and I -- it looks like a nicely laid out concept plan and the -- the landscaping looks really nice on it, too. So, thanks for going to the extra work to show us some visuals. Heazle: Yeah. Our pleasure. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Mr. Heazle, you went in front of City Council with some adjustments to the development agreement just last week; correct? Heazle: Correct. Fitzgerald: Okay. Heazle: We had a -- we had a -- our hearing on Tuesday and per I believe Article One of Section Six we were -- as long as we had Council approval that was the only condition in the staff report that was -- was up in the air or needed to be decided on prior to getting full approval -- receiving full approval in the staff report. So, I believe that based upon our -- based upon being approved on Tuesday evening's hearing that we have met all the conditions in the staff report -- is in full agreement with the development of this -- of this financial institution on this site. Fitzgerald: Appreciate that. Thank you. Any additional questions for the applicant? Seeing none, Mr. Heazle, we will -- if there is public comment we will come back to you and let you close, but we will touch base with the clerk and see if there is any public testimony that we need to take first and, then, we will come back to you. Adrienne, is there anyone who would like to testify on this application? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, we had one person sign in, but did not indicate a wish to testify. Fitzgerald: Okay. Again, if there is anyone who would like to testify on this application, please, raise your hand on the Zoom application -- or on the Zoom app or hit star nine and let the clerk know that you would like to testify and we will get you squared away. That pregnant pause waiting for everybody in the Zoom meeting. Seem to be doing that a lot lately. So, hearing there is no public testimony, Mr. Heazle, do you want to have any other additional comments? Heazle: I would -- my only additional comment would be in regards to the easements on the east side. Just --just so that you are more familiar with this site. We are somewhat locked in with the building and infrastructure placement for things like columns for hardscaping for the building itself due to the irrigation district easement on the east side. It's highlighted on the site plan with the -- the dashed line. So, the location of this building being consistent with the Ten Mile development plan is also somewhat landlocked into its current location on the west side of this -- these -- these properties that we are consolidating. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 22 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 19 of 62 Fitzgerald: Appreciate that. Heazle: That would be my only additional comment. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thank you. Before we close the public hearing, any additional questions from the Commissioners? Okay. Hearing none -- well, thank you, sir. We appreciate it. We will deliberate and go from there. So, with that can I get a motion to close the public hearing on H-2020-0010. Seal: So moved. McCarvel: So moved. Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing. All those in favor say aye. Okay. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Team, this is a conditional use permit, so it's -- we are the approving body. Are there any comments? Anybody want to kick it off? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: I will start off. I will just throw in some extra fluff here. I love the design. think it fits in well with the -- with the whole -- that whole Ten Mile development. I don't have a problem with it. I know there is -- we have -- we have looked at situations around town before where we have multiple -- multiple drive-thru windows that are close to one another and that's what we are looking at here and they don't ever seem to be an issue. Not only that, banks -- it looks like there is about four lanes there. I have never seen, you know, more about three or four cars at a -- at a bank at any one time around town. It's -- as long as we get to open the lobbies one of these days, but -- so, I don't see it as a problem. So, I'm -- I'm good with it. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I agree. I think it's a nicely laid out project and fits in well with the surroundings and I would be in support of it. Fitzgerald: Thanks, ma'am. Holland: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Holland. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 23 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 20 of 62 Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I would agree with the other comments. I think it's a nice looking building. It will be a nice addition to the city. My only challenge when I first looked at it was where the parking was related to the drive-thru, because people have to walk a little bit further to get to the front of the building, but I appreciate the applicant's response on why they flipped it from the north to the south. So, it makes sense. Fitzgerald: Very good. Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove. Grover: Just to echo everything, I think the applicant, like I think Commissioner Holland said, explained the parking setup well and I think this will set that corner for the development area quite nicely. Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: Same as everybody else. I just -- I do like the way that it fits into -- essentially, like the applicant said, it's somewhat landlocked with Ten Mile Creek over there and the easements that are on it, so I think the way that it fits into the piece of property is actually aesthetically pleasing as well. So, the only thing I will say is owning a large truck it's -- it's hard to make that hard left into the parking lot and get around to the lanes, but not everybody has that problem, so -- other than that I think it's a -- it's a great design in the way that the parking was flipped and everything to fit in there really. To me it really looks -- really looks nice. I think it will function well. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer, do you have any final comments? Pitzer: Thank you, Mr. Chair. No, I think it's beautiful. I mean I think the landscaping and everything -- I really appreciate the applicant's efforts in -- in showing us the concept, so I'm totally in favor. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to approve file number H-2020-0010 -- I think. Pogue: Mr. Chair? Mr. Chair, before we have a second -- this is Andrea Pogue. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 24 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 21 of 62 Fitzgerald: Yes, ma'am. Pogue: I am just unable right now to pull up the staff report to double check. I just want to make sure the record's clear that the CUP -- if your motion is to approve and second and that's your vote, that it needs to be contingent on the MDA findings being approved by City Council, because they -- you know, they just heard it and they approved it, but it has to come back on -- on consent agenda to be finally approved. So, I just want to make sure -- I don't know if you could direct a question to staff and make sure that's in the staff report. I think it is, but I couldn't pull it up to double check and I just want to make sure we have the correct motion. Fitzgerald: I'm pretty sure it's there, but I will -- I will -- Sonya, can you answer that question? Allen: Yes, Chairman, Commissioners. Mrs. Pogue, the future development of this site is required to comply with the existing development agreement as amended and it has that final number. Approval of the subject conditional use permit is predicated on Council approval of a modification to the development agreement to update the concept site plan and building elevations consistent with that proposed with this application. So, I think -- I think we are covered. Pogue: Thank you. I thought so, too. I just couldn't pull it up to double check, so I wanted it to be sure. Thank you. Allen: Yes. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you both. We appreciate it. So, we are good to move forward. McCarvel: So, we are good as is without modifying the staff -- Pogue: Correct. McCarvel: Okay. Pogue: Thank you. McCarvel: After considering all staff, applicant, public testimony, I move to approve file number H-2020-0010 as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 21 st, 2020. Holland: Commissioner Holland second. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to approve file H-2020-0010. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 25 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 22 of 62 MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Mr. Heazle and the team, I really appreciate you guys being here. We wish you good luck and I'm sure we will see you again in the future. Heazle: Thank you. D. Public Hearing for Tanner Creek Subdivision (H-2020-0024) by Schultz Development, Located at 675 W. Waltman Ln. 1. Request: Modification to the Existing Development Agreement (Inst. # 108131100), which allows commercial/office/hotel uses, for the purpose of replacing the agreement with a new agreement allowing a mix of single - family and multi-family residential uses to develop on the site; 2. Request: A Rezone of a total of 38.47 acres of land from the C-G to the R-8 (10.13 acres), R-15 (12.20 acres) and R-40 (16.14 acres) zoning districts; 3. Request: A Preliminary Plat consisting of 142 buildable lots and 18 common lots on 37.87 acres of land in the R-8, R-15 and R-40 zoning districts; and, 4. Request: A Conditional use permit for a multi- family development consisting of 272 residential units on 16.14 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district. Fitzgerald: Okay. Moving down to our last item on our agenda is file number H-2020- 0024, Tanner Creek Subdivision, and, Commissioner Holland, I think we need to start with you, ma'am. Holland: Thank you, Mr. Chair. Yeah. This is Commissioner Holland. So, I just wanted to disclose my husband works for CBH Homes and I saw that they were listed as the direct applicant on this project. He is a construction superintendent that works out in Caldwell. He's not involved in the land use planning, nor is he involved in this project and we haven't talked about it ahead of time or anything, but I just wanted to disclose that just to make sure that there were no conflicts. And I can be impartial. Fitzgerald: Any concerns or questions for Commissioner Holland? Seal: None here. Grover: Nothing here. Pitzer: No concerns. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 26 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 23 of 62 Fitzgerald: And I have nothing either, So, we will move forward. Thank you for the disclosure and we appreciate it. I think we are all on the record this evening. Anybody else want to disclose anything? With that we will start with the staff report. Allen: Thank you, Chairman, Commissioners. The next application before you is a request for a rezone, a preliminary plat, and a conditional use permit. There is also a concurrent development agreement modification request that does not require Commission action, only City Council. This site consists of 38 acres of land. It's zoned C-G and it's located at 675 West Waltman Lane, west of Meridian Road on the north side of 1-84 south of Waltman Lane. Adjacent land uses and zoning. To the north are rural residential properties, zoned RUT and R-1 in the county. To the west our single family residential properties, zoned R-4. To the east is mostly vacant, undeveloped land with some residences along Waltman Lane. And to the south is Interstate 84. The history on this project -- this property was annexed back in 2008 with a conceptual development plan for a commercial development consisting of commercial, office, hotel uses. However, the property was not developed as planned. In 2018 a plan was submitted very similar to that proposed as the subject application that was denied. At that time the property was designated on the future land use map as commercial and a map amendment to medium high density residential was proposed. Because the city was working on a new Comprehensive Plan for the city at that time, which included changes to the future land use map, Council determined it was not in the best interest of the city to approve the application at that time and preferred the applicant participate in the Comprehensive Plan update that was in process, rather than making changes out -- to the map outside of that process. As part of that process the future land use map designation for this site was changed. It is currently designated medium high density residential, a narrow three acre strip along the west boundary, and mixed use community on the remainder of the site. The applicant is requesting a modification to the existing development agreement to replace the agreement with a new agreement allowing a mix of single family residential detached, townhome and multi-family residential apartment uses, to develop on the site in place of the commercial development previously proposed. The existing development agreement includes two different concept development plans for this site. Clerk, if you could advance the slide, please. Waiting --waiting for the slides to catch up a little bit here. Johnson: Is this the right one? Allen: Not -- right there. Thank you. So, these are the two different concept plans that are included in the development agreement. They depict 400,000 square feet of professional office, hotel, big box retail and smaller retail spaces. Next slide. The proposed development plan depicts a mix of single family residential. Click that a little bit up -- there we go. Townhome and multi-family residential uses, which will provide a transition in zoning and uses to the existing homes to the west and existing and future residential uses to the north with multi-family as a transition to future commercial and office uses to the east. Because the development plan for this site has completely changed from the conceptual commercial development previously approved and terms of the agreement are no longer applicable, staff supports the request for a new development Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 27 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 24 of 62 agreement to replace the existing agreement. A rezone of 38 and a half acres of land from C-G to the R-8 district, which consists of 10.13 acres, to the R-15 district, which consists of 12.2 acres, and the R-40 district, which consists of 16.14 acres, is proposed consistent with the Comprehensive Plan future land use map designations for this site. A preliminary plat is proposed consisting of 142 buildable lots and 18 common lots on 38 acres of land. The plat is proposed to develop in four phases as shown on the phasing plan on the right. The off-site construction of a bridge over the Ten Mile Creek and extension of Corporate Drive from the north to Waltman Lane with a detached five foot wide sidewalk along the east side of the street is proposed to take place prior to issuance of building permits in phase one. The off-site replacement of the bridge over the Ten Mile Creek and widening of Waltman Lane and construction of a five foot wide attached -- excuse me -- detached sidewalk along the north side of Waltman to Meridian Road is proposed prior to issuance of building permits in phase three and construction of the berm along 1-84 with associated phases three and four. Because noise from the freeway will affect future residents in this area, staff is recommending the noise abatement in the form of a berm and wall as proposed is constructed in its entirety with the first phase of development as a provision of the development agreement. Additionally, staff recommends the Waltman Lane improvements, including the bridge, take place prior to issuance of building permits in phase two, rather than in phase three as proposed. A conditional use permit is proposed for a multi-family residential development consisting of 272 apartments unit -- apartment units on 16 acres of land in the R-40 district. Access is proposed via the extension of Ruddy Drive, a local street at the west boundary of the site, and two accesses from Waltman Lane, a future collector street at the north boundary of the site. One public street connection in the single family residential portion and one driveway connection in the multi-family portion of the development. Public streets, alleys, and common driveways are proposed for internal access within the single family portion of the development, with private driveways within the multi-family portion of the development. Parking is proposed for the multi-family development in excess of the minimum UDC standards. A total of 518 spaces are required and a total of 548 spaces are proposed for a total -- total of 30 extra spaces. A detached ten foot wide sidewalk is planned along the south side of Waltman Lane. Internal pedestrian pathways are proposed through the central common area to amenities in the single family residential portion of the development and provide connectivity to the common areas and amenities in the multi-family portion of the development. A ten foot wide segment of the city's regional pathway system is proposed along the west side of the Ten Mile Creek along the east boundary of the site with a pedestrian bridge over the creek for interconnectivity with the future commercial development to the east. A 20 foot wide landscape street buffer is required along Waltman Lane and a 50 foot wide buffer is required along 1-84. The buffer along Waltman is proposed to contain a three foot tall berm and the buffer along 1-84 is proposed to contain a nine foot tall berm with a five foot tall wall on top of -- to buffer the residential uses from the noise of the freeway. Qualified open space and site amenities are proposed in excess of UDC standards. A total of 3.14 acres or 14.3 percent of common open space and amenities consisting of children's play equipment, pathways and a basketball court are proposed in the single family portion and 4.07 acres or 25.7 percent of common open space and amenities -- clerk, if you will go back one slide, please. Consisting of a clubhouse, swimming pool, shade structure, fire pit, internal Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 28 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 25 of 62 pathway, a segment of the city's regional pathway with a pedestrian bridge across the creek and children's play equipment are proposed in the multi-family portion. Next slide. Concept building elevation photos were submitted for the proposed one and two story single family homes with a mix of alley and front-loaded units, two story townhomes and two and three story multi-family structures. The three story apartment buildings will be located along the east boundary adjacent to the future commercial uses. Single family homes along the southern boundary will be a single story in height. Written testimony has been received from a few folks on this and I will just go through and hit the highlights. Michael Swenson. He is opposed to the project due to traffic concerns and he doesn't feel Waltman and the Waltman-Meridian Road intersection can handle the traffic generated from the proposed development. The need for sidewalks on both sides of Waltman, not just one. And from Bill Kissinger, he has concerns pertaining to emergency access to the site, overcrowding in area schools, traffic, provision of sidewalks and bike lanes, preference for the property to develop with commercial uses to bring more jobs to Meridian. And, lastly, from the applicant Matt Schultz, he is the applicant's representative, and in his response to the staff report he is requesting a modification to development agreement provision A-1-C to require the reconstruction of the bridge, widening of Waltman Lane, and sidewalk on either the north or the south side of Waltman to Meridian Road prior to issuance of building permits in phase three, instead of phase two. The applicant states that they would like to serve phases one and two with the corporate extension while they demolish and rebuild the Waltman Bridge and sidewalks. Staff is amenable to this request, with the exception of the sidewalk along Waltman. The applicant originally proposed the sidewalk off site to be constructed to Meridian Road along the north side. Staff is concerned that if the sidewalk isn't required on the north, if it shifts to the south as requested by the applicant for leeway on either side, that the -- because the area on the north side is already developed that we may not be able to get that in the future. So, staff -- staff's concerned with that. Other than that staff is recommending approval with the requirement of a development agreement, further provisions in the staff report. Staff will stand for any questions. Fitzgerald: Okay. Sorry. Are there any questions for staff? Cassinelli: Mr. Chair, I have a question. This is Mr. Cassinelli -- Commissioner Cassinelli. Fitzgerald: Go right ahead, sir. Cassinelli: Sonya, several times in the presentation there you mentioned commercial to the east. What if -- what if someone comes into that and wants to change the zoning on that. It's all residential and we have no commercial on this piece. Is that -- am I correct in that characterization? Allen: Chairman, Commissioner Cassinelli, Commissioners, that property is also -- believe that was also designated mixed use community, which would come back before you if they did request to do that. If you go back to that first map, clerk. Let me just double check that. The first slide for this project. Yeah. Thank you. It is designated mixed use community. So, residential uses are allowed in the mixed use community Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 29 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 26 of 62 designation. We would be -- because so much residential is proposed on this property, though, we would be looking for more commercial uses on that, which -- which might integrate with some additional residential uses. If you notice in the staff report staff was recommending that the medium density designation along the west boundary float more or less to half of this property and, then, the -- the remaining half is basically the -- the multi-family portion, which -- which is an allowed use in the mixed use community designation. So, short answer, if the developers to the east came in with a residential plan it would be before you again and -- and you would have to approve it. Fitzgerald: Additional questions? Seeing none at this time -- I see Matt is on the phone. Matt, if you would like to unmute. State your name and your address for the record, sir, and the clerk will pull up your presentation I believe and the floor is yours. And I think you are still muted. There we go. Matt, we have you? Schultz: Yes. Hi. Fitzgerald: How are you, sir? Schultz: Good. Thanks. Matt Schultz. 8421 South Ten Mile Road. Excuse me. In Meridian. Great to be here with you on Zoom. This is my first Zoom P&Z meeting. I got one next week with you guys and, then, I got another one in Nampa after that. So, I will be busy. But it's -- I appreciate the technology and the willingness of the city to keep life moving forward during this -- this time. It's -- it's important. This is a project some of you have seen before. A couple of years ago, summer of 2018, when it came through. So, I have been working on it now for almost three years and we are excited to hopefully get it over the goal line here, given the -- the updated comp plan, which we did participate in and -- and the good project that it is. I appreciate staff's report. I read it last night and Sonya did a very thorough job and even added to some of that in her presentation this evening in terms of covering -- covering all the bases and I do appreciate that. There is essentially three -- three items of difference in the staff report that I'm going to concede on two right away and one of them is the -- the berm along 1-84. Two years ago we did get everybody to agree to let us put that off to phase three and four, but, you know, the more I think about it we -- we need to figure out a way to get that done in phase one and two, because there is -- it's just a good buffer visually and -- and sound wise to get that done up front. So, we do agree with that, which was a staff condition. And, then, Sonya just did mention something about the sidewalk going on the north side and if we were able to get on the south and they would never get built on the north, because there is an existing storage unit done in the county that got annexed in the city and they got away with not doing any improvements, who knows how long ago, and that's a point well taken. The reason we chose the north originally was to -- because it's a pretty clean corridor, there is room within an existing right of way to get a sidewalk, but that kind of leads to -- to Mr. Cassinelli's question about future commercial and -- and what do we think is going to happen to the east. Chris, can you show that little handwritten thing I did with the ownership or do I have control? There you go keep on zooming --zoom. Zoom. Because it is integral to our argument. That didn't scan very well, but you get the idea that, hey, even though this whole 68 acres on the corner of Walmart that's undeveloped now is Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 30 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 27 of 62 mixed use, does -- does any one parcel or an assemblage of parcels needs to be mixed use itself as well and -- and it's a valid question. When we looked at it originally -- and we stand behind it even more so now is -- is, you know, Amazon and everybody else gets one more power pole against commercial than anything -- you know, a quarter mile back from Meridian Road is just a nonstarter from a -- from a commercial standpoint. If it was good commercial it would have been probably developed commercial already and it even looks more dim moving forward. It's way back there. These notes here I did -- if you look at the bottom left-hand corner I did back in August 28 of 2017. 1 didn't have the boundaries highlighted. At the time there was one parcel in the corner of Meridian and the interchange, 13 acres owned by GRH Meridian. That's Hawkins Commercial. They -- that's an ITD parcel. They used to have their salt pile on it and they were able to clean that up when they redid the Meridian interchange and auction that off and Hawkins got it and at the time there were 13 other parcels owned by a variety of other people. Well, today I went and double checked and I highlighted in red how much Hawkins owns now, two years later, which is 11 of the 14 parcels. We have talked to them about a month ago. They were concerned that they would be required to do residential on theirs, because they would like to do a mixed use office and commercial. That's their plan. We have the same engineer. I don't know when they are going to submit something, but it's coming. They are talking and we are coordinating and -- on our bridge connection and so -- note that it's guaranteed, but there is a very good chance that it's going to be a mixed use commercial office site in the red. We provide the residential portion of that overall, 78 -- 70 acre mixed use plan, which is kind of what we said two years ago, we just didn't know it as -- as well as we do today given the property ownership. It's even more strong in my mind that that's going to happen and, like Sonya said -- and they could propose some residential, but they are -- they are heavy commercial office is their focus and that's what they want to do, so -- so, that's what we are standing behind is that we think this is a good west to east transition of R-8, R-15, R-40 and, then, whatever they propose -- probably a commercial use that allows a mix of office and commercial. When this was approved -- shoot, 11 years ago now, or 12 years ago as commercial, our site -- if you can go back, Chris, just to the original color -- color landscape plan that would be great. It had -- those two site plans that Sonya showed had over 10,000 trips a day in traffic on those commercial sites and our traffic study we are showing about 2,900 to 3,000 trips per day well distributed throughout -- you know, it's -- only 30 percent. So, it's a huge reduction of what was originally approved, not that we are competing against that -- that application anymore, but that's just the way it is and what's funny -- I was just looking through the -- through the traffic study today from -- from a couple years ago -- Corporate wasn't even required as part of that traffic study and I remember going into our pre-app with the city and they basically said, hey, Corporate will be extended, you know, whether -- whether the traffic study says or not. So, we -- we always proposed corporate to be extended. There also will be a waterline extended in that and that leads back to the timing and the phasing and things like that that we propose is, essentially, we think phase one and two are going to go -- phase one is going to go first, obviously. Phase two is probably going to be right behind it, because it's a different use, they are not competing, and we have got to get corporate in first, which would be -- if all goes well this winter when the wall -- after October and before next March we will get a bridge in and get that road paved, so next spring we can have that going and we wanted to get -- serve both phase one and Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 31 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 28 of 62 two with that -- and Fire Department will be okay with that. Police will be okay with that. And, then, before we do phase three we would go and tear out the existing Waltman bridge, which is currently old and probably number 300 on the list of bridges of ACHD to go fix of 300, just because there is, you know, eight residents down there on a dead end road and I think it's pretty low priority for them. So, they have agreed to share in the cost, because it is -- it's a public bridge that, you know, we don't -- I mean it's -- it's old, it needs new footings, plus with the additional right of way we are giving to make Waltman a collector it needs to get widened as well. So, we were hoping to do that and the off-site sidewalk out to Meridian all at the same time. We could do the sidewalk before that, but once we tear up that bridge it's -- you are not going to get to it anyways. So, it just -- it was just what we propose is what we prefer on that. But that's the only condition that we would like changed of the staff report and I will even amend that in that, yes, we will put it on the north, but we would just like it to be moved to phase three instead of phase two. That's the only condition of staff that we -- that we would like modified. We think we have got a great mixed use. We -- we -- although traffic's obviously going to change for people out here from what they have been used to, you know, a dead end road to a road that has a corporate connection, which connects to Southwest Fifth Avenue, which connects to Franklin, which connects -- Corporate connects up to Meridian and, then, you can get out to -- to Linder through here. Things are going to change. But looking at the traffic report, everything is within tolerances and ACHD has approved it. We did have a public hearing two years ago where the neighbors showed up at ACHD, which is kind of rare. Usually they are able to approve them administratively, but when somebody requests a hearing they have it. We had it. We got it approved. We went through the -- you know, that whole process and they basically said, hey, we approved it two years ago, there is no reason to go through another -- another public hearing and -- but they did relook at it. So, some of the -- there were some minor and yet maybe, you know, depending how you look at it, major changes to this I think for the better. I think it was good two years ago. I think it's better now. When we went in for our new pre-app earlier this year with the city they said, hey, we would really like to see you guys integrate the resident -- the R-15 and the R-40 a little better. You know, in our original site plan we just had that middle park area, the -- those lots on the north side of the middle park were -- were on the west, that stub street over to the apartments was shifted to the south. We just had it between two lots. They said hey -- and I said what do you think? You know, we had it all ready to go, ready to submit, they said, well, we -- we think maybe if you turn the lots to the north and reorient the park and shifted that stub street to the north and open it up it would be a lot better and I said, you know what, I think that's a great idea and so we stepped back, took an extra month or two, because you got to coordinate three or four different consultants to do all that work and got to resubmitted. So, what you see in front of you right now is I think -- is the best possible good integration east-west. We widened that parking. It wasn't the parking lot, it was the drive aisle so that we widened that out to have a parking lot and some landscape buffers and some detached sidewalk going into the apartments and so it's -- which from 5,000 feet like we are looking at it -- it's -- it's integrated and I think on the ground you will still see that same integration. It's just not kind of walled off, if you will, with a little road in between. Try to make those. Because you're not going to share driveways with apartments. You are not going to share a road with an apartment on one side, but we can open it up and make it as cohesive and -- if you looked at the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 32 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 29 of 62 zoning there is even a little notch out where those kind of -- those keyhole together and I think it's a good -- a good match. We want to do single stories along the highway. We understand noise is a concern. That berm is going to absorb a lot of it and we don't want the houses sticking up above the berm. I believe it's 14 feet total, nine plus five is what we are doing along there and we did the two story apartment buildings setback from the highway and those are twos along the highway and, then, two story apartments against the resident -- the single family and, then, the threes that are against the -- against the commercial. Now we have 30 extra parking spaces. I know everybody likes extra. We have been through this several times. Everybody likes extra. Just want to point out that 30 parking spaces is the equivalent of, you know, probably, you know, 15 units and so even though technically we could, you know, add another story to some of those two stories, we like our story, you know, layout. We think it's thoughtful how we storied these things and we like extras and, you know, it is what it is. So, we have -- and we have done extra landscaping along -- along Waltman. Those buildings I measured them today just to make sure. I believe it's 55 feet back from the curb. The detached park strip with a ten foot sidewalk, I believe it's 35 feet behind the sidewalk -- or those buildings. Now, on Corporate, not that it's bad, but there is some buildings right up against the back of sidewalk, you know, and we have got a really good offset. Two stories. It's not going to feel as looming -- not that that's bad what they did on Corporate. But this is going to be better I think for the neighbors to the north. We really just tried to throw everything we could at this, get a good mix, and -- and I -- it was good two years ago, I think it's better now. The comp plan getting changed eliminated that -- that -- that high bar. The comp plan -- I was a little disappointed when the Mayor looked at me at the hearing two years ago in August of 2018 said what's your hurry, Matt? And I'm like hurry, I have been working on this for a year, you know. But even though they just about two or three months earlier started the -- started the new comp plan review, which took about a year and a half to get through and they just weren't in the mood. They had got out of a budget hearing that day, you could tell they were in the mood for, A, more apartments no matter where. It was a good idea at that location. And especially -- especially the comp plan change at the time was just politically incorrect for some of them. One of the councilmen, the only yes vote I got that night, was adamantly in favor of it, but he is still there, which is good. So, hopefully, the comp plan getting changed I think helps eliminate that high bar and that we are excited about it. Persistent. We knew when we got denied we would be back and I'm glad to find a way to make it even better with some suggestions from staff and we did add some -- for some reason they were left out of our original site plan -- interconnecting sidewalks through the apartments and all that. I did a calculation up front. We have over three miles -- three miles of pathways and sidewalks in this project. So, it is very pedestrian conducive, pedestrian friendly, and we are going to do that pedestrian bridge across there, so -- we didn't really want to do a vehicular bridge, one, because we are already doing two more, but, two, we really did want to encourage pedestrian. We think it's a cool feature. Not warranted -- fire and police didn't want it. They have got great increase in safety services with the -- the Corporate extension especially and, then, this connection over to Ruddy is going to increase their -- their response and services. Now, as far as some questions from some of the neighbors, I wrote down a few notes. One of them was a sidewalk on both sides. We are going to do it on the one, both on Corporate and on Waltman. That commercial site they are most likely going to put in that Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 33 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 30 of 62 one in the next couple years, too, on the south side. It will be ten foot, like we are doing ten foot on the south side of Waltman. There was a question about schools. I looked at the staff report and this guy brought up a couple years ago and one of the council members after the hearing -- we were talking and she says I'm not worried about schools, they are under capacity. He looked at those tables and that still holds true if you look at those tables. I think it's on the first page in your staff report. The schools -- in this particular area I think as it is an older -- a little bit older area, they are -- they are not -- they are not maxed out. Not that they want to be maxed out like all the other areas of town are, but this isn't one of the areas. Nevertheless -- see if I can remember anything else. And, please, remind me if there is any other question. Let's see. The Waltman intersection. Man, that used to really sink before the one way couplet was put in and the Meridian interchange was put in, you see this one, you know, dual lane road kind of curved around, too close to interchange, it just didn't work for anything. Well, when the one-way couplet got done -- I think that was 2010, you know, after the commercial site got approved. I think there is five lanes -- there is -- there is two lefts, a right, and straight through at that intersection going -- if you can go to the next one, please, Chris. The next color rendering with those sidewalks on -- it's -- one more. There it is. There it is. It's that off-site exhibit. There it is. I'm not seeing the color on it, though. That shows -- that -- that exhibit -- Fitzgerald: Matt, if you can wrap it up, my friend. Schultz: Yeah. I'm right there. That exhibit shows a really nice big beefy intersection they got that works. One last thing. ITD got us this time. They said this time around -- they didn't show up last time, but they said, hey, we are going to spend 15 million doing another lane between Meridian and Eagle Road here at some point in the future, we want you to pay your fair share. We are like, okay, you know, what's that and so our traffic engineer ran the analysis and all that. We were supposedly one percent of that. So, we have got an extra fee that we are paying to ITD of about 150,000 dollars for our share of that -- that road. So, we are doing our fair share. Building a lot of bridges, paying all our fees and we think we got a great site plan that meets the comp plan, so -- there it is. You can see the -- the big beefy intersection we got there. I just ask for your approval and I will stand for any questions. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Any questions for the applicant? Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove. Grove: Mr. Schultz, a couple of questions for you. On the open space I just had a -- some concern. Is the large open space, is that intended for the entire development or the R-8 and R-15 designations only? Schultz: Good evening, Commissioner Grove. Good to see you. I think we saw each other on the steering committee on this comp plan. Good to see you. We haven't --well, Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 34 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 31 of 62 1 can tell you what is going to be just for the apartment and it's going to be the pool. The pool will be for the apartments only. The other ones -- they are not going to get policed. People can use them. We did kind of put them close to the -- close to the -- that east side towards the apartments on that overall plan, as you can see the basketball court and playground area and they are going to have their own playground area, a little bit smaller over in the apartment side as well. It's not going to get policed for, hey, you are -- you know -- you know, you live there, not here. But it will get policed for people that use the pool. It will be a limited to the people that have the apartments. Grove: Thank you. And the other question -- I had one other question and it is in the northwest corner of phase one where there is a stub street and I'm assuming that that street will be signed with -- it looked like it could potentially go back out to Waltman. Is that -- in future development potentially. Am I understanding that correctly? Schultz: Yeah. Commissioner Grove, thank you for that. When we went through this a couple years ago -- and I don't believe it's in our presentation tonight, but it was in the last presentation the staff asked me to do a little layout of how that could redevelop and it did not connect out to Walmart, it went out and it curved back over to the -- to the west to be extended. When we do our -- and that may never happen. They may want to live there forever and they don't have to redevelop, they can stay there forever. In the meantime we are going to build the fence straight across that and if they ever wanted to redevelop we would pull down that fence and extend the road and they would -- we showed a concept. We don't have it at our fingertips right now, but it did not punch up to Waltman, because it would be too close to our entrance. Grove: I guess we just had something that came through a few sessions ago where there was a potential of a street going through and it was never properly signed and so when it did come through and, then, the -- the neighbors that work in that area were upset, because they didn't know that it was a potential through piece. So, that would be my concern with that. Schultz: Yeah. Commissioner Grove, all of these stub streets ACHD makes us put a nice big blue sign that says this stub street to be extended in the future. So, at least our residents on our side of the fence are going to know -- and on the other side they are the ones that would be extending it, so they would know, but, yeah, there -- they make us put those up on the barricades so everybody is well aware, because I have had that happen as well where the signs get taken down sometimes and I didn't know, so it's like, oh, really. Grove: And, then, I guess if -- if that goes through does that cul-de-sac -- because of it's a sub street you have to have a cul-de-sac there, would that be developed then or stay undeveloped? Schultz: As it says we would develop as it sits, it would just be an extra wide a little pop out there as that road continued on that has some open space next to it, but, yeah, that would be developed as you see it. If nobody wants to extend it for 20 years they don't Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 35 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 32 of 62 have to and that will just be the way it looks. So, they would be all done with phase one right at that property line. Grove: All right. Thank you. Schultz: No problem. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland, go right ahead. Holland: Hi, Matt. Thanks for spending some time with us this evening. Schultz: Thank you. Holland: Question about the -- is -- there is a little pathway between the single family and the multi-family. Is that a car path or is that just a pedestrian pathway there? Schultz: On the north? Holland: No. Kind of in the middle of the complex. Schultz: Oh, yeah. That's definitely a -- a car and -- if you can see right in this area -- I don't know if you guys can see my cursor or not. But right in the middle there is some yellow trees on either side of it. Holland: Yeah. That's where I'm talking about. Schultz: Right there. Yeah. Originally that was just a road between two lots. Now we made it a -- you know, a parking -- it's private. ACHD didn't want anything to do with it regardless. So, it's a private drive aisle. We ended up putting parking on this side of it, which you can't see, because those big trees cover it up --with some detached sidewalks and some landscape buffers. But they -- staff and we think that there does need to be some integration and connectivity there and so we did it as best -- as best as you can with extra wide -- and we got some more parking stalls out of it, too, so -- Holland: Thank you for clarifying that. I remember the last time we heard this project I remember talking through it with you guys and we had a number of different people who came in showed public testimony with a couple of concerns, one being around Waltman Lane, which sounds like some of that has been fixed at this point, because you guys are planning to do some significant improvements that take care of that bridge that was a problem at one point and Corporate Drive that was a challenge. But I know that there was some concern when we last heard this about Ruddy Drive connection with the neighborhood to the west, because it would open up their ability to access Waltman Lane to get onto Meridian. Did you have more of those concerns pop up in your neighborhood meeting? Any thoughts to that again? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 36 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 33 of 62 Schultz: Yeah. Thanks -- thanks for the question, because, obviously, they -- like I said, things are going to change out here, those people that live in the subdivision to the west of us, that has been back in the late '90s -- mid to late '90s, a bunch of 1,200, 1,300 square foot homes, bigger lots. They have all been going out to Linder, you know, and up to Franklin and, then, over to get out, that's just how they have been doing it. This is good for -- to present a little bit more effective way to get out to -- to Ruddy Road and, to be honest with you, we had a couple people show up at the ACHD hearing two years ago, but you would think a lot of more people would have showed up and I'm not saying it's not a concern, but in the traffic study it showed that there is some good distribution of that traffic, although it's going to increase, obviously, it's not going to blow up and go into collector status on any of these roads. Now, to that end ACHD said, hey, we may get a complaint three or four or five years from now about some speeding on one of these roads where people are cutting through and going too fast or, you know, people break the law and so at that time we will evaluate it, do a speed study, which is what they do, if they need to, and do some mitigation if they need to and they required us to set aside in a trust fund with phase one -- I believe was like 18 or 20 thousand dollars for any potential thing that crops up and if nothing crops up for ten years they give the money back, but that we have got it set aside for them in a trust fund for, you know, I don't know, if that's a speed bump, I don't know if that's -- I don't know what that would be. But we are not saying they are going to need it, but there is a lot of different ways to get out to Linder and which path are people going to choose, we don't really know, but there is several different ways to get to Linder and I'm kind of excited about the Linder overpass getting done at some point, too, and that would be even better for connectivity. But, yeah, I didn't -- it wasn't real heavy like you think it would be. It was more the people -- the eight residents that live right on Waltman Lane that are in the county that have been on a private little island for all these years and it's not going to be a private island anymore. You know, it just isn't with -- with growth and development, so -- Holland: So, one more follow-up question if I may, Mr. Chair. So, just looking at the -- the multi-family piece and, you know, I understand the need to transition into the commercial and, you know, I think you guys have put a lot of thoughtful design into how you have laid this out, but looking at the number of units that are kind of on the east with one access to open lane and, then, kind of the cross-access that connects with -- it looks like Malayan Avenue, I worry a little bit still about traffic flow in there and I also worry a little bit that, you know, if I -- if -- if I had the ability to design the plat and maybe take out one of those four-plex units or eight-plex units to give a little more of a pocket park or green space for the multi-family, I would have liked to have seen something like that on the eastern side, so that way you had a couple of areas of green space in there, even though I know you have -- you have done a great job of having a central park area, it looks very nice the way that the west side is laid out, I just worry that there may not be quite enough open space on the east side for all the residents that are going to be living in those four-plexes, eight-plexes, the R-40 units. Schultz: They are eight, sixteen and twenty-fours. Holland: Right. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 37 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 34 of 62 Schultz: Yeah. Is what they are. But, no, I mean I -- I get it. One thing that -- that gets a little skewed is -- is the size of the project being 30 acres, and we are -- we are looking down on what looks small, there is actually a lot of open space that just isn't really scale -- it's not real apparent if you look -- we have got some good -- good playground down here in the middle. We have got the linear open space along here and the very -- 5,000 square foot clubhouse, pool, covered area, barbecue area, just a really -- we really do think we have got the -- the amenities covered and there is a lot of open space. I think we are over at 20 percent and that's -- and we can't even count the buffer in that. That's -- that's the legit cover on that. It's the R-40. We are at -- qualified open space -- why am I not seeing that. There it is. Twenty-five percent. We are at 25 percent on R-40 for the open space, which is quite -- quite -- quite -- quite good. We are at 14.3 qualified open space on the R-8 and R-15 and combined overall we are at 18.7. So, we are not chincing on open space and I know it looked like that, because that -- that park area is so much bigger over on the west side, but it's -- I guess it's just more spread out over on the east side is all. This happens when we are looking at a little one acre site, we get way zoomed in. On a big one we are kind of way zoomed out and -- but it's there. The open space is there. So, appreciate the question, though, because we are -- we are happy to flaunt it, because we think we have kind of went -- went kind of extra on this one. Holland: Thanks, Matt. That's it for now. Schultz: Thanks. Fitzgerald: Any additional questions for the applicant? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: Along the lines of Commissioner Holland's question as far as traffic coming in on Ruddy there, I mean that's a huge concern to me. I mean when I looked at everything mean I had some minor concerns about some stuff, but that one to me just kind of sticks out that that is going to be a huge issue. Like I can't imagine living to the west of this development knowing that I can get to Meridian Road through there and not -- and every single car using that they come through, so -- especially with the improvements to Waltman and Commercial where traffic can flow even better through Waltman. Ruddy Lane is just -- to me that is going to be hazardous, unsafe even, especially where you have some of the residential units where you have to cross Ruddy in order to get to the common area and things like that. I mean is there -- would you be willing to put in --just go for it and put traffic mitigation in there to, you know, essentially, slow folks down as they come through there, you know, in phase one? Schultz: Yeah. The -- Commissioner Seal, let me speak to that, the whole Ruddy issue. You know, right up front on day one two and a half years ago I said -- I asked ACHD, hey, can we not extend Ruddy? We know this is going to be an issue and a hassle, you know, we don't want to extend it, even though there is a stub street there and it probably should Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 38 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 35 of 62 have been extended 20 years ago, but -- but Waltman was an inadequate intersection over at Meridian and so they kind of cut everything off over here, especially up here on the north. If you look -- look up here there should have been -- this should have been connected right here, but they purposefully disconnected it 20 years ago, because Meridian was such a bad intersection. Now that it's good ACHD says, no, no, the traffic study says it works, we want it connected, Meridian services wants it connected and what we did for some traffic calming --there is an island right here. We did it for traffic calming. An island right here for traffic calming. And the traffic calming that -- that we trusted for was somewhere over here -- maybe over in the west side that nobody could tell you where exactly it may or may not be needed right now and that all came out at the ACHD hearing with staff. It was nothing we proposed. We just said, hey, we will do what you want us to do and they are like, well, we can't tell you what we want to do, we don't even know what's going to happen quite yet. They don't know what people's patterns are and it wasn't about the people going this way through us, because we have made Ruddy and it turns into Kearney there, we have made that a collector, no on-front housing, Waltman's a collector, no on-front housing and if -- if ACHD says we need a crosswalk we will do a crosswalk, but that's -- that's where we are at on it is that this meets all of those codes and it -- it's distributing traffic the way it probably should have been distributed a long time ago and just it's going to happen all at once with phase one and it's going to go up Corporate Road with phase one, so -- Seal: So, just a point of clarification. I mean the question was would you be willing to put in the traffic mitigation at this point, you know, speed bumps, crosswalks, things like that. If that's what -- Schultz: Yeah. We would be willing to do whatever they say, but ACHD has not recommended it and so -- it's an -- it's an ACHD road. They don't like speed bumps, but they actually have them. They don't think we need speed bumps. I would be willing to put them if they said I needed them, but it's not something they have said we need to do on our site or off site right now. They just haven't. It's not because I asked them to tell me not to do, it's because they just -- they don't want it. I have -- I ran into this situation before where residents requested speed bumps on a cul-de-sac even and they said we are not going to do that. You know, so everybody's got an opinion on when a speed bump should be put in, but they do a -- they do a study, a speed study, and, then, they said who is going to pay for it. Is the HOA going to pay for it? Are we going to pay for it? And they go through the whole process and we have set aside money to go towards that whenever they decide that needs to be done or not. It may not need to be done. I'm not a traffic engineer. I'm a civil engineer, I'm not a traffic engineer, but we -- all the engineers on the traffic have said this thing works the way we have it designed. Seal: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Commissioner Seal. Any additional questions at this point? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 39 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 36 of 62 Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: I'm going to have to be echoing some of these concerns with -- with Ruddy Road. I mean even a roundabout or something that went -- went through there, that it needs some sort of calming. It's almost like a -- a straight shot around that curve on -- onto Waltman. Yeah. There is a nice park area there, but I just wonder if it can be redesigned to have a roundabout or something that they have to make a bigger curve before they -- they take a right before they take that -- that curve onto that left -- some type of redesign improvement. Is -- is that something that you would look at, Matt? Schultz: Commissioner Pitzer, we -- we think the curve and, like I said before, the -- the island right here, which presents a little bit of a detour in -- we have detached sidewalks. That curve is -- is going to slow people down. I mean that is a traffic calming feature. It isn't just a straight shot out to Waltman. There is a curve and that provides a traffic calming feature and I think to do a roundabout in this location -- like -- again, like I said, if -- if ACHD thought we needed one -- if the traffic experts, the guys that do this everyday thought we needed one, we would -- we would do one, but they just -- they don't and we have -- we have done some good little traffic calming measures and we have designed the curve to their-- their standards for collector roads for people that obey the speed limit on that collector road and nothing's going to prevent them from speeding on any road in here, other than getting a ticket, but -- but we really do think that -- I think to speculate on just -- it's going to be totally dangerous round there, I -- I'm just not totally agreeing that I think it will. Pitzer: Okay. Thank you. I just have some concerns with -- with that traffic right there at the park. Schultz: I appreciate it. Thank you. Pitzer: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Any additional questions? Okay. Matt, we will be back to you to close after we take public testimony. Schultz: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Get comments and thoughts and we will be back to you shortly. Schutz: Thanks. Fitzgerald: Madam Clerk or -- or, Mr. Clerk, do we have -- I see we have the Mannings. Weatherly: Sorry, Mr. Chair. Yes, we have two people signed in. One which expressed a desire to testify and that would be Clair Manning. Fitzgerald: Okay. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 40 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 37 of 62 Manning: Good evening, Commissioners. Fitzgerald: Evening, sir. Please give us your name and your address for the record and the floor is yours. Manning: Okay. This is Clair and Carrie Manning. We are at 650 West Waltman Lane. So, you know, we agree that, you know, residential is a -- a good target use for this development and I acknowledge that this is a proposal that decreases traffic from the previous proposal. However, an improvement does not mean that this is the right solution for this area. It's easy to get excited with the developer's presentation and all those great renderings. However, I feel a lot of context is really lost in the area and I would like to take this opportunity to show you what the area's really like. As -- you know, as Council Members I need you to help pay attention so we can, you know, employ some common sense solutions to this area. After all the city's mission statement is to be a premier community, which means we need to look beyond feasibility and ensure we are making the best decisions for our city. So, do I have control of the screen? I don't seem to be able to advance the slides. Johnson: Mr. Manning, it is waiting for you to control. I'm going try again here. You should have an invitation to take control. Manning: So -- oops. So, am I in presentation mode on your side? Fitzgerald: Yes. Manning: All right. Thank you. So -- so, immediately -- let's take a look at this overall area. So, to -- to the east is that future development undefined. Surely that's going to go go to Corporate, because it's going to bring a lot of traffic into the area, since this is the entrance to our city. Directly north there is high density three story apartments in this area which connects down to this proposal, which is, you know, R-15, medium density, and R-40, high density. So, you can see this is completely out of scale from like the left of like the R-4. So -- and, of course, all this will come through on Waltman Lane as a collector, which is a mere 2,500 feet. So, running those 3,000 new trips a day through that 2,500 feet is going to be a big concern, especially, you know, once you connect this neighborhood over here. So, to answer the Commissioner's questions, yes, all eight of us over here are concerned about this traffic and, you know, my -- my real concern is, you know, perhaps on this traffic study it underestimated the real amount of traffic that's going to come through here and I think it really is going to put a dangerous situation for, you know, some of these kids in that area. So, moving right along to keep on schedule, let's take a look at what it really takes to get in and out of this division. So, you know, your first option here is in Corporate, which is, you know, the outlet for those, you know, high density three story apartments right onto Meridian Road. Then a mere .1 mile is, you know, our entrance to Waltman. So, I can tell you from, you know, experience that it is extremely difficult to like merge onto this in the morning and get over here to the freeway without traffic accidents. In a previous Council meeting the Mayor did ask one of the officers if he felt this was a safety concern and the officer did indicate that he felt this was Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 41 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 38 of 62 going to be an increase in -- in accidents in this area, so -- and even worse concern coming back here is like into the subdivision. So, you only have a few cars that this will fit, so, you know, as traffic density increases you will, essentially, cut off one lane of traffic into the city. So, if anyone's actually wondering what -- how this is going today, this is -- you know, the traffic, you know, and the commute in the morning. So, you can see this is already an over -- overutilized area that is going to be made even worse by these high density apartments going in. So, you know, Mr. -- Mr. Schultz is going to be excited to tell you that I'm not a traffic engineer, but I did call some traffic engineers at ACHD and I asked them what -- what are your guidelines for collectors and the information I got was, you know, for a new collector they are going to want to like target 3,000. For like an existing collector they would probably go 5,000. Since this is really a dead end street with such a short runway, I would argue that this really should, you know, fall into this new collector street kind of guideline. So, you can see that you have a very razor thin margin between this and like what does the ACHD traffic expert say is the new -- is the guideline for a new collector. So, you know, in conclusion I feel -- we feel that R-15 and R-40 zoning is inappropriate for this area. We recommend matching just the subdivisions where the R-4 zoning is to minimize traffic impact on the already overloaded system, you know, because inappropriate high density zoning in this area, you know, does not align with proper stewardship of community resources. So, I think we need to, you know, present some smart growth here and higher population really does not equate to higher life quality. So, you know, please, preserve our city vision and keep Meridian a premier community and, you know, to not allow this to build in this high density zoning. Thank you. Can I answer any questions for -- for the committee? Fitzgerald: Are there any questions for Mr. Manning? Mr. Manning we appreciate you being here tonight. Thank you for the presentation and -- Manning: Thank you. Fitzgerald: -- we will go from here. Thank you, sir. Madam Clerk, you said that there was someone else possibly? Weatherly: Mr. Chair, no, just another person signed in, but they didn't indicate a wish to testify. Fitzgerald: Okay. Is there anyone else on the line that would like to testify on this application that hasn't signed up previously? Please raise your hand on Zoom or click on star nine. Eller: Can you guys hear me? Fitzgerald: Mr. Eller, how are you tonight? Eller: Good. How about you? Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 42 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 39 of 62 Fitzgerald: Good. Please state your name and address for the record and the floor is yours, sir. Eller: Yeah. My name is Nick Eller. I'm at 851 West Honker Drive in Meridian. I am in the Mallard Landing Subdivision on the east side of the subdivision near the -- the Ruddy Drive connection. Overall I don't have -- you know, being a resident here you would think I would have issues with the entire development itself. I don't. But there is a quick -- but I do have some concerns. They have been brought up first here and a lot of it could be resolved if the -- if we can get an exemption to not connect the Ruddy Drive. I have been here for six years, I have talked to my neighbors, we do not want that connection whatsoever. I know ACHD's requiring it. I know City of Meridian has been excited about getting that connected. The problem is is we have got three connections on the west side, so that diversifies the traffic out to Linder. Now you want to bottleneck everything down to one. If you calculate from -- on the west side of the Mallard Landing Subdivision and you can calculate that currently, it's about 1.8 miles to get to Meridian and -- Meridian and Waltman. To make this connection now it's 1.29 miles to get to the same intersection. So, you -- from the entire subdivision on the west side to the east side you have dropped that by half a mile. So, now you have reversed all the traffic out of our subdivision, brought that through this new development and it's just an absolute recipe for disaster. You guys have -- the -- the Council has -- and P&Z has said it before, it's been brought up. It's an absolute recipe for disaster. There is other concerns I have that could be resolved just by shutting that off. If the concern is having ambulance, police, fire -- having quicker access into our subdivision, fine, make it an emergency only access with a pathway, but we don't want it. The subdivision has been here since the '90s. We are used to it. We don't need access there. We are fine going around. But it's an absolute recipe for disaster. The other concerns is if you don't shut that off you are closing the door on the commercial development to the east that's planned, because you are already going to be using up your road by having this connection. So, now you are going to be having a conversation about what to do with that development. So, that one's been shut. And, then, as the gentleman before me presented, there is no room off of Meridian Road to turn into Waltman. There is -- there is maybe room for five cars and the traffic study -- study showed at the peak afternoon it's about 296 trips per hour around that time frame and so you want to put that in spot of six and with this development it was like adding 2,900 some trips a day just for this development and we have got seven homes -- 700 homes in our existing residential and, then, we have got the potential Linder overpass coming in, it-- I just don't see it. You know, I would have no problem with the development itself if that connection would just go away and make it an emergency only access and it would resolve a lot of problems, keep the door open for the commercial development to the east, but we don't want it. We absolutely don't want it and for -- I know there was a comment about nobody showing up to ACHD meetings and --and hearings. I have talked to my neighbors and, you know, there is some people that don't pay attention to this kind of stuff. I talked to my neighbor right next to me about this hearing tonight and he said he knew nothing about it. Doesn't mean we don't have concerns, it just means that some -- you know, it's the same thing with voting. There is a low voter turnout. People don't do it. I'm part of these City Council hearings and I have been in the past for other developments and -- and so I stay involved, but it doesn't mean my neighbors don't have Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 43 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 40 of 62 concerns. But we don't want it, we are used to it, it's been here since the '90s, just -- if it's not broken, you know, don't change it. Fitzgerald: So, can I ask you a question? Eller: Yes. Fitzgerald: So, on Waltman -- my understanding in looking at Google Maps, that intersection has been significantly upgraded and so there is -- there is four lanes turning -- two lanes turning left and one lane going straight and one lane going right. That's a massive collector in my opinion coming out of there. So, as -- if there wasn't a reason to -- because they wanted to do this, can you kind of just walk me through, because I think the -- obviously, the money and investment's been spent. What was the purpose of that investment then? Eller: So -- so, my concern is -- isn't the leaving, it's the coming back. So, you get off the freeway and you try to turn onto Waltman, that's the biggest concern as far as getting into the commercial development, the new residential development, and our residential. You have to think of all of those and they did not design it -- they -- ACHD absolutely screwed the pooch on that intersection as far as that parcel connecting it, you know, and if-- if you are going to tie in the west residential development where we are, this application needs to wait until that intersection is fixed again. If you cut it off, simple solution, you know, take us out of the equation, we are happy, we are fine, you know, we are not concerned, we will go away and be quiet and we got new neighbors, but if you tie us together now you got three people as part of the -- or three entities as part of the equation, take one of them out and you have got a happy -- you got a happy developer -- you know, our connection to him it doesn't affect him, he's doing it because ACHD wanted him to. Just like the traffic control measures. He said he would do it, but I don't think that there is any benefit to him. It doesn't make him anymore money to allow us to go through his development, which I think he -- I don't know if he still owns our development, but I believe that was a Corey Barton development. He could correct me, but -- we just don't want it. You know, keep -- keep the door open for the commercial, keep -- you know, allow this development to happen. I would rather have residential there than a Target or something in my backyard, you know, here in dumpsters -- that's fine, it's a buffer, it keeps us away. The apartments -- you know, at first I wasn't too hot about it, but I have warmed up to the idea, but just taking our entire subdivision, putting it down a two lane road going through where the apartments are, it's just a huge concern and, then, if -- if the -- and I can't see the map on the screen, but you take all of those and tie that so Ruddy, Eider, Malayan, Dropereek, Kearney, Brown Trout, all of that is going out one exit as well. So, you group all of those together and I think that's going to bottleneck right there at Kearney and Waltman. You are taking all of that and -- and putting that out through that -- in that exit and so that's going to be a right turn at a stop sign. You get our subdivision and, then, all those houses on that western part of this new development, I think it's going to bottleneck right at that stop sign, assuming there is going to be one right there. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 44 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 41 of 62 Fitzgerald: I appreciate it. Thank you. Any other questions for Mr. Eller? Thank you so much for being here tonight. We appreciate it. Madam -- is there any additional folks who would like to testify in this application? Chris or Adrienne, do we have anybody else? Johnson: Mr. Chair, yes. Joe Lorcher. Fitzgerald: Mr. Lorcher, how are you tonight, sir? Lorcher: Joe Lorcher. 740 Waltman Lane. I am at the northeast corner of Corporate and Waltman Lane in that farm property right there. Fitzgerald: Okay. Thanks, sir. Go right ahead. Lorcher: My concern is the same as Clair Manning's concern, is just the traffic safety going up Waltman Lane. If they open up Ruddy Lane there is another 300 cars at peak hours that are going to be going up Waltman Lane. Getting out, you are correct, there is four lanes to get out, but there is only one lane coming back and that left turn lane off the freeway is just going to get backed up beyond the freeway off ramp to turn with that many cars coming back to their -- to their homes. So, the afternoon turn on that -- to turn left onto Waltman Lane is just going to be a nightmare. I mean huge safety issues. The traffic count going up Waltman Lane -- there is -- currently there is kids walking up the lane all the time going up to Winco. I mean especially these last three months there is probably a hundred to a hundred and twenty kids and people walking -- using Waltman Lane like a sidewalk going up and down Waltman Lane and now we are going to have all these cars mixed in with it. That's just my main concern is just the safety of everybody on Waltman Lane and -- and getting back home from Boise turning left onto Waltman Lane. And -- and if we can lower this density on this -- on this project I have no idea problem with that. Instead of going to R-40, if we can go from R-4 to R-8 to R-15 and just lower the amount of people in cars and trips, I just think it's just too dense for -- for the one street or two streets if you count Corporate Drive to handle all this traffic, plus open up that subdivision to the west. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir, very much. Are there any questions for Mr. Lorcher? Sir, have a wonderful evening. Thank you so much for being a part of this. We appreciate your opinion and your thoughts. Lorcher: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Chris, did we have anybody else that raised their hand? Johnson: Mr. Chair, that is everyone. Fitzgerald: Okay. Mr. Schultz, would you like to close, sir. Schultz: Thank you. Appreciate Mr. Manning and Mr. Eller and Mr. Lorcher all coming and participating in the Zoom meeting. I think it's reasonable to say their common Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 45 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 42 of 62 concern is traffic. That's what I heard. Less density maybe. I'm not sure if it would be that perceptible, you know, if we did R-4, R-8, R-15. Apartments generate about 40 percent less traffic per unit than single family does, so I'm not -- it would be interesting to do a little side by side and see what the traffic would be if you did both those layouts on them, but -- but I do want to reiterate that -- that with our ACHD approval, those -- those don't come easy. Waltman will be three lanes in front of us in terms of a center turn lane. We will have detached sidewalk where there is no sidewalk now. So, in terms of improving safety, it's exponentially going to be better. Yeah, there is going to be cars on the road, but that's where they belong is on the road and people will still have to look both ways to cross and, you know, things like that, but we are doing everything to and above and beyond the standards of the community that -- that all developers are held to. In addition, we are extending that sidewalk all the way down Waltman, even though technically ACHD said, hey, we will do that a couple years from now. Don't worry about it. Yeah. Well, that's suicide for me going into the hearing, so I'm volunteering for it, you know, so, yeah, we are going to do that extension even though they didn't say we needed to. And Corporate. We said, no, we are going to do it, you know. It's not a requirement by ACHD, but we are doing it on both of them for pedestrian -- pedestrian safe vehicular, we are doing an extra turn lane and there is not only one way -- one way into this site on Waltman. There is another way into the site on Corporate. There is another way into the site on -- I think it's Southwest 5th or 7th or whatever it is that comes down from Franklin to Corporate and, then, you have coming from Franklin. So, this -- the traffic isn't all just funneling all down -- down Waltman. It's just not. There is -- there is -- people live in different parts of town, they don't all get on the freeway and go downtown for work and some people may not even drive that live here, being somewhat close to downtown, so -- so, I -- while, obviously, it's going to change. To Mr. Eller's point, I asked -- you know, I can see this would have been a home run if I could cut that sucker off and just do emergency only, you know, even though it meets -- it meets standards, that's what they want, they want the traffic to go back and forth. These roads in the back are way under utilized right now and they are going --you know, they are going to get used now, whereas maybe they didn't in the past. You know, they are very expensive roads that were put in, they are definitely underutilized and we don't have any economic benefit to saying that we don't want -- that we want that to go through. It's designed that you could put a gate across there and do emergency only and I would be fine with it, you know, the way this site's designed it would still work, but it would not dissipate the traffic as well. It would not allow easy police access. Yeah, you could do emergency exit there. The fire, they--they either, you know, unlock the bollard or go crashing through with a firetruck if there is a fire, but, you know, it's just good connectivity. I can see their point is as a design professional and as an ex-civil engineer I can see their point. It's not a popular point though and it's -- and I -- and I just -- we are not going to -- and the police at City Council did not say there would be an increase of accidents at the intersection. He did not say that. And I think we are doing proper stewardship of the land by utilizing the existing services that are through the site, adjacent to the site, using the intersection that was put in -- to use kind of a crass term density, we have some. It's not over the top density. It's an average of ten. It's not, you know, overall 20. This is kind of in the middle there of the target for the mixed use for density. So, we are trying to walk that line of medium -- medium high density at the ten average and in doing an efficient responsible design plan Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 46 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 43 of 62 that's in conformance with the master plan and is good land use planning to put the services and the people where -- where the transportation nodes are offered to Valley Regional Transit to put an extra bus lane pull out next to our site and, no we are not coming down there. You just get -- you just get people out to Meridian Road and we will pick them up from there. Okay. Great. We are going to put a sidewalk out there. Great. You know. So, we are trying to do our part to be responsible and do some forward planning on what's good planning and R-4 in this location is not good planning. So -- and the kids are going to be much safer walking down a sidewalk off the road than on the road once we get done. Trust me. It's a lot better than they are now. But no disrespect meant to those owners. We have talked a lot over the years at pre-apps and neighborhood meetings and we have talked a lot. I know them all well. And, Mr. Manning, he lives right on the corner of Waltman and Corporate on the northeast side on an acre right there and I can understand he doesn't want to see the neighborhood change and I get it, but he does live on county property and surrounded by city property and this probably should have already been done 20 years ago. So, with that said, with all due respect, I appreciate the neighbors showing up, but -- but I was happy to hear that some didn't really necessarily have a problem with our -- our apartments or density, it's just more of the traffic, which, like I said, we have got approvals and it wasn't easy to get, but we have done it, we have designed our site accordingly. So, thank you. Fitzgerald: Thank you, sir. Are there any additional questions for the applicant or for staff? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Yeah. Matt, one -- two years ago -- so, I wasn't part of the Commission back -- back then, but I was reading -- you were denied for, amongst other things, that they wanted to see some commercial, they were concerned with schools and traffic density, all of that leading to safety. Do you think that you fixed why you were denied two years ago? Schultz: Absolutely. We --we were approved by staff two years ago. We were approved by P&Z two years ago. We were approved by ACHD two years ago. And you get to City Council and, you know, some of those summaries are a little -- you know, I was there. I participated. Politically it was incorrect at that time in the Mayor's opinion and a couple -- two, three of the commissioners -- Council Members to change the comp plan and -- at that time. That was the overriding factor. There was a little confusion about the safety matters that I wasn't as prepared and they got brought up after the public hearing were closed to discuss, like the intersection with Waltman. ACHD kind of gave us a pass on the sidewalk, even though I didn't necessarily ask for the pass. Well, I fixed it this time. We are definitely putting in the sidewalk this time. We are not letting ACHD do it later and we are putting in both -- both sidewalks going north and going west with -- with -- with this development and so in terms of better presentation, yes, and -- and a few more guarantees on the facilities. Yes, we have fixed it for the City Council, but the biggest Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 47 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 44 of 62 issue was the comp plan, which -- which -- which we meet and which isn't an issue anymore. That was the number one biggest issue. Pitzer: Well -- but our -- but our comp plan still have mixed use and we are not doing mixed use. Schultz: We are doing a portion of a 70 acre mixed use designation on the site. We are a 37 acre portion of a 60 acre mixed use. Now, does mixed you say every single parcel has to be mixed use into itself? No. It can be part of a bigger parcel where we know the corner is going to be commercial and office. As I said, that's where commercial -- if there is any commercial out here it's going to be on that corner, it's not going to be back here and office is a non-starter back here, too. So, what we are showing is -- and the access isn't that great for -- for commercial back here, just as a -- you need like an Overland access where you are connecting interchanges, where you need the Eagle or Fairview access. Waltman is not great commercial frontage access back in there, so -- so, we are -- we are mixed use. We are the residential portion of an overall residential, office, commercial 70 acres. Pitzer: Okay. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Any additional questions? Commissioner Pitzer, did you have any follow up? Okay. Any additional questions for the applicant? Schultz: Thank you. Fitzgerald: Okay, Thanks, Matt. We appreciate it. Schultz: Thanks. Fitzgerald: Can I get a motion to close the public hearing? McCarvel: So moved. Fitzgerald: One -- one second. Commissioner Seal, did you have additional comment? Seal: No. I was just going to go ahead -- I was going to motion it, but I will just second it now. Fitzgerald: Okay. I have a motion and a second to close the public hearing on H-2020- 0024. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? Motion passes. MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Team, the application is properly before you. Does anybody want to lead off? Grove: Mr. Chair, I will jump in. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 48 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 45 of 62 Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove, go right ahead. Grove: All right. I have got a few things. Overall I -- the first thing I have -- and I probably say this in a lot of the things, but normally I don't like how developments are phased, just from the type of development to -- you know. And I like that this has a mix of different developer-- or different types of pieces going in early, rather than waiting until phase four to have all of the R-40 done at once and so having that balance over the first two phases was something that I like. I do have some concerns with what Commissioner Holland addressed earlier in her question with the size of open -- continuous open space in the R-40 section. I do see, you know, the developer's point in -- in saying, you know, how much open space there is, but in terms of just concentrated open space it would be nice if there was a more concentrated open space in that R-40 area. I -- I appreciate the connectivity of the pathway system. I think that is well thought out and I actually like the traffic flow of the development within the development itself and the -- I'm very happy that corporate is going to go through. I think that is going to be a key piece to the connectivity of this development and would almost be a non-starter for me if Corporate was not included in this to help alleviate some of the traffic pressure that this development will bring. Lots of notes. Shared drives. There is three of them. Usually not a huge fan of shared driveways. There is nine homes it looks like off of three shared driveways, but the way that the -- it's mapped out it -- it makes sense as to why they are there and they are not overly abundant, so I don't have as much concern with that this time based on how it's laid out and I hear the traffic concerns that the residents have raised tonight. I guess one thing that I have kind of been looking at is if we start bottlenecking some of these roads and eliminate the connectivity, we end up with a different type of traffic problem and so I would be concerned if we were to limit the connectivity of this development with what is already there and, you know, we are not going to stop people from speeding necessarily, but I do see those islands and the nonlinear path from Waltman to the subdivision to the west as being somewhat traffic calming measures that I could be okay with. I appreciate that this is not taking a -- adding to the school district's overcrowding as much as some areas of development and so I'm not concerned with that on this development. Overall I'm in favor of how this is laid out and curious to see what others have to say about it. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Commissioner Grove. Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal. Seal: I do -- I will start off with the positive here. The -- the extra work that the applicant is willing to put in on the bridges and Corporate Drive and improving Waltman and everything in my mind they are -- you know, I mean he saw some potential roadblocks and he got them all out of the way. That to me is above and beyond. The layout of it I like. I like the common area the way that it is centrally located. I'm a little less concerned than others about the open space in the multi-family area, simply because in between buildings there is, you know, grassy areas and things like that. There is no playground Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 49 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 46 of 62 equipped in there, but there is room to run and occupy in there. Plus with the pathway or the roadway that, you know, essentially comes over into that common area, you know, it's a -- it's a small park over there. So, I think that that's ample at this point. The -- I mean one of the things that -- I mean I think there is a missed opportunity here to do more mixed use. For them to say that, well, it's -- you know, we can do this here, I don't think that's the spirit of mixed use. I mean to take a parcel that's this big and to do all residential in it and simply throw it on somebody else -- you know, I mean when the next one comes in there is going to be, essentially, no potential for residential to reside in it, even when you start butting that up against the freeway where somebody may or may not want to be, depending on how the access flows off of Waltman Lane and the biggest issue that I have with the whole thing is that connection to the subdivision to the west with -- with Ruddy Drive. I get that it's on a corner and -- and, you know, that's going to keep people -- I'm less concerned with people speeding through there than I am just with the overall volume of traffic. If I look at the subdivision to the west and I look at what I have to go through, I have to get out to Linder Road, I have to go up Linder Road to Overland, I got to go through a traffic signal there and now I got to come down Overland, I got to do another traffic signal and, then, there is a couple more traffic signals before I even get out to being able to access the freeway. I can bypass all of that just by going down Ruddy and, you know, I'm going to hit a stop sign in there. That's -- that's what's going to slow me down. So, I could -- I just -- in all good consciousness I can't think that that wouldn't be a -- you know, a safety issue of some type and to me it's sad, because the amount of work that the applicant is willing to do and put in for the bridge crossings for Corporate Drive and everything else for ACHD, essentially, to get this that wrong is disappointing to say the least, but I just don't see that-- I can't in good conscience say that that's something that I would be in favor of. Fitzgerald: So -- and I -- I'm in agreement with a lot of what you just said. I think the challenge -- if this was going through an existing neighborhood that wasn't going to build that piece and build houses after so they know what's going to happen, I would have more concerns. I -- I -- the challenge is I think we are -- the applicant is building out the safety mechanisms that are -- are being requested, because there is no sidewalk on the road. There is -- it's not widened and we -- ACHD has spent a ton of money at that stoplight down the road, whether it needs to be misdirected -- or redirect or not, I -- that remains to be seen. If we were building this and for certainty purposes they didn't know with eyes wide open when they were getting into it, I would have a little bit more concern, but I do think -- and I do think there is compelling measures we could put in there right now that would make it harder to be -- harder to drive through there. I do think the islands, the curve, do cause some -- or do provide some calming measures, but I have no problem saying let's -- let's do some calming measures to put it in there, but people who are going to buy houses in this area are going to know what they are dealing with. That's my only respite a little bit there is there is a ton of work being done that is going to benefit the connectivity of the community and out to the freeway very quickly and I think there is an offset there a little bit that we have to give the benefit to the -- to the applicant. On the open space thing -- and I think I understand where Commissioner Holland is commenting on. I think there are some -- I love the MEW in the middle where there is lots of open space. I really like the pathways to the east along that -- along Ten Mile Creek. I think it Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 50 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 47 of 62 will be nice in the -- in those multi-family and I think the market on commercial versus three types of residential, I don't know if I want to put residential over in that other spot as a -- an off ramp to the freeway. So, I mean I understand not wanting to have commercial hidden away down a pretty rough road that may be updated now or updated with this application, but it wouldn't be otherwise. So, those are just some of my comments to get kind of thoughts moving. Any additional feedback, comments, thoughts? Holland: Mr. Chair, Commissioner Holland. Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: You know, I think last time we saw this we had a lot of different conversations about some things here. One, putting on your -- putting on my economic development hat and just thinking about where commercial likes to locate, they tend to like to have visibility on interstates or highways or places that have relatively easy access. That being said, you can't put single family homes right next to big commercial development. You have got to have some sort of transition, so I would agree that I think the applicant's done a thorough job in trying to create the right steps to transition to a commercial development and I -- I applaud the efforts that they have -- they have made to come a little bit further in the application since the last time we saw a similar concept from them. I appreciate the Corporate Drive and Waltman Lane have a bigger priority, that they are working on some of those sidewalk improvements. I -- the concentrated open space I just -- I always like to see more of kind of a pocket park or green space for people, even though I really do like the pathway connection between the buildings and I know that it will look bigger when you are standing in front of it than it does on a -- on a small thumbnail sketch. So, I understand the comment there, too. But I would have loved to have seen, you know, a little more open space next to the pool or clubhouse, so that way -- you know, maybe if it was a tot lot or something in there, just to give kids a little bit more room to run around, even though typically apartments aren't as many kids, they are more, you know, smaller families if they are having kids in there. So, maybe that's okay. Maybe it's not a huge deal. I'm losing my train of thought where I was going to go next. Sorry. I think I still agree with the Ruddy Drive connecting in, I think, you know, the -- the applicant said it, that there will be a change in philosophy on how people approach this area once some of these roadways in this development comes in and I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of traffic calming measure. It's not necessarily that it has to be a speed bump, but if there was something we could do that would help mitigate people coming off of Ruddy Drive into that subdivision that would slow them down just a smidge before they head off to Waltman Lane, that would make me feel a little bit more comfortable, especially when you have got that big park space and you will have kids playing in there. I would hate to see an accident where a kid gets run over if it's something we can help avoid. Let's see. The only other concern I had was just maybe the density amount of how many units were in the R-40. Having 272 apartment complexes with one access off of Waltman Lane, it seems like a lot of density and I understand why they laid it out the way they did with having the R-40 on the east side. I don't know that I necessarily want to restrict them on how many units they can have, but I just wanted to make the notice it's a lot of density there next to an R-4 neighborhood and, again, I know that you have got to have that Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 51 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 48 of 62 transition to the commercial side of things, so I get both sides of it. The biggest thing is I wish that the commercial piece that's adjacent to them on the east was a part of this application, so that we would have a more cohesive look, because we have had similar projects that say, well, hey, the neighbor that we are -- we have talked to has an intent to do commercial and, then, they come back and say we are going to put two commercial pads here and the rest of it multi-family, because we feel like that's a better use. That's happened to us many times. So, that's -- that is one of my biggest concerns. I wish that these projects were tied together somehow with those two developers working together on the way that that plan comes together, but I know that that's not always our luxury either. So, those are my thoughts for now. Fitzgerald: And there is a tot lot in the multi-family. Just want to make sure we are clear on that. There is a playground area in the south quadrant of them. Just for information. Holland: Thank you. I missed that. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: I guess it's my turn and they hit on a couple of things. My -- and one of my initial concerns was that this really wasn't -- you know, didn't fulfill the spirit of a mixed use community, because it was strictly residential. Knowing that Hawkins owns the majority of that parcel next to it -- or parcels I should say and knowing that Hawkins is -- I don't know if they do any residential. I mean I think they are for the most part strictly commercial, which -- which would say to me that that's going to become commercial and it -- you know, and it's hard, I mean we have -- we have looked at multiple things that we wish -- multiple parcels were -- were all one, so we could have better vision and do something that -- that -- that is right for the whole area. It just can't happen unless somebody wants -- one wants to buy the other. So, I'm not as concerned about that anymore, because it's Hawkins. However, Hawkins could always sell it to a residential developers. Nothing stopping them from doing that at some point and, then, we are -- and, then, we are in a -- then we could be in a bad situation. My -- my biggest concern on this -- and -- and I will touch base. As far as this development, I -- it fits in the area. You know, sort of just right up against the freeway. So, you know, I think -- I think what they have designed kind of fits. I would like to see -- Commissioner Holland and some others have mentioned -- I would like to see a little bit more concentrated open space in the apartments, even one more --you know, like a basketball court or something like that. I see everybody that wants to play-- because there is nowhere to play basketball in there. You want to play basketball you are going to go over to the -- to the -- to the R-8, the R- 15 portion. My biggest concern is Waltman Drive and I just -- I can't come to terms with it. ACHD is saying 2,884 trips per day out of this development alone. A collector -- the numbers that I have, level of service -- C level of service on a collector is 2,800. D is 4,000. E is 4,800. They are not even factoring in the commercial that's going to come into that. They are not factoring in the neighborhoods to the -- to the west that are all going to come through Ruddy Drive. It's going to be -- and people aren't going to go north Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 52 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 49 of 62 onto Corporate and go out Corporate. If anything some of the people in Corporate are going to use Waltman. So, it would kind of avoid waiting at that light at Waltman, they can come out the back way from those -- those new apartments that are up there on -- on Corporate, come out Waltman and just have a -- just have a right at a -- at a light, instead of coming out on Corporate and, then, waiting through a red light at -- at Waltman in the morning and certainly coming back all those people, instead of turning there at -- at Wendy's and waiting to go through, they are going to turn -- they are going to want to turn left onto Waltman and snake back up. So, I think a lot of that traffic is actually going to be funneled to Waltman. That's how I see it. So, I think that number off the top, even before the commercial gets developed, is going to be pushing three plus -- close to 4,000 trips a day. So, right off the get go they are -- they are putting in a -- you know, they are going to have a collector that's going to be at a service level D or E is the way I -- that's just how I see it. You are not going to stop people from the neighborhoods to the east coming through that one street at Ruddy Drive. There is not going to be -- as the -- I didn't catch the gentleman's name, but the resident that lived over there -- right now there is three ways out to Linder through their neighborhood. Now you are going to be running everybody through one and, I guarantee you, same thing Commissioner Seal said, is instead of going out to Linder to Franklin to Meridian and going all the way around that, they are going to go straight out Waltman Lane. So, you are going to be taking -- I mean that could be -- I don't know what that -- what that equates to -- five hundred, a thousand trips a day out of that subdivision. It's going to be coming out Waltman. So, I can't in all due conscience myself -- it's just not planned out well. And Commissioner Seal said he didn't know what ACHD was thinking. I don't know what ACHD was thinking. All in all I like the development. I think it fits. I think it will fit. I think Hawkins will come in and do commercial on that and that will all play together, but I just -- I can't get -- can't get past Waltman and how that's going to be overtaxed in my mind. That's it. Fitzgerald: Thanks, sir. Appreciate that. Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Thank you. So, my concerns on this is I think it's a great design with -- with good use of -- differs from going from the R-8 to 15 to 40, but it's in the wrong area. I -- it's just too much density for that area. I think it was -- I mean we just did the new comp plan just December of 2019. Mixed use. And I think that spirit of that mixed use are right along the freeway, it should have something with some residential and some commercial. I just think that that's what it was designed for, that's what we put in our comp plan, and I think that's the comp plan we should follow. I -- he's taking, like he says, 70 acres, 38 acres is going for all residential and zero commercial at that point and who knows what Hawkins is going to do, if anything for a while. So, I'm -- I like this subdivision design. I'm just not liking that -- that much density for where it's at. I think the safety issues for that much traffic going down Waltman and for that cross area at the park with so many cars coming off of Ruddy is something that I have a hard time accepting that, whether they did a temporary closure until they fix the rest of the roads is a possibility or not. The density Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 53 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 50 of 62 is still there. I think that putting the apartments on that east side for future development for commercial I think is good, but to be along the freeway I think there should be something commercial there. So, I'm -- I'm not in support of this at this time. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I will just run down through some of the things. In -- in general I would be supporting this -- from the aspect of the transition. I think the open space is probably okay. I think it is hard to show that. I don't think it shows well as what it's going to look like in person and I -- I do think that Corporate is going to be better placed if you look at this all together, instead of just the one piece, that the Corporate is a better place to the east and I think that will be a natural thing to happen. You know, I'm -- I'm not a traffic engineer, so to get into the weeds of exactly how many cars are going to go where -- I think people end up finding a way around stuff. I would like to see a little bit of traffic calming coming around that curve by the park if ACHD is insistent on keeping that open and I think the traffic going out of here is not going to be -- as far as getting onto Meridian and stuff is not going to be near as much as the issues probably going in. You know, people trying to take a left on that lane coming out, but on the other hand I don't know -- in my mind I have an issue with trying to make every development fit into the traffic all hours of the day. I mean we know that there is a couple hours a day that are just kind of bad everywhere, but do you not develop something because of traffic for a few hours of the day. That's my comments. And I think -- I think what they are going to do as far as safety -- as far as the walking and the sidewalks and stuff, I think -- yeah, it's going to be night and day difference. I think it will -- the safety is going to be improved, especially for pedestrians. Fitzgerald: Appreciate your comments. Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Commissioner Holland. Holland: Can I ask a dumb question of staff? Fitzgerald: No question is dumb. Go ahead. Holland: So, if this project goes through and we still have mixed use on the future use map for that remaining parcel, the 27 acres or wherever that is, that the Hawkins owns, is there any way that we could make a recommendation that Council would consider modifying that future use map to show commercial for the remaining 27 acres to give us some more assurance there or is that something that's not even possible? Allen: Chairman, Commissioner Holland, Commissioners, you know, at this point I don't really think it's a feasible thing. We have just gotten through with our new comp plan and Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 54 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 51 of 62 adopted a new land use map and I don't think Council would independently make an application for a change to that map at this time. A future applicant could request that. But, again, we just got through with our comp plan process, so I'm not sure that Council is going to be anxious to make any changes to the map anytime soon without good justification. I will say, though, the mixed use community designation allows for commercial uses. You don't -- you don't need a commercial designation. Holland: Yeah. Thanks, Sonya. I think my real question is just what we were kind of discussing earlier that if this piece goes through all residential and Hawkins decides to sell some day, because they don't want to develop it or whatever happens and, then, we get another multi-family type project that comes in and they are stuck with the burden of having to fulfill the remainder of the mixed use portion, because we allowed to have this -- this acreage be residential, is there anything we can do to help make sure that we still have a significant amount of commercial that could come in the future. Allen: Yeah. There is really not. When you are -- when you are talking about a property that's not part of this development and application. The comp plan does not have a maximum on residential uses, so there could be more residential uses in that. It's not saying that they can't develop with residential, but if you are wanting all commercial, then, yeah, commercial -- a commercial land use designation wouldn't even necessarily ensure that or guarantee that, because multi-family developments are allowed in commercial. Holland: Sure. Okay. Thanks, Sonya. I appreciate the clarification. Parsons: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Yeah, go ahead, Bill. Parsons: I will try to help the Commission along as well and Sonya was correct, but I -- I just want to let the Commission know that, you know, you had this same dilemma with the Stapleton Subdivision, which was off of Meridian Road, Harris Street and Amity, where Hawkins owned a piece, they sold it off to Conger, and his project was primarily residential and you made a finding at that time that even though their project was all residential, you felt comfortable that there were still mixed use on the corner that could develop as commercial. So, I see this particular property the same setup. Yes, the applicant has a mix of residential product types on it. There is an appropriate transition from the R-4 to the commercial that's to the east. I have had conversations with Hawkins on that piece. Now, I can't guarantee I have a crystal ball, it's going to all be commercial, but I know that was their intention when they met with me to discuss it. So, certainly when we go to look at that piece we are going to see how it blends in and transitions into this residential piece and some of that property still has to be an annexed in, so we do have a greater discretion at annexation with that piece to tie them to a concept plan that has more commercial than for this body to see, rather than having a residential piece. Now does that mean they won't come in with -- with residential? No. But all I'm saying is we have another bite at the apple, we can require more commercial of that project to the east and, again, I commend the applicant for coming in and trying to correct a lot of those Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 55 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 52 of 62 deficiencies as you noted with the connectivity in this area. Right now we have so many homes off a dead end street, which is Linder, and no connectivity out to Meridian Road until that overpass happens. So, to me having that Ruddy connect through is one of the best possibilities for this section of Meridian, because it does help EMS, it does help police, it does help fire to get people out from Linder Road to Meridian Road. So, my opinion and staff's opinion I shouldn't say is that we made a finding that, yes, it's all residential, but it is still consistent with that mixed use designation. And I will stand for any questions. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Bill. I appreciate the clarification. And one of the things I do want to show -- talk about the fact that the applicant did sit on the comp plan, because one of the reasons he was -- that it went through denial the first time was there was a comp plan request change -- or our comp plan change requested in the original application and so during that process the map was changed to mixed use and I appreciate their efforts to sit on that and be a part of that discussion and, again, I -- ACHD is -- is our -- is the road experts. They do this for a living. We don't always have control what they say, but they are telling us that that's the connection they need to make functional traffic patterns. I -- I'm not sure how to say that we know more than they do. I know we don't always like the judgments they make, but they -- they are giving you a report that says this is what they think is the best for the community. So, I -- I agree that traffic calming is -- absolutely would be necessary, but the work that the applicant is doing to improve the roads around there to match up with the capital investment that's already been made at Waltman and Meridian I think is pretty impressive and it's not required. So, I think there is an effort to be -- increasing safety and I think they are willing to put the traffic calming measures in place. So, for what that's worth, just some additional thoughts. Allen: Chairman? Fitzgerald: Yes, ma'am. Allen: Excuse me. If I may. If I could just add a little bit more to the land use discussion in this area. I'm not sure if you all caught it in my staff report or not, but staff's recommendation -- well, let me back up. So, the new Comprehensive Plan states in the land use section that future land use designations are not parcel specific and that adjacent land use designations can apply if proposed in a public hearing such as this and they can't encompass more than 50 percent of a property. So, my analysis included that I recommend that that adjacent medium density -- well, not even adjacent. It's on the western boundary of this property, the medium density, float to 50 percent of this property, which basically encompasses the rest of the single family portion of this development and the reason for that is because we have medium density residential existing to the west and existing rural density and future medium density residential uses designated for the property on the north side of Waltman. So, this development provides a transition all the way around to -- to the property to the east to the mixed use designated area. So, staff's interpretation and recommendation was based on floating that medium density designation to the rest of the single family portion of the development and, then, the -- the multi-family portion being part of that mixed use community area and providing the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 56 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 53 of 62 residential component of that area and, then, further transitioning to the east to the commercial and office. This -- this -- a residential development is going to create much much less traffic than a commercial development that's conceptually approved on this property with 400,000 square feet of commercial uses, big box retail, that kind of thing. So, anyway, I just wanted to add that additional information and kind of staff's analysis on that. Thank you. Fitzgerald: Thanks, Sonya. I appreciate it. Are there any additional questions or comments for staff or just for the fellow Commissioners? Seal: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Seal, go right ahead, sir. Seal: I will ask another silly question. Can -- can we -- is ACHD -- is their response final on the access to Ruddy Drive? Meaning can we request that that not be opened? Fitzgerald: Bill, do you or Sonya want to take that? Seal: And the reason I ask is because if that could be done I'm all over this. I mean I -- again, I echo -- I echo Ryan's sentiments. I mean what --what you are doing everywhere else is above and beyond, so to have that one thing getting in the way, but to me it's just a -- that's a huge issue. I wouldn't want it in my neighborhood, I will just put it that way. Allen: Chairman, I can respond to that. Commissioner Seal, Commissioners, our -- city code requires stub streets to be extended, as does ACHD's policies. The Commission can make a recommendation for it not to be extended and City Council can not require it. However, ACHD is the transportation authority. So, I'm not sure that the city can trump that. Parsons: Yeah. Mr. Chairman, Members of the Commission, what we don't want you to do is put the applicant between both agencies. We just got in that situation with the Delano Subdivision. If you recall where the neighbors didn't want Dashwood to get punched through and the -- ACHD fine with it on an interim basis and you guys wanted -- recommended it to be closed and, then, ultimately Council denied the application and now it's going back for a remand. So, again, the goal of this is to let the transportation agency define the parameters, as Sonya said, and the Comprehensive Plan and the UDC requires stub streets need to be extended. They are there for a reason, not to wall people off. In my mind, I put myself -- I try to put myself in people's shoes. If I lived in that subdivision and I wanted to go to Winco now I have to go all the way out to Linder Road and Franklin, come down Meridian Road and go to Winco. If this development goes in and punches that road through, now I can get to Winco in half -- less time and it's closer for me, it's more neighborhood serving. So, again, I'm not trying to sway you one way or another, but I'm just saying there -- this is a logical extension of this road. This -- as Sonya said, there was a lot of commercial on this site, that road was contentious back then. It seems to be contentious now. But it's always going to be staff's position to guide Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 57 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 54 of 62 you to require stub streets need to be extended per the Comprehensive Plan and the UDC standards. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: You know, I think if you are all looking at this -- yeah, everybody wanting to go out to Meridian Road into Winco. I think there is just as many people that live in this development that may want to go west and that -- opening that up gives them the out to get over to Linder, which will eventually have an overpass and get over to Ten Mile where there is a lot of development as well and without going out to Meridian Road. I think that connectivity is important. Holland: Yeah. Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland, go right ahead. Holland: To build on a lot of the comments we have just had, too, I -- I think we are close and I think there are some things we can do that might help other Commissioners feel better about it, but I just wanted to run those thoughts by others and I certainly don't have to make a motion, I'm happy to let somebody else do it, but a couple of thoughts that I have heard from people. One, if we could at least -- I would agree, I don't think we can remove the connection to Ruddy Drive. I don't think that's our authority or our recommendation really should be around where road connections are. I think ACHD has reasons for why they want the connectivity there and so does the city and they make good points there. So, I would say what we could do is request some sort of traffic calming measure where Ruddy Drive connects to the subdivision on the west. I don't know if we have a specific thought on what kind of traffic calming measures we want to see or if we could just leave that up to the developer to work with staff on finding an appropriate traffic calming measure of some sort there. We could also look -- we could ask them for consideration of a more concentrated open space in the R-40, if they could, I don't know, shift a couple lots and put in a basketball court or something like that. I don't know that I have got a specific way that I want to see that done, but that was something that was mentioned by a couple of us. We could ask Council to consider if the density is too high in the R-40. I don't think I'm at the point where I want to restrict them or ask them to remove units, but we could certainly ask Council to consider that as they look at the application and, then, the request from the applicant was to modify A-1-C, which was to have the improvements done by phase three instead of phase two. I don't see a big concern with that, but I know the staff would require that the north side of Waltman would receive those improvements as part of phase two. So, I think we can make that condition, that the north side of Waltman would still need to be done in phase two, but the other improvements could be done to phase three. But I don't know what else you want to add to that, so I'm going to stop there and let you keep adding to the list if we need to. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 58 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 55 of 62 Fitzgerald: I'm on a similar page that Commissioner Holland is -- or Holland is. You are. I'm less concerned about the linear open space, but that's something we can talk about or concentrated open space. I have no problem with making discussion points or recommendations to City Council. And I do think -- and I think Matt was very amenable to it, to specifically outline that we do want -- whether it's chokers or it's rumble strips or it's -- whatever it's going to be in that curve to make it so if you really want to go through that neighborhood it's going to slow you down and, again, I think whoever is going to buy these houses is going to be well aware of what's taking place while they are -- hopefully they -- they would go in eyes wide open on what's -- that there is a connection point there and I do have a -- Commissioner Seal, one question for you just as you asked. Is there -- or what's your biggest concern having the connection point, besides -- I understand the safety issue, but wouldn't you want -- if you are in that neighborhood to the west wouldn't you want this connection point? I guess that's my -- I guess I'm confused there. Seal: Yes, I will just answer it that way. It's just the sheer volume. So, I mean the consideration for traffic around this is simply based on this development alone and my biggest concern is you have probably a multi-phase, if not, multiple developments to the west that are all going to funnel through this. I -- I mean I'm looking at the -- you know, how the houses are lined out and if somebody really wants to go into this, you know, eyes wide open, stand out there at -- you know, between 7:00 and 9:00 -- or 7:00 and 9:00 o'clock in the morning, I would imagine you are going to have a line that goes all the way up Ruddy, all the way down Waltman, just from -- not even from this -- not even from this development, from the -- all the development from the west. I mean that will calm itself over time when people figure out that, hey, that's just too crowded, it's not worth my time, I'm going to go around. The Linder overpass is going to help that out as well, but it's just the sheer volume of it. I mean you are -- you are having all of those -- all of those houses to the west that are essentially landlocked, I mean there is no other way for them -- they either have to go out to Linder Road and go around or they go -- come through this one street and -- and I agree, I mean it's great connectivity for them to be able to get over to Winco, you know, there is a couple ways they can split out once they get on Waltman. They can go out Commercial. They can go through Waltman. You know, however they are going to do that. It's just Ruddy as it comes around it's just going to -- it's going to carry an amazing -- to me, as I see it -- and I'm not a traffic engineer, but common sense tells me -- because I have had to live through the -- you know, development in -- in Meridian and in Kuna for that matter where the next thing you know you have one little street and everybody trying to funnel through it and that -- that meets this. I mean it's on a curve, there is going to be trees, you are going to have kids that are in the subdivision that are in the -- you know, essentially, in that -- that northwest corner, they are going to have to cross over that road to get to the -- you know, that great big open area and, again, that's -- I mean, yes, I think for the individual that's trying to get to different places this makes a lot of sense, but in all the overwhelming amount -- just the traffic volume trying to pass on that one little street -- I mean that's -- that's just a no go for me and, yeah, it's probably going to be really really busy for a couple hours in the morning and really really busy for a couple hours at night and, then, it will be like every other street, you know, fairly underutilized. But those hours where you have kids trying to get to school buses and, you know, walking home and going to activities and things like that, I just think that the Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 59 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 56 of 62 overwhelming amount of traffic that's going to pass on that road is simply too much and, again, it's -- it's disappointing, because I'm not overlooking everything that the applicant is trying to do to help this to fit, I mean there is some minor concerns with the rest of it in my mind, you know, but what they are doing to -- you know, the work they are doing on Corporate Drive, the work they are doing on Waltman to improve the safety, to improve all of that, the bridges, the pathways and everything, they are -- they are above and beyond, but this funneling everything through there and not -- you know, I mean I can't imagine somebody looking at that and thinking that people are going to continue to go out Linder Road and around. I mean I just think there is going to be an overwhelming amount of traffic that passes through that one level street. Grove: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Grove. Grove: I had a question for staff and, then, just kind of an overall trying to piece some things together. Staff, I was wondering on -- above this parcel that we are talking about, this project, if there is -- if you know if ACHD is considering connecting the stub street to the west -- to the northwest Greenhead Street to Commercial -- or to Corporate. Sorry. Allen: Chairman, Commissioner Grove, I'm sorry, I'm -- I don't have a map in front of me and I'm not sure exactly which street you are referencing. Parsons: That's --that's okay, Sonya. I have the map pulled up. So, Mr. Chair, Members of the Commission, Commissioner Grove, looking at letter GIS layer, yeah, there is a stub street off of Greenhead Street and it stubs to an Ada county parcel that's roughly seven and a half acres. So, more than likely when that property develops, yes, we will probably have that street tie in and connect in to either Walmart or the collector or both, we just don't know -- we don't know at this point until they come in with annexation, but I can tell you the future land use map has that as medium density residential, so we can anticipate some kind of public street system through that property. Grove: Okay. Thank you. The reason I asked is because it -- looking at this area comprehensively, it seems to me that the more connectivity we have the more options we have for people to disperse and that is going to lessen traffic in areas. So, if we have more options for people it -- to me it seems to reason that that burden gets dispersed -- it might not get dispersed evenly, but it has a greater ability to disperse if there is options. So, that would be my only push back. And, then, I guess in general, just trying to understand like if it's not this, what is the solution to this property? Because no matter what comes in here it's going to have traffic of some kind. So, if not this how -- you know, what are we going to be asking for this development if it were to come through completely different to mitigate the traffic concern, rather-- I mean --or is this --would this be destined to not be developed I guess would be the question. So, I'm just kind of-- I don't have like thoughts or anything, I'm just trying to wrap my head around what that means. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 60 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 57 of 62 Fitzgerald: I think your -- I got a great question, because I think whatever goes in there is going to have to connect to Waltman. I mean that is a stub street and that's -- so, whatever develops here, whether it's commercial or R-4 or R-8 or R-14, but it's got to be mixed use, because of the comp plan, it's is going to have a connection point to Waltman. I don't think we are getting away from that with whatever gets developed, because that's ACHD's desire and the city's desire and I think -- I really appreciate that you pointed out the Greenhead connection, because I think there are additional connection points that are getting brought into this eventually as other things develop in that area. Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: It may take time, but I think they are going to connect. Pitzer: Sorry. Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Absolutely. Go right ahead, ma'am. Pitzer: So, remind me. On phase one and two, that's going to be the R-8, R-15 and, then, the R-40 would then do phase three and four? Was that -- was that correct? Fitzgerald: Chris, can you put up the map on the phasing plan again. Because R-1 is the connection point to Waltman and, then, the -- in the -- that -- that's phase one. I can't remember the checkerboard --which way it goes around the circle. There is four phases. Chris, can you bring that up real quick? Johnson: I'm in the process of doing that. Fitzgerald: Thanks, sir. Pitzer: So, I guess my question is -- is Corporate going to go through with phase one and, then, they are going to have to redo the bridge on Waltman, so I take it there is going to be either limited access on Waltman at that time, so it's going to have to funnel down Corporate. Okay. So, we are doing -- so, we are doing that and, then, the second phase is going to be one of the apartments. So -- Fitzgerald: Sonya, can you walk us through the -- the request on when things are happening, because I want to make sure we are all clear. Pitzer: Thank you. Allen: Chairman, are you asking about the applicant's request? Fitzgerald: Yeah. Well, just in general when -- you know, when we are doing widening Waltman, when bridges are being done, when the sidewalks -- all that fun stuff. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 61 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 58 of 62 Allen: So, the extension of Corporate -- the off-site extension of Corporate from the north and the sidewalk along the east side is going to be done prior to issuance of building permits in the first phase of development and the widening of Waltman and the reconstruction of the bridge and the construction of the sidewalk along the north side of Waltman -- and these are all off-site improvements -- will be done prior to the third phase of development. Cassinelli: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Cassinelli. Cassinelli: Sonya, I have got -- this -- bringing this phasing map presents a couple questions. We have got--we are going to do phase three and four, so all the construction equipment is going to go through existing phases --through existing residential. It seems to me it should be flipped. What was your -- what was the consideration on that, if any? Allen: I'm not sure what your -- so, the extension of Corporate is going to take place prior to issuance of any building permits. So, access will be available from the north from Corporate and from the east from Meridian Road via Waltman. Cassinelli: Correct. But -- so, phase one is the -- is the R-8 and R-15 in the northwest corner. Phase two is the -- what I'm looking at here phase two is the multi-family on the northeast. You build those two in, now when you do phase four you got to run all your construction vehicles and equipment through existing apartment buildings. Likewise, phase three you got to run everything through -- through the existing residential. Allen: Oh, I see your point. You know, I'm not sure. The applicant could answer that question, but the public hearing is closed, so -- Cassinelli: Yeah. Allen: Sorry. Cassinelli: Was that ever -- was that ever looked at? Is that -- I mean to me that just -- it seems backwards. I would put the -- I would build in the back first. Allen: Yeah. I'm sorry, I can't answer that. I didn't -- I didn't discuss that specifically with the applicant. Cassinelli: Okay. Fitzgerald: The applicant -- Cassinelli: Well, I don't know if we want to open it up for that. Mr. Commissioner, if I -- and I guess there is -- there is pros and cons, too. Then you're bringing -- you know, Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 62 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 59 of 62 then, you are having -- if you do -- if phase three becomes phase one, then, you are driving residential people out through all the construction, so it's -- Fitzgerald: Yeah. Cassinelli: -- it's -- you know, it's not good either way I guess. Mr. -- Mr. Chairman, if I might. Fitzgerald: Yes, go right ahead. Cassinelli: One more thing. My -- my issue with -- in looking at the map and I -- and I see what Commissioner Grove pointed out on that Greenhead, but that could be -- I mean that could be 20 years before that road ever gets developed. It may never. I mean, you know, somebody wants to keep that parcel forever and -- and I agree with Commissioner Seal, we are bringing now three access points off Linder are going to essentially-- I mean some people will probably still go out Linder, because they -- if they are having a -- you know, they may go down to Ten Mile, they may have a different -- a different route going to drop their kids off to school and, then, out or something, but you still reduce -- you are still going to take what went out three access points and funneling it all through the one Ruddy and that's -- that -- that's one of that -- to me, again, I mean that -- that's a huge issue. If -- if we knew that the one up top on that Greenhead was -- was going to be opening up simultaneously, I would be more comfortable with -- with that access point, but that may never -- that may never happen and, then, the other being I'm still -- I still feel that Waltman is going to be taxed to the absolute limit as soon as this goes through. Parsons: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Go ahead, Bill. Parsons: Yeah. I think -- I think Commissioner Cassinelli brings up some good points, at least with the phasing plan about construction traffic, but certainly the applicant is entering into a DA-- new DA. There is a rezone here. So, it's certainly within your purview to suggest a new phasing plan. It's certainly within your purview in the development agreement as a recommended provision to say that phase one and three could happen prior to the multi-family happening -- you want to see other improvements done. So, if traffic is a concern you can certainly have the single family develop ahead of the larger multi-family and say potentially two and four you can hold off and say until maybe Hawkins comes in and see how that -- that develops in the future, that may be an option for you to hold off on some of that. Again, I don't want you to deliberate on that without speaking with the applicant. So, if that's something you want to contemplate talking about rephasing this and holding on a certain amount of units coming on per phase per year, whatever date you want to set and parameters you want to set in that DA, then, I would certainly encourage you to speak with the applicant on those types of things. Fitzgerald: Thank you, Bill. Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 63 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 60 of 62 Holland: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Holland. Holland: I think rather than opening it back up to discuss the phasing plan, that's something that certainly should be noted and it's a great comment and a great point. I'm sure they have reason for why they designed the phasing the way that they did, but I would feel comfortable if we just asked the applicant to reconsider the phasing plan and be ready to have a discussion with Council on -- on why and how they do the phasing and if Council wants to reconsider that and if you want to discuss it more we certainly can. Fitzgerald: No. I'm comfortable with that as well, but I am open to other discussions if we -- if there is a need to talk to the applicant we can do that. It's up to you all. But I'm comfortable saying that there is some concern there -- depending on how we move forward. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: Yeah. I -- I don't think we need to reopen, I just -- I mean it doesn't matter who moves in first, the first one is always going to live amongst the construction and the construction vehicles and the construction atmosphere for sometimes a couple of years. It's just part of moving into a new development. Fitzgerald: I have been living in my neighborhood for seven years and that's still going on all around me. McCarvel: Yeah. Fitzgerald: So, are there additional thoughts or comments? I mean I think we have a couple pieces that we -- or I think Commissioner Holland did a good job of laying things out. I think there is some definite thoughts on the Ruddy connection and the Waltman, but where -- are we in a place where we can deliberate further or motions or where -- what is the will of the Commission? Pitzer: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner Pitzer. Pitzer: Yeah. What -- with the way this phasing is set up, obviously, they are going to have to cut off Waltman for a while while everybody goes down Corporate past those big three story apartments down that way. I just think the traffic is going to back up to a point -- especially when the bridge is being done -- that maybe once the bridge is finished and that road is widened traffic might -- I mean it's going to be heavy, but like you said, it's going to be for a couple hours in the morning and a couple hours at night. I'm more Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 64 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 61 of 62 concerned about them getting into the subdivision than -- then getting out. I think that -- that Corporate Drive, once it's finished and goes through is going to be utilized as well. Fitzgerald: Thank you for that. Holland: Mr. Chair, I can try to make a motion that I ran through some thoughts with earlier and see what happens. Fitzgerald: Motions are in order always, so go right ahead. Holland: All right. After considering all staff, applicant, and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to City Council on file number H-2020-0024, as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 21 st, 2020, with the following modifications: That A-1-C would be modified to allow some of the improvements done by phase three instead of -- or before phase three instead of phase two, but that they would still work with staff's recommendation to require that the north side of Waltman would receive the improvements prior to phase two and that the applicant would work with staff on that specific condition to make sure that it meets both their needs. That there would be a traffic calming measure implemented for where Ruddy Drive connects to the subdivision on the west. That there would be consideration by the applicant and preparation for discussion with Council on the open space for the multi-family on the east, if there is a way to configure some additional open spaces there. That we would ask Council to consider if the density is too high in the R-40, if they feel comfortable with the number of units and that we would ask the applicant to reconsider and be prepared to discuss with Council the phasing plan related to construction traffic going through the neighborhoods, as well as timing of roadway improvements and discuss whether or not that phasing should be reconfigured. McCarvel: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to recommend approval of file number H-2020- 0024. Is there any other discussion before we call for a roll call vote? Okay. Hearing none, Madam Clerk, can you call the roll, please. Roll call: Holland, yea; Seal, nay; McCarvel, yea; Pitzer, nay; Grove, yea; Cassinelli, nay: Fitzgerald, yea. Fitzgerald: Motion passes on a four-three vote. MOTION CARRIED: FOUR AYES. THREE NAYS. Fitzgerald: Guys, I really appreciate the discussion. I think these are hard and it's -- think it's going to get harder with -- as we continue to grow, especially with in-fill. Matt, thanks for all your work and for all the stuff that you have been doing. I think we are -- we are seeing the way our city is growing, just in general -- how we have been voting lately and I appreciate everybody's really intense look at these projects and the discussion Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 65 of 198 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 21,2020 Page 62 of 62 that we have all had, because I think it's -- it's indicative of what we are going to be dealing with for a while. ACHD definitely needs to catch up. The legislature needs to understand that we are -- we need some more infrastructure and that's I think what we are voting on right now and our views of that and so really appreciate all the work of the city staff. I really appreciate the neighbors being involved in all this process and I think there is -- we are going to continue to have these really intense conversations about how we see the city growing. So, thank you for all your work. Thank you for the conversations and -- and we will keep moving forward. Schultz: Thank you. McCarvel: Mr. Chair? Fitzgerald: Commissioner McCarvel. McCarvel: I move we adjourn. Cassinelli: Second. Fitzgerald: I have a motion and a second to adjourn the meeting. All those in favor say aye. Any opposed? MOTION CARRIED: ALL AYES. Fitzgerald: Thanks, team. Really appreciate all your efforts. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9.18 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 5 28 1 2020 RYAN FITZGERALD - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 28,2020— Page 66 of 198 WEI�DIAN�' ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item -4.A. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item -Approve Minutes of May 7, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting MA ATTACHMENTS: Descri ti U loa Meeting Minutes Minutes 5/11/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 3 of 148 Meridian Planning&Zoning Commission May 7,2020 Page 60 of 60 Holland: Okay. Let's modify it to say that all the homes on the southern and west perimeter would have the additional setbacks as described by the applicant. Parsons: Yeah. Deb said 30 feet. Holland: Thirty feet. Fitzgerald: Is there a second or -- concur with the adjusted motion? McCarvel: Second concurs. Fitzgerald: Okay. Any other additional comments or discussion before we vote? Okay. Madam Clerk, can you call the roll, please, ma'am. Roll call: Fitzgerald, yea; Holland, yea; Seal, nay; McCarvel, yea; Pitzer, absent; Cassinelli, nay; Grove, absent. MOTION CARRIED: THREE AYES. TWO NAYS. TWO ABSENT. Fitzgerald: Thanks, guys. I appreciate Deb and the team. We appreciate all the input for the community and from the Toll Brothers team. We appreciate you guys being here tonight. With that we have one more motion. McCarvel: Mr. Chair, I move we adjourn. Seal: Second. Fitzgerald: Thank you. Motion and a second to adjourn the meeting. All those in favor say aye. Thank you all. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:06 P.M. (AUDIO RECORDING ON FILE OF THESE PROCEEDINGS.) APPROVED 5 21 2020 RYAN FITZGERALD - CHAIRMAN DATE APPROVED ATTEST: CHRIS JOHNSON - CITY CLERK Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 63 of 148 Planning and Zoning Hearing Outline and Presentations Changes to Agenda: Item 5A—Modern Craftsman at Black Cat-Applicant is requesting continuance to July 2°d in order to work through some design changes in regards to the location of the open space.Staff is in support of this continuance. Item#513: COMPASS Charter School East Expansion (H-2020-0042) Application(s): ➢ Annexation and Zoning, Development Agreement Modification Size of property,existing zoning,and location: This site consists of 5.15 acres of land, zoned RUT, located at 4540 W. Franklin Road. (Near intersection of Black Cat and Franklin). Adjacent Land Use&Zoning:West—Education institution and M-E zoning; North—vacant and M-E zoning; East—Residential and RUT zoning;South—Vacant/Ag and RUT zoning. History: N/A Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: Medium Density Residential Summary of Request: The Applicant is requesting annexation with a zoning designation of R-15.The proposed use is an education institution because it will be an extension of the COMPASS Charter School directly to the west of the subject site.An Education Institution is a principally permitted use in the R-15 zoning district.A parking lot for additional parking and a sports field for the students are the only development proposed with this annexation. The parking lot and additional 88 spaces is a requirement of the recently approved classroom expansion at the existing school site.A condition of approval in the approved CZC and Design Review for that building expansion hinges on this annexation and the future parking lot(A-2020-0008). Currently,the existing development agreement(DA)shows additional parking and a conceptual sports field on the parcel directly to the north of this site and across W.Aviator St. Since the original annexation and development of the COMPASS Charter School, the Applicant's desired location for the additional parking and sports field has changed.Citing potential safety issues of children and staff crossing W.Aviator and the costs of installing a signal from that northern parcel to the main school site, the Applicant has decided to move these development items to this subject site. Because this concept plan is not in I ine with the approved plan within the existing DA,a modification to that DA is required. Staff believes that this new concept plan will offer better integration of the sports field into the existing school site and help eliminate the need of children to cross a street from the parking area to get to school after parent drop-off and pick-up. The proposed use of Education Institution requires a 25-foot land use buffer adjacent to residential uses.The submitted landscape plan shows compliance with this requirement along its eastern boundary except for the area directly abutting the proposed parking lot. In order to fit the required number of spaces in this area, the dimensions of the parking area push into the 25-foot buffer. Because of this, the Applicant is requesting a modification to the buffer by City Council, only for this area abutting the parking lot. Staff supports this request as the submitted landscape plan shows a landscape buffer of at least 15 feet with landscaping. If this were to be labeled as only a parking lot instead of an Education Institution, UDC standards would only require a 5-foot landscape buffer.The Applicant's landscape plan shows extensive landscaping and a 6-foot vinyl privacy fence along the entire eastern boundary of the site, including that area along the parking lot.Staff finds the proposed landscaping to be greater than or equal to the required 25-foot buffer.The neighbors to the east have also shown support of the proposed landscape buffer along their shared property line. Written Testimony: Linda Bowery(neighbor to the east)—Future cross-access of southern parcel and question of if City can remove their access to Franklin. Applicant—Concerns over language in the DA that prevents access to Franklin Road. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the Applicant's request for annexation &zoning and a modification to their existing Development Agreement with the conditions of approval in the staff report. Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff,applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2020-0042,as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 21, 2020,with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff,applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2020- 0042,as presented during the hearing on May 21,2020,for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2020-0042 to the hearing date of(insert continued hearing date here)for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s) for continuance) Item#5C: ICCU at TM Creek(H-2020-0010) Application(s): ➢ Conditional Use Permit Size of property,existing zoning,and location: This site consists of 2 acres of land, zoned C-G, located at 3152 W. Peak Cloud Ln. at the SEC of W. Franklin Rd. &S. Ten Mile Rd. Adjacent Land Use&Zoning: To the north &west is vacant/undeveloped land,zoned RUT;to the east is commercial property in the development process,zoned C-G;and to the south is a multi-tenant building with a drive-thru,zoned C-G. History: A modification to the existing DA was approved by Council for the proposed site layout. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MU-C Summary of Request: A CUP is requested for a drive-through establishment for a financial institution (Idaho Central Credit Union) within 300'of another drive-through facility(Happy Teriyaki to the south),as required by the UDC. The proposed site design is consistent with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-11 for drive-through establishments and with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-16 for self-service uses(i.e.ATM)as noted in the staff report. Access is proposed via a private drive aisle from S. Ten Mile Rd.that runs along the southern boundary of the site.The existing drive- through to the south and the proposed drive-through are separated by an east/west driveway from Ten Mile Rd.; therefore, no traffic conflicts exist between the two sites.Additionally,the property to the east is separated from the subject property by the Ten Mile Creek which is partially piped in this area. Street buffer landscaping was installed with development of the subdivision along S.Ten Mile Rd.and W. Franklin Rd.; parking lot landscaping will be provided with development of the site in accord with UDC standards. (next slide)Conceptual building elevations &perspective renderings were submitted as shown consistent with those approved by Council with the recent amendment to the DA;final design is required to comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual and the design guidelines in the TMISAP. (next slide) Written Testimony: Mark Heazle,Applicant's Representative—In agreement w/the staff report Staff Recommendation: Approval Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff,applicant and public testimony, I move to approve File Number H-2020-0010,as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 21,2020,with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff,applicant and public testimony, I move to deny File Number H-2020-0010,as presented during the hearing on May 21,2020,for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2020-0010 to the hearing date of(insert continued hearing date here)for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s)for continuance) Item#5D: Tanner Creek(H-2020-0024) Application(s): ➢ Development Agreement Modification—does not require Commission action ➢ Rezone ➢ Preliminary Plat ➢ Conditional Use Permit Size of property,existing zoning,and location: This site consists of 38 acres of land, zoned C-G, located at 675 W.Waltman Ln., west of Meridian Rd.on the north side of 1-84. Adjacent Land Use&Zoning: To the north are rural residential properties,zoned RUT& R1 in the County; to the west are SFR properties,zoned R-4;to the east is mostly vacant/undeveloped land w/some residences along Waltman Ln.;and to the south is 1-84. History: This property was annexed in 2008 with a concept plan for a commercial development consisting of commercial/office/hotel uses; however,the property was not developed as planned. In 2018,a plan was submitted very similar to that proposed with the subject application that was denied—at that time,the property was designated on the FLUM as Commercial and a map amendment to MHDR was proposed. Because the City was working on a new Comp Plan for the City at the time,which included changes to the FLUM, Council determined it was not in the best interest of the City to approve the application at that time and preferred the Applicant participate in the Comp Plan update that was in process rather than making changes to the map outside of that process.As part of that process,the FLUM designation for this site was changed. Comprehensive Plan FLUM Designation: MDR(3 acre strip along west boundary)&MU-C on the remainder of the site Summary of Request: A modification to the existing DA is proposed to replace the agreement with a new agreement allowing a mix of SFR detached,townhome&multi-family residential apartment uses to develop on the site in place of the commercial development previously proposed. (slide 2)The existing DA includes two(2)different concept development plans for the site as shown,which depict 400,000+/-square feet of professional office, hotel, big box retail &smaller retail spaces. (slide 3)The proposed development plan depicts a mix of SFR,townhome&MFR residential uses which will provide a transition in zoning &uses to the existing homes to the west and existing/future residential uses to the north,w/multi-family as a transition to future commercial/office uses to the east. Because the development plan for this site has completely changed from the conceptual commercial development previously approved and the terms of the agreement are no longer applicable, Staff supports the request for a new DA to replace the existing agreement. (slide 4)A rezone of 38.47 acres of land from the C-G to the R-8(10.13 acres), R-15 (12.20 acres) &R-40 (16.14 acres)zoning districts is proposed consistent with the Comp Plan FLUM designations for the site. (slide 5)A preliminary plat is proposed consisting of 142 buildable lots& 18 common lots on 38 acres of land;the plat is proposed to develop in four(4) phases as shown on the phasing plan.The off-site construction of a bridge over the Ten Mile Creek&extension of Corporate Drive from the north to Waltman Ln.with a detached 5'sidewalk along the east side of the street is proposed to take place prior to issuance of building permits in Phase 1; the off-site replacement of the bridge over the Ten Mile Creek&widening of Waltman Ln.and construction of a 5 detached sidewalk along the north side of Waltman to Meridian Rd. is proposed prior to issuance of building permits in Phase 3;and construction of the berm along 1-84 w/associated Phases 3&4. Because noise from the freeway will affect future residents in this area,Staff recommends the noise abatement in the form of a berm&wall as proposed is constructed in its entirety with the 1 st phase of development as a provision of the DA.Additionally, Staff recommends the Waltman Ln. improvements, including the bridge,take place prior to issuance of building permits in Phase 2, rather than Phase 3 as proposed. A CUP is proposed for a MFR development consisting of 272 apartment units on 16 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district. Access is proposed via the extension of Ruddy Dr., a local street at the west boundary of the site and (2)accesses from Waltman Ln., a future collector street,at the north boundary of the site—one public street connection in the SFR portion&one driveway connection in the MFR portion of the development. Public streets, alleys&common driveways are proposed for internal access within the SFR portion of the development with private driveways within the MFR portion of the development. Parking is proposed for the multi-family development in excess of the minimum UDC standards;a total of 518 spaces are required& 548 spaces are proposed for a total of 30 extra spaces. (slide 6)A detached 10'wide sidewalk is planned along the south side of Waltman Ln. Internal pedestrian pathways are proposed through the central common area to amenities in the SFR portion of the development and provide connectivity to the common areas and amenities in the MFR portion of the development.A 10'wide segment of the City's regional pathway system is proposed along the west side of the Ten Mile Creek along the east boundary of the site with a pedestrian bridge over the creek for interconnectivity with the future commercial development. (slide 7)A 20'wide landscaped street buffer is required along Waltman Ln. and a 50'wide buffer is required along 1-84.The buffer along Waltman is proposed to contain a 3'tall berm and the buffer along 1-84 is proposed to contain a 9'tall berm with a 5' tall wall on top to buffer residential uses from noise of the freeway. (slide 8)Qualified open space&site amenities are proposed in excess of UDC standards.A total of 3.14 acres(or 14.3%)of common open space&amenities consisting of children's play equipment, pathways&a basketball court are proposed in the single-family portion; (slide 9)&4.07 acres(or 25.7%)of common area and amenities consisting of a clubhouse,swimming pool,shade structure, fire pit, internal pathway, a segment of the City's regional pathway with a pedestrian bridge across the creek and children's play equipment are proposed in the MFR portion. (slide 10)Conceptual building elevation photos were submitted for the proposed 1-and 2-story single-family homes with a mix of alley- and front-loaded units, (slide 11)2-story townhomes and (slide 12)2-and 3-story multi-family structures.The 3-story apartment buildings will be located along the east boundary adjacent to future commercial uses. Single-family homes along the south boundary will be a single-story in height. Written Testimony: • Michael Swenson—opposed to the project due to traffic concerns&doesn't feel Waltman and the Waltman/Meridian Rd. intersection can handle the traffic generated from the proposed development; need for sidewalks on both sides of Waltman, not just one; • Bill Kissinger—Concerns pertaining to emergency access to the site, overcrowding in area schools,traffic, provision of sidewalks/bike lanes, preference for the property to develop with commercial uses to bring more jobs to Meridian. • Matt Schultz,Applicant's Representative—response to the staff report, requests a modification to: DA provision#A.1 c-to require the reconstruction of the bridge,widening of Waltman Ln. &sidewalk on either the north or south side of Waltman to Meridian Rd. prior to issuance of building permits in Phase 3 instead of Phase 2.The Applicant states they'd like to serve Phases 1 &2 with the Corporate extension while they demolish&rebuild the Waltman bridge and sidewalks—Staff is amenable to this request with the exception of the sidewalk along Waltman—Staff is concerned that if the sidewalk isn't required on the north side of Waltman adjacent to an area that is already developed,we may not be able to get it in the future. Staff Recommendation: Approval with the requirement of a DA per the provisions in the staff report Notes: Possible Motions: Approval After considering all staff,applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend approval to the City Council of File Number H- 2020-0024,as presented in the staff report for the hearing date of May 21, 2020,with the following modifications: (Add any proposed modifications to conditions) Denial After considering all staff,applicant and public testimony, I move to recommend denial to the City Council of File Number H-2020- 0024,as presented during the hearing on May 21,2020,for the following reasons: (You should state specific reasons for denial) Continuance I move to continue File Number H-2020-0024 to the hearing date of(insert continued hearing date here)for the following reason(s): (You should state specific reason(s)for continuance) Planning c Zoning Commission 44eetz'ng -way 21, 2020 � r ZONINGItem #SB: COMPASS Charter School East Expansion AZ/ MDA FLUM TTMU TH Legend 0 M- L.L.1.1 L I I - 0 ���i■■■■ i/I■1■■1■1■■ 1111 Iri 1�■■■■ :r■1111■1■■ � ' ■� - Project Location '•'� Project Location 11111 .�.. ...-■n � `4 - I I �L.�.r� �;■1111� �L/IIIIIII ��===111111■Ill■ ��� �L�/\IIIIII =-•�=--i1 ,:► .'. - ..-. ; �� 111N\\�1l�Clll�lllllm � ■Ilrf\\�11�CI11�111111111111uinm - _-- �..� 1111 a V • High f- • - • .. ..■.... 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Q Q ntial MU-Res /J� i Wl— _._._ - _ �• � �n.xcxs,xn.xrx� As __ __ Ilfi4xx x�x11 ,.I I r r Concept Plan I I dill IQ id, VIM—D SW— I g Ib 'I T t\ II L —_�a-oxxixc I �,p� .� � h sru�wseEremc -�a�aunixa st�m< I II � 0 a Landscape Plan LW DSCAPE ADFfER REDDIREMENIS-1AAALINE0.R FFEr .h d1 C"� • I IH!!!VlHY 95 E!!I - • 1RFFA AFDVIRFn.2A - -R • 1RCCA PRaND(D.PA (wI MOM HALO DDU'NCOD 3)SMAMERWINENINEBARN _(gpUNNIN BUSS IrIAPLE I..VFMSTIN0 IRRD—N DITCH AO IG he TRFr1PPinr— (S)SRWENNS NR e0elYI➢CUS I �(51 EUROPEAn COWId NAH HNKNBBAII �1ym (TI SVAINIER NINE el— f101 NaRr HAEDDOG'NCOD PA81DHl MIX HYCHOS!!D— lXIS IIND IHNIGAIIONBIHDCICH! r LIAAIiTfR HONONlYLOYLOCu61 -ir o RICHi DF 1NAY 12)IVDHYFNLD (EIROPFAn - G)EIIRGPEAN GaLlIh1NAA HOANREAhI iSDH-OMIEw HUNE1'LUCOSI IbI AUTNIAEI ALA2f MAPLE - LOLUI✓INAR IIDRNDCF3A 5 SUMMER YJINE IJINf BARK AMC TRLL 1-1 3 lal—wA suRNRds susH LL 3 _ - � fx R�oRr nALLI DDcxooD', x 4'J --'``I 1-11c JIT uxNNNRPEwWNIwvnExls / PIAYGRDUND - �I FERIMEiER P-1 LL 1Tf EEF FE.-K FEET (tl1 C0LVRAVO SPRVCE f RN. ¢ lPE l'EIiV I_-if • Fl1TNRF FVINRE i M 2 TRccf REWIRE D 414 r8 RAISED CEDAR DARDEN610, RAY AREA PLAY AN ¢II M' _ 1FVff5 PI'.�NUEU::A { 151 V'r'1NiF HVRMNG bVSH �j, IS Dwanf euRNINu BUSH AI 3G K0.RL NCA RR ¢�o (S b ORY I HA DDCIK D rlRTHER REED GRhSR W u¢W (5]NORY H.11!]DofNDOD�- � / IS SHACEMASTER HaNEVLDWST a (4;8HADEMAwIER= - __-��.tia...._uiu..��� •' l_:t-11 �.r...�...-. � �_�_. HCNFYL DCUST (2)8 UI.I hi ER VA NE all—� (7)AUTUPAN E-EMAPLE 12)DWARr nemi ne DusI I —(3)SUM 1.1 ER INI NE NIN FKARK 71FPEAN'1 LEG€RDPIP— oty Common Name Botanical Name Mature Size Sun Exposure Trees 19 Autumn Blaze Maple Acerxfreemanii'Jeffsred' 56'tall x40'wide Full Sun 2"caliper 36 Columnar European Hombaam Carpinus betulus'Fastigiata' 35-451tall x 25-35'wide Full Sun 2"caliper 15 Shademaster Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos Yar.iner RIE'Shademaster' 56-75,tall x 25-40'wide Full Sun to Partial Shade 2"caliper 3 Colorado Spruce - Picea pungens 36'-351tall x 1G'-204wide Partial Sun to Full Sun 6'-7'tall Shmhs 31 Ivory Halo Dogwood Comas BID a'Bailhala 5-6'tall and wide Partial to Full Sun 5 gallon 16 Dwarf Burning Bush Euorl alatus'Compactus' 5'-7'tall x 6'-8'wide Full Sun 2 gallon 21 Summer Wine Ninohar_k Physocarpus opulifolious'Seaward' 5-61tall and wide Full S_un 5 gallon Ornamental Grasses CUTTING EDGE LANDSCAPE 118 Kad Foerster Feather Reed Grass Calamagrostis x acutiflora'Kad Foerster 5-4'tall x 1.5-3 wide Full Sun 1 gallon 5407 ALLWORTH STREET BOISE,ID 83714 (202)37e-45V MATERIAL LEGEND cuttingedge-dscape,Eom EES (2 Bo�u�ru�a�u�o°aN HORNa AMEEN} OCUTTINGEDGE-TR KENNCKY xLNEGRAS`:RVE SGD r SHADEMASTER HONEYLDCUST - COMPASS CHARTER scFoot CDLURAUD SPRUCE IIIr DRYLANU SEED MIX-143,620 Sit-3,30 ACRES Cminuo HER IRIX HYDRVSEED - INIlH1ANJU.IE WHM 3.38.,OIiCH/IHllaN'8-P/1lllt,SItNIIEHYMkNDW19&CHk51lU 4VHFAlGAA5S SWODRI BRCAbENWSS,NJO UAHIIfl1AN f41UlRYE PRELIMINARY SHRUBSY (2&5 GALLON) P45TURE SEED-3,190 SE LANDSCAPE PLAN PASRIDf IAtt HYDRCSFfD IVURY OHCH4lxIGHA55,GMOGIN NNG4dkGHA55,UAHUHINY Nr11!)HV2,SLkNUEH WHMlGWI55,kl1:. ( �/� BURNING B ooswoao NOT FOR CONSrzllCrrON `� �J BURNING BUSH ! SUMMER WINE NINERARK PLANTER REDS-1,129 Be 4657 W.AVIATOR ST, PERENNIALS (1 GALLON) xtCIUTABL KaNU IAN PROP€RTY OF GUTTING€CJG€LANDSCAPE' MERIDIAN,ID 83642 ........._. AI grapehene tlacigre on Isla eM1em aie ........... O. veto xaPe_m N�'Iuvo'r�mwlv,rwwee o.;Murw ....rru'avvvvle� KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS man GwineElwe Adeoaue.tlWaideallaen Cowan MDunilp Edwe aaPo_ RAISED GARDEN RED AREA-1.9705E .ocxna ���\ ;•rwusHEn RIVER RI1f,K 0 2D' 40' 120' I aE—I e L-1 ""' SCALE:1"=40'-0" ,.- Item #5C: Idaho Central Credit Union Drive-Through - CUP Zoning Map Site Plan R 1- 1,0& 1 a, 3 p5 k _- --- K IT C CAWR. 1- Le ge e" � '- pm. �� � •.ar "gin-.' �� � i E)141 r0. sr - E�q C el w If3F . _L L� a =ter ®o® ®o®I 8r �° ■ � uw�vuc�• ¢O �—w YL— IDAHO CENTRAL xsx #� �� N CNEEP IAS�r- [if Q CREDff UNION�� — RI ND FUL OR='11 I_F =. I/AICCYYCN] Parc �„�. 7HR Fl.ODR=I1,SW f.F_ I.II 1t . } r L = �` Y r L I i 0 C i+V Im 9NF CESE _ 16 Z snuc L F --------------- R e.L411 M I / �} JR1;11 3511 F �I ,r✓�� � � rEl� L40 RUT I�r 141` I R. �. y ~ x ��d' Rood MMAW - -- - r - --- r. 1 �� MDERAR nas 8 �E:'r :L'.: - a. �■■� �■■� It I � N,I ``' ~ LO'i 9 9L,F 1 _� `.d9 YEWN ErE, r = �oV Fa> I I'l o - S00 11 ------ - --- -- - y L N 9 ORII•E F:E NY]PWi ��� � ` E O „� � I r �E r W.PEAK CLOUD LN.{PRIVATE} O i� E IF COLOR EJFSGtt{Htl MkSGNRY VANEER C AIENOYIITII 4':IAL PMEL ATICOILMALLMNLM T.OPAAfPET FRALIEFUISH Elevations ru Rrw:I L ria�ax�� MASONRYVANEER WASOMY WAILE 50UTH ELEVATION B1 NORTH ELEVATION EFS COLCR 1 LIhSOfRl Y,W EER EFS DOLOR 7 GLAZNGYATH EFSEM-2 {SLyIMWH IETALPANEL #IODVMAL� -.AL—EL ANOCLEEDAtllRtILIM ERrHLCN COPPORATION FRALE FLASH FRAIIE FMISH CAALLIG 29MW LL4VIGATOROR IL I C Z= /7 1 LLI I �erxevr¢ EIFSU7L43113 P-� W SONRY VANEER MEEOWITY WNEE A BFS CiOLOR I C1 WEST ELEVATION WAS014IN CO409--j THE LOFTSAT TEN MILE ZW WCCaSLT DR. I I � I LCIFI*2IFET I F� I � I MATERIAL PALETTE I�1 E AST ELEVATION 7HF/BOVE EMH8I15 ARE BUII OEHG5 L 6CAI 111 H11 HN1HI LI 7MSAIP USE CI AS RE 11 RE NCI IOR 6L4TE Rua.TE XIURl. I OLLL AND LVd51NG F OR THI ICCIJ EI N ML E BRANCH. i T Rezone,Item #5D: Tanner Creek Development Agreement Modification, Future Land Use r Aerial -)lap Zoning -11-ap a;Legend i-� RUT ■ ■i A1�11f•A� y _ � � ��is 1 :2 11�11�� F -+ �- -� ;_� sir � �� ��1�� ■ r� � �IrlErl� � Ilil�■nY .' ` 'y'.� Y ■ � h; a �rb■ ICI*IJ17 ■ - hl+I.y +�,•�*I ' . + I y# a a Y r r � r � yF r ■Erlrrrril� i ..a � y L•r-T -■ � = h11 r1iF ` � �I ' I . �k �llliEl + :�Ilir � +'' •�y I •I 111 a 111I� * - iili iaa�L y {i r s,_ l• I4 - 11�1 7Aw1 ■1#E � F — •- � x �� 111 fi1�Rl�q�1 IPAJT Fri! stir ■-■ rW + ,I 4 �IENEMA .I F 'j — . _ 3,�, Ir: f k• • f ca LT9 M�XR& LI-04- 'IEf � N 6RUT RU - lk4 , MARL Y 2 Conceptual Development Plans in Existing Development Agreement for a Commercial Development . F *+aat 1 F Lr T } MIMMIMMEME 3 r�— � H�I�ItFFH�I�FO mmTrrFU onion -- -- ' ' IWiMMI _ —P!oil F � � ' I 52- 0 loss solo son NINE MEIN JTI i I wrFr illsollsiollossillossillsoll illsollsiollossillossillso FM rum�m I I I_ ar a�up- `iz Proposed } r - �� U-0USE AREA L ® i0 r �0 I, 1111111 " eor ~ W.EIDER DRIVILV L ARE cc W.BACKWO IDS In— W JACY6NIPE DRIVE EXISTING BASIN BERM AND WALL VECZTATEDGUFFER JL— ITTANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION I INTERSTATE 84 WALTM �- - - . i0 . - hlwwil w �e qw�•.�.wti w w�. w�-:wMr•,fll� R g s .,' C m - i m MERIDIAN,IDAHO BRECK[]N ry 4 Rezone Exhibit MTO i ilrALIMAN LANC4•�2' ] � :see^ € �.. 1 ,.24' zsa.aa' +ae fro 9' - y S.13 S.18 A FOB � 1 i ux�ur� g UMMAMOP .* 4 1 EJ� 52 ,OiM.B�" t� i Sb914Y�a=� Z r,� t � w �60.00' 47]+6�If i R-8 R- 1 5 ; ` I R-40 k 7W W. RUDDY DR. # I NB'Pu• 51r Ii do , 4 w s I tog 031am 1 KAMM dM ' LI 11500 Nuotdoww � 6a I r ump +rTa � L � oa 125 - 791.40" ZO8.47 Srx#'b32rs''A� WO INTERSTATE 04 325' 'S wA INIERST4TE 54 ........................___vV 5: ...........................I...... Preliminary Plat & Phasing Plan W—TU"LAHE CE 1,10 MMJ-5ff'E-/ —--—-- "Ov r� I Lu MST,"lSTFD 0 Lij sas r WALTMAN w mtow rNour om ft I w p 0 0� \.mv c BRIDGE#2 Ww 250,131Y WALTMAN LN (D 3k Ftwc AU-E'f MCM.2 as ——————- now Is L. t — i eum 1p lip12) (D Q �D CD a) sroff KW 1. 11 v w EKWQ ORL yes I (D p HUXIM L------------I W.OLMI,W M FIE E MY L—————- BONNE TIO W SACKIP"S OR mw Jul;. El LU fe ACD F------ LJJ <2 1W r __ --ol- OD T_ 6 Z. LU 7- _ sum a S 0 _41 z (Div w 3 r w !r u WN r4? 4) 4 'W 4r II d U-ir 14 mew M.0 w 31 17 1 W u9ar DM. 9236 t 1. 1-84 PHASING PLAN / PlanLandscap e Site Plan 6 VvAITAi-Ni.ANF ++ - 9PL1iti9P HdL15E 4 I — - - — CLUBHOUSE AREA '!J 6HV4'ly fROUI DRIVE -' ..... -- _ _k PERGOLA SHAI]E SIHLti I'J I?t POOL vim .i d POOLSiOE SEATING Y FIREPII ME RUCK Z ALLEY LrY Jf i W.EIDER DRIVE �! z W W.F:U17I)Y DR IVF l Y VLAYUHOLJNO T• - -__—�'� - AREA ¢ — — — — I PARK AREA _ '~ NASILEMALi•. vi -._..__ fOURi - - a — 16'PEOE57RIAN BRIDGE- - ---'� ^----- •..-1'V.BACICWUULJS RR�� ------ --j - —_- �---- I• PLAYGROL]N E OARA- w ------ -- - ! - j tiv.1.AcxSN I F DR NE EXISTING BASIN 1 BERPA AND WALL _R " JLjLj' U, ;- a .e_ ---VEGETATEO®UJFFER .r I I I I I I _ 4 SIMPEN BROWN GHANII E WALL `4 `s TANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION INTERSTATE 3= WALTMAN LANE -r MERIDIAN,IDAHO Cross-Section of Berm & Walkway along Waltman Ln. A NX&I.1 40 IN—FJfi I T ID-ALK N,111-11L 11111L WO, I—L L '-4 nl Single-Famity Section Elevation 94.-I.& Berm/Wall along 1-84 gs Ag"VOT H ?V v. if 'ILI I I 05"1 Cross-Section of Ten Mile Creek & Pathway 'Emu NTFHsTR III K F I�I Y R'P.- RRRR BARRIER 1,3 1111-1—AN01 INI FF IF- K,F P Tanner Creek Meridian,Idaho 5c:I 1",20"11' ff*MW VnI OWN L P69 I- 91JI WLI aP&A PI 4. Q LMO ULbAANOOkWAN ftO AMIIIII STUNNING BEAUTY LIFETIME DURABILITY ! w QUALIFIED OPEN SPACE ■ ■ Illll�o i -:dill 11 ■II M All On w w - r r � � Y I 11 � it 1�;: ■�i _� 1 �_� ■ �� ll Il��ih� � ,■ i� �1� sa 31 Il � l Ike � 1 1 0 r w ■ w r 1 i �Tw r w• 11 w I ■�■ � ■�. � � 1_ 1 i III 'w • � I III Site Amenities Proposed l'. Proposed Portion Portion Pedestrian Bridge over the Ten Mile - - Ma 10 Alley-Loaded Detached Units: _ Conceptual Building Elevations for s _ - -- Single-Family Detached Homes . (Alley- & Front-Loaded) Front-Loaded Detached Units; PPIPP- iF - J Tm-�-i�ionie Units: ; Conceptual Building Elevations for Townhomes r _ awe■. 01 t S -- lm-.-_ 6------=__4 F11V al �- ® ® � ' III ►I II nrl J � � ' Fli !� �- �� r Ea ED Ea Ea FRONT ELEVATION-BUILDING TYPE I MEN 46 Fli AU ! �� E■ �� ■E ---- -- -- ----_-- .. a .. .. .. ND ELEVATION-BUILDINGI ELE so TM Z IIl1 , Conceptual - . . 'I , • WEI�DIAN�' ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item - 5.A. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Modern Craftsman at Black Cat (H-2020-0022) by Baron Black Cat, LLC, Located in the northeast corner of N. Black Cat Rd. and W. Chinden Blvd. (S H 20/26) Click Here for Application Materials Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 64 of 148 WEI�DIAN�' ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item - 5.B. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for COMPASS Charter School East Expansion (H-2020-0042) by Bouma USA, Located 4540 W. Franklin Rd. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Upload Staff Report Staff Report 5/18/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 65 of 148 STAFF REPORT E COMMUNITY N -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 5/21/2020 Legend ® � 0 DATE: I�l U Project Location • -- TO: Planning&Zoning Commission Pro i ® FROM: Joseph Dodson,Associate Planner - 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton,Development Services Manager 208-887-2211 SUBJECT: H-2020-0042 COMPASS Charter School East ' Expansion LOCATION: 4540 W.Franklin Rd.,in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 10,Township 3N., ------ -- Range 1 W. I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION • Annexation of 5.15 acres of land from RUT in Ada County to the R-15 zoning district to develop the property with additional parking and recreational fields for an existing Education Institution. • Modification to the existing Development Agreement(Inst. #2018-079763)to incorporate the subject property and revise the concept plan based on the proposed expansion of the Education Institution. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 5.15 acres Future Land Use Designation Medium-High Density Residential Existing Land Use Rural residential/agricultural(one single-family home) Proposed Land Use(s) Expansion of existing Education Institution Current Zoning RUT in Ada County Proposed Zoning R-15 Lots(#and type;bldg/common) 1 lot Amenities N/A Physical Features(waterways, None known hazards,flood plain,hillside) Neighborhood meeting date;#of February 10,2020;9 attendees. attendees: Pagel Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 66 of 148 B. Community Metrics Description Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report(yes/no) No • Requires ACHD No Commission Action (yes/no) Access(Arterial/Collectors/State Existing access to Franklin Rd.will be closed;Access to Hwy/Local)(Existing and Proposed) proposed parking area will be off of collector street extension, W.Aviator St. Stub Street/Interconnectivity/Cross There will pedestrian connection between the proposed Access parking area and the school directly to the west;no vehicular connection beyond access to W.Aviator St. See staff analysis below for further information. Existing Road Network W.Franklin Road is built to its ultimate configuration. 5- travel lanes,bike lanes,curb,gutter and detached sidewalk. Existing Arterial Sidewalks/ There is existing detached sidewalk but no landscape buffer Buffers from the existing residence to Franklin Rd.A landscape buffer is required and shown on the landscape plans. C. Project Area Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map Legend IFEMed Legend JL� 0 0 Project Location Project Location MU- Med�High Density General Residential Industrial nD Mixed Hk en sity- .ri Ern to m nt Residential ,: p Y e MU-Res Law Density Employment ` MU-Corn l - "&, _ Zoning Map Planned Development Map Page 2 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 67 of 148 Legend 20,LRI-8�q 0a Legend R 0 Project Location + Project Location �� , �� � K-1 T=77J EH ® L City Limits ' L R_1 Planned Parcels-E LC Rd ; LC2 RUT M1 R-40 C-C M-E TN-C III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant/Representative: Paul Bierlein,Bouma USA—445 Pettis, Suite 201,Ada,MI 49301 B. Owner/Developer: Stephen Janoushek—4540 W. Franklin Road,Meridian,ID 83642 C. Contact: Bouma USA—445 Pettis, Suite 201,Ada,MI 49301 IV. NOTICING Planning& Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper notification published 5/l/2020 Radius notification mailed to properties within 300 feet 4/28/2020 Public hearing notice sign posted 5/6/2020 Nextdoor posting 4/28/2020 V. STAFF ANALYSIS The land proposed to be annexed is designated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM) as Medium High Density Residential(MHDR). This designation allows for a mix of dwelling types including townhouses,condominiums, and apartments. Residential gross densities should range from eight to twelve dwelling units per acre. These areas are relatively compact within the context of larger neighborhoods and are typically located around or near mixed use commercial or employment areas to provide convenient access to services and jobs for residents. Developments need to incorporate high quality architectural design and materials and thoughtful Page 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 68 of 148 site design to ensure quality of place and should also incorporate connectivity with adjacent uses and area pathways, attractive landscaping and a project identity. The Applicant is requesting annexation with a zoning designation of R-15,which is an allowed zoning district under the MHDR future land use designation. This development is not proposed as a residential project but instead an extension of the COMPASS Charter School, defined as an Education Institution in our Unified Development Code(UDC). An Education Institution is a principally permitted use in the R-15 zoning district. There are no buildings proposed with this annexation and zoning, only a proposed parking lot for additional parking and a sports field for the students. The parking lot and additional 88 spaces is a requirement for the recently approved classroom expansion at the existing school site directly to the west of the subject site. A condition of approval in the approved CZC and Design Review for that building expansion was related to this annexation and the proposed parking lot(A-2020-0008).A legal description for the annexation area is included in Section VII.A of this staff report. Currently,the existing development agreement(DA)on site shows additional parking and a conceptual sports field on the parcel directly to the north of this site and across W.Aviator St. Since the original annexation and development of the COMPASS Charter School,the Applicant's desired location for the additional parking and sports field has changed. Citing potential safety issues of children and staff crossing W. Aviator and the costs of installing a signal from that northern parcel to the main school site,the Applicant has decided to move these development items to this subject site. Because this concept plan is not in line with the approved plan within the existing DA, a modification to that DA is required and any additional DA provisions are in Section VIII.A1 of this staff report. Staff believes that this new concept plan will offer better integration of the sports field into the existing school site and help eliminate the need of children to cross a street from the parking area to get to school. The proposed use of Education Institution requires a 25-foot land use buffer to residential uses, landscaped per the standards in UDC 11-3B-9. The submitted landscape plan shows compliance with this requirement along its eastern boundary except for the area directly abutting the proposed parking lot. In order to fit the required number of spaces in this area,the dimensions of the parking area push into the 25-foot buffer. Because of this,the Applicant is requesting a modification to the buffer size by City Council, only for this area abutting the parking lot. Staff supports this request as the submitted landscape plan shows a landscape buffer of at least 15 feet with landscaping. If this were to be labeled as only a parking lot instead of an Education Institution,UDC standards would only require a 5-foot landscape buffer. The Applicant's landscape plan shows extensive landscaping and a 6-foot vinyl privacy fence along the entire eastern boundary of the site, including that area along the parking lot. Staff finds the proposed landscaping to be greater than or equal to the required 25-foot buffer. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the Applicant's request for annexation&zoning and a modification to their existing Development Agreement with the conditions of approval in Section VIII per the Findings in Section IX of this staff report. Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 69 of 148 VII. EXHIBITS A. Annexation&Zoning Legal Description and Exhibit Map 1 FOB HMH LAN® SURVEYS engineering EXHIBIT"A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANNEXATION PARCEL A parcel of land within the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 10,Township 3 North,Range 1 West,Boise Meridian,Ada County,Idaho,being all that property granted under PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES CORRECTION DEED Instrument No.108011815 together with existing Ada County Highway District Right-of-Way more particularly described as follows. COMMENCING at the Corner of Sections 9,10,15&16 the intersection of W.Franklin Road and N.Black Cat Road,from which the Quarter Corner to Sections 10 and 15 South 89°15'37"East,2640.52 feet; Thence along said line Section line common to Sections 10 and 15,South 89'15'37"East,908.47 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence leaving said Section line,North 00'35'11"East,1087.87 feet to a found 1/2"Iron Pin with no cap,set plastic cap marked"rLSI PLS7612"; Thence North 89°15'44"West,205.90 feet to a found 5/8"Iron Pin with plastic cap marked"FLSI PL512646"; Thence South 00'36'41"West,1087.85 feet to the Section line common to said Sections 10 and 15; Thence along said Section line,South 89°15'37"East,206.37 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 224,249 square feet or 5.148 acres,more or less. Refer to the accompanying"Exhibit S Annexation Sketch". Any modification of this description shall render it void. This description represents a surveyed boundary of the land described above by Fox Land Surveys,Inc.A Record of Survey will be recorded with Ada County upon completion_ END OF DESCRIPTION Prepared by: Timothyl.Fox,PLS Senior Project Manager R,1PROJECTS120201S20009 PARADIGM1S20009-04 COMPASS CIITR EASTUMI DOCSMESCRLPTlONSMD009-04 ANNE 680 S.Progress Ave.,Suite##2B• Meridian,Idaho 83642•Tel:208-342-7957•Web:hmh-Ilc.com Equal Opportunity Employer Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 70 of 148 EXHIBIT B ANNEXATION SKETCH 77 o 100 zaa SCALE: 1"=200` 205.90' 3 I i m OR � � m W I r o i U L[1 W(} io m ;n cn 0 o z� I I I Point of Beginning 9 10 _ 908.47' _ _ F 10 1 g-15 —S89°15'37"E 2640.62'— — W. Fl;,' _ IN ROAD Basis of Bearings- 15 ww PDYN S139°15'37"E 206.37' LEGEND N S TEce BOUNDARY — — — SECTION RECORD BOUNDARY a RN! RIGHT-DE-WAY 71EIDETAIL y'Z�zq O N O SURVEY MONUMENTS OF A CALCULATION POINT Tf�arHY I-kQ. FOX LAND SURVEYS S20009-N Sketah.dwg (208)342-7957 Page 6 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 71 of 148 B. Existing Development Agreement Provisions 5. CONDITIONS GOVERNING DEVELOPMENT OF SUBJECT PROPERTY: 5.1. Owners and/or Developer shall develop the Property in accordance with the following special conditions: a. Development of this site shall substantially comply with the design standards listed in UDC 11-3A-19;the guidelines contained in the Architectural Standards Manual,the site plan and building elevations in Exhibit A of the Staff Report attached to Exhibit"B", Findings of Fact Conclusions of Law. b. All future development of the subject property shall comply with City of Meridian ordinances in effect at the time of development. c. Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Administrative Design Review applications are required to be submitted to the Planning Division for approval of all future buildings/uses on the site, prior to applying for a building pen-nit. d. The applicant steal/comply with the Education Institution standards set forth in UDC 1 l- 3A-14. e. Prior to submitting an application for a Certificate of Zoning Compliance,the applicant shall finalize a property boundary adjustment in order to consolidate the parcels into one parcel. f. All development within the 75-foot wide Williams pipeline easement shall adhere to the most current standards contained in the Williams Gas Pipeline Developers' Handbook. g. Access to the future collector roadway shall be approved as shown on the concept plan in Exhibit AA. All future access point to the collector roadway shall be governed by UDC 11-3A-3. Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 72 of 148 C. Concept Plan to replace existing(Development Agreement Modification) Q Ib g] iF — I I III II InII I4 L- }I f L pL C E nl 11 1 1 I _ C 1 � I — 5 m] . I Igo }IIIII I. El 9 �: �1 -9 l• II II m )tj I. ------'; .m a V MPASS EAST PARCEL USA ���Bouum C Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 73 of 148 D. Landscape Plans UOU-9 A � D� �- Z p � z 1 I 1 c m c6� u x- C W o s� Amn¢ &1 7 m� a3� 'os i•:::::: '. a - �::::::::::. ::....:.: ::: s 4A16 � o f ................:..........:. j qm o eB ice uuw EEE)E nRnmmRnaenrs ms unwR rin _ q_ '�c m a_ m m�,s rnr m:n., Fwonix Aoao �� Zb G ➢� r� � - —O Gl -:. fgg� - � on 'Z" z n,nn m 6 oy m i Page 9 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 74 of 148 E. Applicant Narrative Compass Charter School East Parcel-Project Narrative Compass Public Charter School is an established K-12 charter school in the City of Meridian. Compass began operating within the City of Meridian in 2005. Compass's initial facility, which currently houses their elementary students, is located on Cherry Lane between Ten Mile and Linder. In August of 2019, Compass moved the secondary(6-12)students to the current school building on the Black Cat Campus. The ownership contact for the property is: Compass Public Charter School Inc. 4667 W.Aviator Street Meridian, ID 83642 Phone: (208)888-5847 Contact: Kelly Trudeau Compass Charter Schools is seeking annexation of property located near the intersection of North Slack Cat Road and Aviation Street in the City of Meridian with a proposed zoning of R-15. The property consists of a single parcel which is located within the ADA CountyjurisdictionaI boundary and is contiguous to the City limits. This property will have an 8-inch water line within Aviator Street which will be extended across this parcel's northern frontage. An existing 12-inch water main and a 36-inch sewer line are in Franklin Road along the property frontage. In March 2020, Compass Public Charter School began constructing their next phase to house their elementary school and combine their campuses.The proposed expansion will build out the overall school site,as originally planned.At the time the original68,134 sf building was approved, 167 parking spaces were provided, 30 more than what was required by the ordinance in place at the time (1 space per 500 square feet of gross floor area).With the elementary school addition, the square footage of the building will total 101,377 sf,requiring 253 parking spaces(1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area),which would require the addition of 86 spaces to the campus. The construction of the parking on this project will replace the Alternative of Compliance requirements granted as part of the Compass Expansion project(A-2020-0008). The original master plan which was included in the Development Agreement intended to provide additional parking on the property the school awns on the north side of Aviator Street.There were concerns with pedestrians crossing a public street (Aviator) to access the school site. This concern grows as development continues in the area and as Aviator gets extended to the east. Summary of ApplicationslReguests The Compass Charter School East Parcel site plan design will provide 88 parking spaces and future play fields on 5.148 acres.The applicant is requesting the following approvals- • Annexation/Zoning • Development Agreement Modification to reflect relocating the additional parking from the north parcel to this east parcel. • Request for a Council waiver to reduce the landscape buffer along east property line A pre-application meeting was held with the City of Meridian Planning and Development staff on February 6, 2020. A neighborhood meeting was held on March 10, 2020 at Compass Public Page 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 75 of 148 Charter School,4667 W.Aviator Street, Meridian, IQ 83642. There was no opposition from the neighbors who attended. Annexation Compass Charter School is requesting the following parcel identified below be annexed into the City of Meridian. PROPERTY FOR ANNEXATION APPLICATION Parcel I Address Current Zone Pro used Zone S1210336403 14540 W. Franklin Road RUT R-15 Ada County Assessor = rrt r l—J lY NcR.e l I 1- - R'6SeaJvnY:c 51 , tl x J .�,. Legend P-W-(4-aeo-N.WO nnr srrR.Ra s: rn,.a p ■ Prws -� •S _ ctROPa ❑ r--Nw Y°"�� �'� �=,'. �1�`. ❑ cam. ��,-- b � � ❑ P.rres OA4 Mlles � Map Scale! 7,779AO V10 OW Development Agreement Modification As there has been a change in the Master Concept Plan to relocate the parking, it is necessary to revise the Development Agreement approved at City Council on August 16,2018,recorded at the Ada County Recorder's office on August 22, 2018 as Instrument No. 2018-079763. By developing this site immediately adjacentto their existing school,they can create a more cohesive campus-Accompanying this submittal is a revised Concept Plan that includes the existing school and proposed improvements. Page 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 76 of 148 Reauest for a Council waiver The City of Meridian requires a 25-foot landscape buffer adjacent to residential uses according to their Unified Development Code. Given the narrowness of the parcel, the proposed parking lot geometry overlaps this landscape buffer.Compass Charter Schools is proposing to provide a 6- foot tall solid fence and landscaping along the east property which is an equal to or better than option. The ability to utilize a fencing selection rather than vegetation has been discussed with the property owner and they support this requested waiver. We are requesting a City Council waiver for a reduction landscape buffer along the proposed parking lot limits. Summary With continued growth of our campus,we look forward to working with the City of Meridian on this next step. We are respectfully asking for approval of this application for Annexation, and Development Agreement Modification and Council Waiver for Landscape Buffer Requirements. Page 12 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 77 of 148 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS A. PLANNING DIVISION 1. Within six(6)months of Council's approval of the Annexation Findings and prior to submittal of a certificate of zoning compliance(CZC),the owner shall sign and obtain Council approval of the amended development agreement that includes an updated development plan as shown in Section VII.0 and includes the following additional provisions: a. The applicant shall generally comply with the submitted concept plan and landscape plan attached as Exhibit VII. C and D. Any future development on the southern portion of this property shall require an amendment to this DA and be subdivided in accord with UDC 11-6B. b. If the southern parcel is developed,cross-access agreements will be required to the adjacent parcels to the east and west in accord with UDC 11-3A-3A(parcel numbers S1210336377 & 51210336450). c. Upon Council approval,the landscape buffer along the eastern property boundary abutting the proposed parking lot shall have a width of no less than 15-feet from the property line and be landscaped in accordance with UDC 11-313-9. 2. The Applicant shall extend W.Aviator St. to the eastern boundary of the subject site as a complete 36-foot street section with vertical curb,gutter, and 7-foot wide concrete sidewalk on both sides of the roadway. 3. The Applicant shall construct the required offset temporary turnaround at the terminus of W. Aviator St.with a minimum turning radius of 45-feet. 4. The Applicant shall close the existing driveway connections to W. Franklin Rd.with the expansion of the parking lot and play fields as depicted on the proposed concept plan; direct lot access to W. Franklin Road is prohibited. B. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) Only a preliminary staff report has been submitted to staff at this time. C. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH(CDH) hyps://weblink.meridianciU.or,g/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=187421&dbid=O&repo=Meridian C ky D. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridiancily.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=187163&dbid=0&repo=MeridianC ky E. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT(NMID) https://weblink.meridiancily.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=1871 SI&dbid=0&r0o=MeridianC ky Page 13 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 78 of 148 IX. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC 11-513-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall, at the public hearing,review the application. In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Staff finds annexation of the subject site with an R-15 zoning designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan MHDR FL UM designation for this property(see Section V for more information). 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Staff finds that a map amendment to the R-15 zoning district is consistent with the purpose statement for the residential districts in UDC 11-2A-1 and the proposed use of Public Education Institution will contribute to an array of uses in a growing area of the City, consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Staff finds that the proposed zoning map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare. Staff recommends the Commission and Council consider any oral or written testimony that may be provided when determining this finding. 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Staff finds that the proposed zoning amendment will not result in any adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing services to this site. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. Staff finds the proposed annexation is in the best interest of the City. Page 14 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 79 of 148 WEI�DIAN�' ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item - 5.C. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing Continued from April 23, 2020 for Idaho Central Credit Union (H- 2020-0010) by Idaho Central Credit Union, Located at 3152 W. Peak Cloud Ln. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Uploa Staff Report Staff Report 5/15/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 80 of 148 E IDIAN -- STAFF REPORT .►a H o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT HEARING 5/21/2020 Legend 'T DATE: I�� t��fl�rti TO: Mayor&City Council f � ' C-N RUT I-L FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner 208-884-5533 C=C CRC Q2W C-C SUBJECT: H-2020-0010 RUT ICCU at TM Creek-CUP LOCATION: 3152 W. Peak Cloud Ln. C-C R-8 R1 I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Conditional use permit for a drive-thru establishment within 300 feet of another drive-through facility on 2.03 acres of land in the C-G zoning district. II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Applicant: Dustee Woolstenhulme,Idaho Central Credit Union—4400 Central Way, Chubbuck, ID 83206 B. Owner: Brighton Land Holdings,LLC—2929 W.Navigator Dr., Ste. 400,Meridian,ID 83642 C. Representative: Aurora Riopelle,Lombard Conrad Architects— 1221 Shoreline Ln.,Boise,ID 83702 III. STAFF ANALYSIS Note:An application for a modification to the existing Development Agreement(Inst. #2017-113747, H-2017-0124) is currently in process and scheduled to be heard by the City Council on May 19`h; approval of the subject CUP application is predicated on Council approval of the updated conceptual development plan and building elevations proposed with that application. Staffs review of the proposed development plan for consistency with the design guidelines and goals in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan took place with the Development Agreement modification application. Pagel — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 81 of 148 The proposed drive-through establishment is for a financial institution (Idaho Central Credit Union) and is subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-11,Drive-Through Establishment,and the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-16, Self-Service Uses. Because the proposed drive-through establishment is within 300' of another drive-through facility(i.e. Happy Teriyaki) directly to the south, a conditional use permit is required. Staff believes the proposed site design as shown on the site plan in Section V.A is consistent with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-11, as follows: 1)the stacking lanes have sufficient capacity to prevent obstruction of driveways, drive aisles and the public right-of-way by patrons; 2)the stacking lanes are separate lanes from those needed for access and parking; 3)no residential district or existing residence abuts the site; 4)because some of the stacking lanes are greater than 100' in length,an escape lane is required—Staff believes the lane proposed for ATM use can also be used as an escape lane if needed; and the drive- through is visible from Ten Mile Rd. for surveillance purposes. The standards listed in UDC 11-3A-16 require the following:the entrance or view of the facility should be open to the public street or to adjoining businesses and have low impact security lighting; financial transaction areas shall be oriented to and visible from an area that receives a high volume of traffic; and landscape shrubbery should be limited to no more than 3' in height between entrances and financial transaction areas and the public street. The proposed site layout depicts the drive-thru lanes perpendicular to and visible from Ten Mile Rd.,an arterial street,which carries a high volume of traffic. Low impact security lighting should be provided and landscaping limited in height as required for surveillance purposes; this may require some modifications to the existing street buffer landscaping along S. Ten Mile Rd. Access is proposed via a private drive aisle from S.Ten Mile Rd.that runs along the southern boundary of the site; direct lot access via Ten Mile Rd. and/or Franklin Rd. is not proposed or approved. The existing drive-through to the south and the proposed drive-through are separated by an east/west driveway from Ten Mile Rd.; therefore, no traffic conflicts exist between the two sites. Additionally, the property to the east is separated from the subject property by the Ten Mile Creek which is partially piped in this area within an easement. A landscape plan was submitted that depicts parking lot landscaping for the site in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-8C. Street buffer landscaping was installed with development of the subdivision along S. Ten Mile Rd. and W. Franklin Rd. Conceptual building elevations were submitted as shown in Section V.0 consistent with those proposed with the concurrent Development Agreement modification application. Final design shall be consistent with the terms of the Development Agreement, the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual and the design guidelines in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application is required to be submitted for the proposed use prior to submittal of a building permit application to ensure consistency with these standards and guidelines. IV. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed conditional use permit with the conditions included in Section VI per the Findings in Section VII. Page 2 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 82 of 148 V. EXHIBITS A. Proposed Site Plan(dated: 5/14/2020) W,FRANKLIN ROAD --.,m---- ---------------------------- - ®'• ..da..�..� ..r.mr CUP BffE PLAN --�?_ --o-- -?Y- - V-Irgy Map Key dN 1ea L,egeld +oel \� - �` -- -_ •"",.��..,.....a TEN MILE HNANCH Do- IMIIO CEMRx1Ll� � r m,.� ..... II "'•mod: w=.wd L It ;' Lr L Y * PNiGELt __ ,..r. IDAHO CENTRAL CREDIT UNION O J a , NOS.it cx�rtwwcn u.rts f g F.WPI lNob. Project Irtarma5-and Corlett. max,.<. .., \,� ,e.i.enexN .vcu.rEcr SITEPLAM 3 r 2`y 1 i � .m a G- m .. yxp , -________-��� P 'W.PEAK CLOUD tN,(PRIVATE) Page 3 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 83 of 148 B. Proposed Landscape Plan(dated: 1/23/2020) W.F;m!LN xow PROJECT INFORMATION LANDSCAPE LEGEND 11=1L CALLOUr LEGEND LANM;1-APE RECLIFIEMENTS IN 1,1 71 1 1 111 0 PLANT SCHEDULE LIA LANDSCAPE NOTES TURF AREA PREPARATION NOTES: m M111111 TOPSOIL NOTES t,'NPERENNIAL&G ROUNDCOVER MEMUNICN MU 2� Vm ( DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTINR 4=AREA 40 11 NOTES, 4YEED ABATEMENT NOTES, 7 @EDGING .a7l-7; :.7 IRRIGATION NOTES: ANTER BED CUT EDGE 3 TREE IN DETAIL Ll 5 Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 84 of 148 C. Proposed Building Elevations/Renderings --Q TEN E Un...ti.,,na i., r wsoinr vu,icn ERANC:f �,I —.,—TH ELEVATION f 1 NORTH ELEVATION m w��` �'wsacrr e.smoxz r uuixc ,. rnvw rmxca,.... IOAHOCENTRAL s a C REINT UNION i 6C'WESTELEVATION ..",',•"", wso«ar�.�. P '� E%SERIOR ELEVATIONS f,1 —a49 MATERIAL PALETTE EAST ELEVATION r TME A4.0 Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 85 of 148 y E Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 86 . VI. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING 1. Future development of this site shall comply with the existing Development Agreement(Inst. #2017-113747,H-2017-0124) as amended with H-2020-0016.Approval of the subject conditional use permit is predicated on Council approval of a modification to the Development Agreement to update the conceptual site plan and building elevations consistent with that proposed with this application. 2. The site plan and landscape plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application shall be revised as follows: a. The stacking lanes, speaker location, and exit lanes shall be depicted in accord with UDC 11-4-3-1113. b. Landscaping within the street buffer along S. Ten Mile Rd. shall be designed and/or modified, as applicable, so that the ATM and drive-through lanes are open and visible from the public street(i.e. S. Ten Mile Rd.)for surveillance purposes as set forth in UDC 11-3A-16A and 11-4-3-11C; landscape shrubbery shall be limited to no more than 3' in height between the ATM and the public street as set forth in UDC 11-3A-16C. 3. Compliance with the standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-11, Drive-Through Establishment; and UDC 11-3A-16, Self-Service Uses,is required. 4. Low impact security lighting shall be provided in the area where the ATM is located as set forth in UDC 11-3A-16A; such lighting shall be depicted on the plans submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application. 5. A Certificate of Zoning Compliance and Design Review application shall be submitted for the proposed use prior to submittal of a building permit application. The design of the site and structure shall comply with the standards listed in UDC I I-3A-19, the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual and the design guidelines in the Ten Mile Interchange Specific Area Plan. B. MERIDIAN FIRE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=183906&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCit X C. BOISE PROJECT BOARD OF CONTROL https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=183793&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCit X D. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridiancioy.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=184488&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCit X E. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) h yps://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184835&dbid=0&repo=Meridian Cit X Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 87 of 148 VII. FINDINGS Conditional Use(UDC 11-5B-6) Findings: The commission shall base its determination on the conditional use permit request upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Staff finds the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed development and meet all dimensional and development regulations of the C-G zoning district. 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian comprehensive plan and in accord with the requirements of this title. Staff ,finds the proposed financial institution will be harmonious with the Comprehensive Plan and is consistent with applicable UDC standards with the conditions noted in Section V of this report. 3. That the design,construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Staff finds the design, operation, and maintenance of the proposed use will be compatible with other uses in the vicinity and with the existing and intended character of the Ten Mile Interchange area and will not adversely change the character of the area. 4. That the proposed use,if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed,will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Staff ,finds the proposed use will not adversely affect other properties in the vicinity if it complies with the conditions in Section V of this report. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools,parks,police and fire protection, drainage structures,refuse disposal, water, and sewer. Stafffinds the proposed financial institution will be served by essential public facilities and services as required. 6. That the proposed use will not create excessive additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. Staff ,finds the proposed use will not create additional costs for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of the community. 7. That the proposed use will not involve activities or processes,materials, equipment and conditions of operation that will be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by reason of excessive production of traffic,noise, smoke, fumes,glare or odors. Staff ,finds the proposed use will not be detrimental to any persons,property or the general welfare by the reasons noted above. 8. That the proposed use will not result in the destruction,loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historic feature considered to be of major importance. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Stafffinds the proposed use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of any such features. 9. Additional findings for the alteration or extension of a nonconforming use: Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 88 of 148 a. That the proposed nonconforming use does not encourage or set a precedent for additional nonconforming uses within the area; and, This finding is not applicable. b. That the proposed nonconforming use is developed to a similar or greater level of conformity with the development standards as set forth in this title as compared to the level of development of the surrounding properties. This finding is not applicable. Page 9 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 89 of 148 Project Hearing Presentations ICCU Ten Mile CUP Slides ■ ■ J pp I __ -- 'PI�t # IT to jr - ,r r r GR _ 'fir C{ low- jri 7-1 Il- . i,' �' _ `' it _y+. I / ti }'_ e - •— k. _ + " 9 4C- jr pv dr- '- ri- Pill _ 21 VI Li ".j% ' '*�#'�`` � - _ � I•,1 ram. - . - — rid E - IDAHO CENTRAL CREDIT UNION L.%. B ..I R D T E N I L E B R A N H C -0 N D x - ' �I 1 I I I -- �' BOISE IDAHO — MAY 5TH , 2020 A R C H I T E C T S If 39 low - — — BEN M CROSSING — - - 1 2 13 14 15 16 w° y Y Baptist Church ew ana s m y W S"-D,ree,m Insurance Auto Auctior W. FRANKLIN ROAD Stor-It Self StorageQ a Q • : . , 10 11 `- 15 14 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ S89.09'27"E _ - _ 11 The Franklin at Ten Mile Ten Mile Cascade Student 2657.99' - - - - - - - - ®1/4 :harter School Christian Church'V Transportation • , ® Campus Q Interstate All 14 PROJECTS SITE Republic Services Q Battery Center Q . W. FRANKLIN RD. Dutch Br. W Franklin Rd W Franklin Rd W Franklin Rd Pur _ A Firehouse Pub&Grill Tenmile Cr�k wc,ee"neo CUP SITE PLAN o zo 40 CURVE TABLE o •- LU Feet CURVE # LENGTH RADIUS DELTA BEARING CHORD _ w o �m Peregrine • - C• � : � Elementary School Q . C1 17.24' 163.50' 6.02'23" N88.02'37"E 17.23' Z AmerlBen/IEC Group ww.nm. ww,nma.s, W V l C2 139.52' 200.82' 39.48'15" S21'35'12"E 136.73' H w r. „"^ = COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in any form 9 9 Bright Shining or by any means--graphic,electronic,mechanical,etc.--without C61ighton Homes Idaho Q Stars Preschool written permission of LOMBARD CONRAD ARCHITECTS,P.A. QPaylocity verbena Dr 0 is unlawful and subject to criminal prosecution. terans Memorial Hwy ss ao Vietnam Vet STAMP: INV EL=2566.60 a 9n canal I 0 _ 7 Vicinity Map �SS�ONAL FiyG� © ' % BIKE- - ITD SLOPE EASE. 7 $ 0 7 0 ��G\ST ERFO iji�F Q �,�� ----------------- - __ _ S89'09'27"E 176.45' - - I - - F- �- - __ J SS 1 Q €s - ,,d 8 o��� - --------_ -o��Ekl----- -- ao ---__-��- ---- ' -_ - --�I - - _ - � ' � -! - 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ---�------ -�- --- ��� - - Keyed Notes 1 Legend � 0 3 Dt N m N r7 - . -----� SSC -- - - - N g 4 -_ci g�,, N --- 7.00 I ) o I PUID EASE. 1. EXISTING WATER STUB. 'PQ�, TF OF o PUID EASE. I I GEOTECHNICAL BORE LOCATION S A I 10.00 : 0 E I doT--=�do 0° d�T dot .' do 2 �� / / 3 � 2. EXISTING SEWER SERVICE. � K R\ ID EASE. © - 12 - - - - - - - - - _ I I I 3. EXISTING TELEPHONE/FIBER OPTICS. SS SS EXISTING SANITARY SEWER -� 4. EXISTING GAS LINE. W W EXISTING WATER 3oi aoi �S`s0- I ❑ \ 5. EXISTING POWER. TEN MILE e 3 1e lux o �� 6. PRESSURE IRRIGATION. IRR EXISTING GRAVITY IRRIGATION 12 m \ BRANCH ®® ®® ®® I 7. EXISTING SIDEWALK-RETAIN & PROTECT. R Pl EXISTING PRESSURE IRRIGATION58.03' a \ I I Q 8. EXISTING IRRIGATION ACCESS. \ACHD SIDEWALK EASE. "10.13'' iI = •' � � P� GAS EXISTING GAS I _a I I � Q 9. EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. l co ® ® _� 19.00, I I \ I S D „l -y 7.00 ( ) 13 I \ I 10. BICYCLE PARKING-2 LOOP. �/ EXISTING STORM DRAIN eU INESs \ n ® �° \ o m V� \ I 11. CONCRETE CURB. EP EP EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT .. ® ® \ z I 12. CONCRETE SIDEWALK. it LANDSCAPE ' ® p " 12 ® \� N \ 25.50' z X EXISTING FENCE BUFFER TO PA ° 25.00' PUID, PUBLIC--I' J 13. ASPHALT PAVEMENT. Q w e �� IDAHO CENTRAL o I r TM CREEK SU DIVISION NO. 2 \ I ACCESS EASE. I z 14. CONCRETE CROSSWALK. O EXISTING SEWER MANHOLE CREDIT UNION \ m LOT 14 BLOC 2 COMMON \\ r I ::13.25 . \ 13 o v (COMMON) I 0 T EXISTING TELEPHONE Lu 0 1ST FLOOR = 7,900 S.F. ; :: \ M 1 \ Parcel Table P EXITING POWER J I 2ND FLOOR = 11,300 S.F. T :G EK SUBDIVISION N0. 2 \ \ 7 Q 35.55' \ o Z - - - - SUBDIVISION BOUNDARY F1 11 OT 10 BLOCK 2 ---------- - - UTILITY&DRAINAGE EASEMENT \ \ I I O PARCEL 1 __ z I 5.10' ITD SLOPE EASE. I it=� / 11 \ II �° \ I z SITE ADDRESS: 3152 W. PEAK CLOUD LN. MERIDIAN, ID IDAHO CENTRAL W I I - 10 \ I z I Ell7.00' PARCEL NO.: R8483020010(SEC 14 T.3N RAW) - R P PROPOSED PRESSURE IRRIGATION CREDIT UNION FEC/i .. .4.. 2 00 I 14 I Cn IRR PROPOSED GRAVITY IRRIGATION "J' '. :.'. �o I �P ' \ I LOT& BLOCK: LOT 9 BILK 2 TM CREEK SUB. NO.2 12 NN�� \ ZONING: (C-G) $$ PROPOSED EDGE OF GRAVEL PARCEL AREA: 0.549 AC EP EP PROPOSED EDGE OF PAVEMENT 9 10.13 I � Us TURNS -• 12 I , \ \\ I on W W PROPOSED WATER G LANE 15.00 \ \ I PARCEL 2 SD PROPOSED STORM DRAIN SITE ADDRESS: 71 S. INNOVATION LN. MERIDIAN, ID cl) � 46.93' 25.00' �® �� • • S8856'11"E 81.5� C1 ___-_I \ PARCEL NO.: R8483020020(SEC 14 T.3N RAW) � PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT I - - - R is o Q --J EN35 O' p o : ': : ` C16 �� \ 9 I LOT& BLOCK: LOT 10 BLK 2 TM CREEK SUB. NO. 2 • Y - TR1'WA _ N• \ \Y � 1 I _ ZONING: C G l ' CORRIDOR ° ` ' •`1 ' "°'� \ , \ G' ( ) O CONTIGUOUS PARKING STALL COUNT LANDSCAPE BUFFER I I \\ PARCEL AREA: 0.864 AC 001 I CONSULTANT: N m \``` JN ► I \\\ Project NotesCloverdale -. 125 - z3713 I .j. : 11 ,' > - W N I PARCEL 3 Boise, Idaho w ' ' ° 14 N m o / llllllllllll■' / o w 1 3 r=,.,cy I MER101AN \ 1 SITE ADDRESS: 85 S. INNOVATION LN., MERIDIAN, IDt.208.846.8955• I ® ® ® ci x •MWAY \� 1. STORM WATER WITHIN THE SITE DEVELOPMENT LIMITS 0: :4. :9 . o M = I 11 �\ ¢ P EAgE \ PARCEL NO.: R8483020030(SEC 14 T.3N RAW) �; ;• : WILL BE RETAINED ONSITE. ' \ • • • � •�I ••�•:�'.• ,.••:.'.:••-�.••�-•.•�.`._:. . . .�•1�••'�. ': � 13 1 t �I�+- ,..�• � / 'p•� LOT&BLOCK: LOT 11 BLK 2 TM CREEK SUB. N0. 2 Cn �n ":C ..':".`,.'e o o /� $ Sp, _ \ 2. LANDSCAPING WILL BE IRRIGATED UTILIZING THE EXISTING \ `"'"` °°°° ZONING: (C-G) SUBDIVISION PRESSURE IRRIGATION SYSTEM. I a a 9.00' I Rl �`�° \ �` ' \ - (�•) 6 PARCEL AREA: 0.620 AC ',�'•• .•. �.•°•° _ 3. SITE LIGHTING WILL COMPLY WITH THE M.C.C. erickson 00 \ -N- --- - - ,BMA�, EHIS257801 Flood lain Notes Project Information and Contacts 0777 p 1 OWNER BRIGHTON LAND HOLDING LC :°. .. . .- N` . ... ....: . : \\ `. EMOARZO ZONE A FLOOD STUDY WAS PREPARED . . . .• °. .58.•26.50.E° • .. • . -•.-. - _o - - - - • •• • ° . ,:. •. : .• : : .. _ •••. .•. � �3 TO DEFINE THE FLOODWAY, FLOODPLAIN AND �FEMA ZONE A BOUNDARY \ \ BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS AS PART OF THE TM APPLICANT IDAHO CENTRAL CREDIT UNION 14 11 10 X 12 _► \ \ CREEK SUBDIVISION PROJECT- NO FURTHER o TRASH ENCLOSURE `� `� \ \ AURORA RIOPELLE ZO STUDY IS REQUIRED. \ LOMBARD/CONRAD ARCHITECTS - -i co �.. l BEGIN RIGHT 2.89 l .. ,.. '. .•.'' •• .° •.°.. .. •. : . -; .� .: •. rn. .. _ .• • .. - ; 2. NO STRUCTURES ARE PROPOSED WITHIN FEMA 1221 SHORELINE LN. I�V , 1 TURN ... .. •. •: . . . .°. .. ° . • . .•.:.•. o . . , �, � 12 ..:. "..•. •.. ' •,o.••• :L,. . \ ARCHITECT _ o..°. .. . .. : ::::. . . . . , • • .. .,,•., : , .`•- •.'• ° . .. •. .. • . . . �. • !1`�••.'.•. ..' ZONE A. A FLOODPLAIN PERMIT WILL BE BOISE IDAHO 83702 35.00 15.00 O� ` 12 \ \ U R BTAINED F THE ITE THAT T.208.345.6677 18 O FOR AREAS O S cn EN .20 ENTRYWAY \ \ \ ENCROACH INTO FEMA ZONE A. AURORAR@LCARCH.COM w LANDSCAPE ® 28.00' 9.00' �� \ �2 \ 0 TEST HOLE 11 9.00, �.o TYP. 0 11 \ . `. \ ( ) \ WATER R BUFFER & SEW E 11 er 0 0 s 6 10 � 0 9 TYP. 1• � CITY OF MERIDIAN O d TM CREEKSUBDI ISICN 0. 2 \ SERVICE PROVIDER 7 9 I PRESSURE IRRIGATION 9 SUBDIVISION PI SYSTEM 13 0o so• I -P� LOT 11 BLOCK 2 \ \ 1 �. so, SERVICE PROVIDER 30.75 LANDSCAPE' ` g� EE " ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DIST., w N BUFFER � ^' N 13 N 13 ROADWAYS r ~ y TM CREEK SUBDIVISION NO. 2 o y o 14: o y � �� ITD AND PRIVATE STREETS Q \ 9 PROJECT DATA 0 l 9 ,�,I yo LOT 9 BLOCK 2 ,per N 1 �s yo \;� ; PUBLIC V M 'yh l �IrCP Do' �j0 I o Q ` `\ S�\ CE EASE. \ Q` I °, N 2 \ \\ \ 1�� SITE ADDRESS: MULTIPLE ADDRESSES-SEE PARCEL TABLE z s 6 9.00' N 9'00' N PARCEL NO.: (3) PARCELS-SEE PARCEL TABLE 11 (TYP.) 12 �� F JOB NO.: 19230.01 REALTY I ® 11 (TYP.) o I I 12 _ 11 �` �`�A Si ZONING: (C-G) DATE: 5-14-20 ` ACHD SIDEWALK EASE.' 2 1 ` \ �� MIN. BLDG SETBACKS: FRONT=0'; REAR=0'; INTERIOR SIDE=0' DRAWN BY: RKE � 28.00' � � ��: �• • �O- CHECKED BY: RKE ` A. \ ' \ LANDSCAPE BUFFERS: TEN MILE RD. =35'; FRANKLIN RD. =25' ------ ,; �\ 1 11 11-4 4 � \� 12 BUILDING AREA: 19,200 S.F. (1ST FLR. =7,900 SF; 2ND FLR. = 11,300 SF) CUP \` -o---- �� 5 ss \\ / TOTAL SITE AREA: 2.033 AC PHASE: PLAN SITE - ------- - - - - ---- - --- .. - -- FINANCIAL INSTITUTION WITH DRIVE-THRU SIGN R'S00' Lirs 6'... ® v PROPOSED USE: a• 12 w :°. J SITE PLAN .: _____ __ SUMP EL=2571.83 LID PARKING ANALYSIS: FL EL=2573.00 O d N \ �� 1 / LeiTHE TABLE BELOW SUMMARIZES THE PROPOSED PASSENGER VEHICLE EXISTING FIRE HYDRANT c in Uj N a '`� // PARKING CONDITIONS. (2) BICYCLE PARKS ARE PROPOSED. 48.00' I - - - - o a w a 3 5� I S89°26'50"E O y - - 194.00' - � - - r - - - - - - - - - - I 159.35' - - I ���lll / PROPOSED PROPOSED - FACILITY N89'26'50"W 353.35' SS SS-SS \ I / STANDARD STALLS ACCESSIBLE STALLS I ITD SLOPE EASE. SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS- _ ��- SS SS� 9 9 9 _,, _ 9 X / W. PEAK CLOUD LN. (PRIVATE) / FINANCIAL INSTITUTION 56 2 �\ TOTAL PARKING PROPOSED 58 STALLS GTOTAL PARKING REQ. = 19,200 SF/500=39 STALLS SHEET NO. D 1 . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 12 13 14 15 16 W. FRANKLIN ROAD PROJECT INFORMATION LANDSCAPE LEGEND 811 . . 3 INV EL=2566.60 ��� • , PERIMETER LANDSCAPING TREE REQUIREMENTS: � EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN outiow hwirsbelow • , ' ® �o IKE — — _ — — — -- ® SOUTH BOUNDARY : 336 LIN. FT. Call before you dig. A _ AN _ _ _ ® ® REQUIRED- 10 CALL 2 BUSINESS DAYS � ° PROVIDED- 8 (2 EXISTING) IN ADVANCE BEFORE S89<09'27"E 176.45' YOU DIG,GRADE,OR — — — — 2 rs i WEST BOUNDARY: 176 LIN. FT. O PLANTS TO BE INSTALLED EXCAVATE FOR THE - - - - - - - - -�`� — = REQUIRED- 5 MARKING OF _ _ _ _ UNDERGROUND ------ PROVIDED O (G EXISTING) SSC NORTH BOUNDARY: 278 LIN. FT. MEMBER UTILITIES ARCHITECTURE I HP PS I 2 1 LANNING REQUIRED- 8 CONCRETE EDGING AS DETAILED o INTERIOR DESIGN P � PROVIDED- O (q EXISTING) ___________________ GUT EDGE AS DETAILED O AF - EAST BOUNDARY: 141 LIN. FT. 1221- - 3 3 - - � REQUIRED- 3 Shoreline - Boise. . : : HE + + + + + + 208.345.6677 208.344.900 3 + + LA + + + +I PROVIDED- 0 (3 EXISTING) - - PROPERTY LINE (VERIFY) ���'''���+++,,, * /)(�,--/l - F BUILDING SIZE: 57G0 S.F. -� SIGN LOCATION _ 1 - - - - L C®- - O + +I �\ COPYRIGHT All rights reserved Reproduction or use.-any form (�.✓} ll/__) � or by any means--graphic,electronic,mechanical,etc.--without 6 + + LOT SIZE: 88 550 S.F. VERTICAL GURBING LOCATION written permission of LOMBARD-CONRAD ARCHITECTS,P.C. , is unlawful and subject to criminal prosecution. 3 TYP. w Q 5 _ F= L1.5 + + > WIDTH OF STREET BUFFERS:10', 25', AND 35' GURB AND GUTTER LOCATION STAMP: 000000000 TOTAL NUMBER OF TREES•37 SCORE JOINT (TYPICAL) o0 00_ I i 2 _ °� of �°000O° su�INEss t +N �i TOTAL NUMBER OF TREE SPEGIES: 5 EXPANSION JOINT (TYPICAL) 0005 �glTzo°o �f + Z WIDTH OF PARKING LOT PERIMETER LANDSGAPE STRIP: 5' AGGESSIBLE RAMP LOCATION �o� 3 + J - W W WITH DETECTABLE WARNING PRELIMINARY PO z SURFACE NOT FO Ft 14 O NEW GONGRETE FLATWORK o v o v CONSTRUCTION CD, . ° I ` Q 10 QUANTITY oO°OoLoo 0000°°�� A ( 6 + > JB PLANT IDENTIFICATION KEY / GO + O 1 aE 5 + I z + + + a _ _ + + + + TURF SOD OVER APPROVED TEN MILE Ell� 6 ® + + + + + + + + TOPSOIL AS SPEGIFIED LA ' 0 �s_ BRANCH 3 00- 0 O E 1 3" DEPTH OF 2" MINUS GRUSHED HE - FS 1 i tJ BASALT OVER DEWTT 5 PRO WEED BARRIER FABRIC, AND TOPSOIL AS 3 AF 1 �, SPEGIFIED OR APPROVED EQUAL G LANE US TURN HE 0 1 W 3 F 0 0 LA-J I 2 0 R-r 00 F � � � PROPOSED BUILDING I C1 0 E 8 — — - --J 1 4- + + + + + + + + + TYP. 4 � + �+ + - + + + + + + + + - + 3 F'- �+-, 1 e e Cfj • L1.5 3 CALLOUT LEGEND 1 Z ° o \ fa 1 SAVE AND PROTECT EXISTING LANDSCAPE IDAHO CENTRAL m � o 3 0 2 SAVE AND PROTECT EXI STING TREE CREDIT UNION LA \`� °� I� $ 3 VISION TRIANGLE 41 3 + . 4 TRASH ENGLOSURE, SEE ARGHITEGTURAL PLANS 2 G � O \ + + • I LA + + + BIKE RAGK I 3 O + + + _ 5 PS ' I ZG + + + X + + + + + ° LANDSCAPE ` - �� + + + + +� REQUIREMENTS m ZS LA + ° + + `�+ + + + + + + + + + + + + 5 + + +++ + + + + + + + + + +� + + + TEN MILE ROAD CONSULTANT: + . + �� + � �� + + • •�I + + + +� + _ + + + + + + + + + HE + + + + + cfl `+ + + �� + + + + + + + + \ 3 + + + + + + + J + + + + + + + + + + + ± + +` + + + + + + + + + + + \ Requirements: LENGTH TREES REQ'D TREES PROVIDED + :j + + + �_� + + + 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + 35' BUFFER 176' S O (q EXISTING) BEGI RIGHT 1 PS GC ` 3 + + + ++ \ I TREE / 35 LF. TURN I 3 \ ` 3 CIO + + 48.23' AF 1 3 2 LA + + + + + + + + 1 FRANKLIN ROAD ' 3 GO 1 PS �� I + + + + PO Iv p`F 3 N AF + + + \ 2 Requirements: LENGTH TREES REQ'D TREES PROVIDED I C + + +3 0 0 ` �° O LA HE � `� � ` 25 BUFFER 278 8 O (q EXISTING) = m � 0 3 O AF ��� O + + + I TREE / 35 LF. � \ + + -, www.breckonlanddesign.com LA \� 0 Fax:208-376-6528 6661 North Glenwood Street I + + CJ\ N TlY S INNOVATION LANE Phone:208-376-5153 Garden City,Idaho 63714 LA + L1.5 + _ I 2 1 TYP. ` 5 + + + + ' Re uirements: LENGTH TREES REQ'D TREES PROVIDED O 2 TYP. L1.5 ` PO + + + + + Er N 10' BUFFER 112' 3 0 (3 EXISTING) LO N N 15.87 N 108 12.09' + + + + + + ` o 3 L 1.5 ui _ + + + + + + I TREE / 35 LF. ID W. PEAK CLOUD LANE � HP 3 I � G0 + + + + + + w LA I + + + + + + + o� toLA 3 3 ° + + + + Requirements: LENGTH TREES REQ'D TREES PROVIDED AF i 2 GO 3 LA P +S 3 10' BUFFER 336' 10 8 (2 EXISTING)I TREE / 35 LF. Z I ® I I HE LA \ p O + + + + + + + + O O 0 AF F 4 0 + + + + + + F PARKING LOT PERIMETER BUFFER ° REALTY } PG 2 + + /+ Requirements: LENGTH TREES REQ'D TREES PROVIDED N I TREE / 35 LF. 522 15 15 G 3 \ c + + + + + + + + + + + PS + + + + + + + + \+ + + + + + + + + + �� PO + + + + + + + + + e + + + + + + + N + + + + 3 + + + + + - - - -+ + + + _ _ _ - + + + + + + HE = + + + + PARKING LOT INTERIOR C 3 + + + + + + + + l A Oa;,F ; i + + + + q , Re uirements: TREES REQ'D TREES PROVIDED ® 3 3of O ,;„e ZS �� I TREE / ISLAND 12 12 w O r E.EL=2573.00 - 2 5 / Q TC GA ° O�—Ss— —ss SS SS N89°26 50 W 353.35' — \ Q SS— ° LANDSCAPE PLAN W. PEAK CLOUD LN. (PRIVATE) v JOB NO.: 19230.01 DATE: 1/23/2020 N 20 0 20 40 60 DRAWN BY: CV PLANTSCHEDULE CHECKED BY: JB SGALE: I = 20-O OTY. KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE NOTES CUP SUBMITTAL DECIDUOUS SHADE TREES PHASE: Q Cl AF Acer x freeman!! 'Celebration' Gelebration Maple 2" GAL. BffB 50' X 35'W q TG Tllia Gordata x mongolica 'Harvest Gold' Harvest Gold Linden 2" GAL. B$B 40' X 30'W 7 ZS Zelkova Serrata 'Green Vase' Green Vase Zelkova 2" GAL. B$B 45' X 30'W LANDSCAPE PLAN ORNAMENTAL TREES ` 3 7GG Gersis Ganodensis 'Appalachian Red' Appalachia Red Redbud 2" GAL. B s B 20 X 25'W C) 7 PG P rus caller ana 'Ga ital' Ga ital Flowerin Pear 2" GAL. 5813 35' X 12'W U SHRUBS/PERENNIALS/ORNAMENTAL GRASSES O II GA Galomagrostis x acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass #1 6' X 31W 21 GO Gornus alba 'Bailhalo' Ivory Halo Dogwood #5 5' X 5'W 35 HE Hemerocollis x 'Stella de Oro' Stella de Oro Dwarf Daylily #1 1.5' X 2'W 6 HP Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight' Limelight Hydrangea #5 8' X 8'W 42 LA Lavendula angustifolia 'Hidoote Blue' Hidcote Blue English Lavender #2 3' X 3'W 17 PO Physocarpus opullfolius 'Donna May' Little Devil Ninebark #2 4' X 4'W SHEET NO. 21 PS Pinus strobus 'Blue Shag' Blue Shag Eastern White Pine #2 2' X 4'W 0 s- Q d' Ll 1 12 13 14 15 16 CV BB (5) BB PAVERS PER TM i — HM (6) Pavers �� CREEK N SUBMIT PATTERN 4 �PP 1 0� � AND COLOR SAMPLE aLE TO RG I ` (foold fit) FOROWNER APPROVAL. 5 PP(11) (3) P'P2 i RG 5 ��' -" (5)CE HM 5 i ) PD HN - (5)CE PP 5 , _ (3) PP2 0N +1AG �a o _ (5) LF Entry FeaturePB _ rn BB (5� . +, ' r�'� o, a dau PP 7 0 e BI �,� (7)PP2 yy} _ ACCENT STONES �C PP (9) (2)QC ' _ - _ ,x SIZE VARIES, SEE r R PLAN FOR LOCA7ICHw 1 r (1)P H -~ _ ANC PRRU JkIATE ($ (5) CE SIZE. HH (5) ! (5) CE - r ,. Sk1OCTH 'UILLOTIHE 1 lf 6 CUT TOP 'h1TH SOUGH r35 3 DES HN (19) LANDSCAPE AS sH . �PP(11) LF(2) BUFFER [ani IM _ =p er f nn PP2 (2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 KEYNOTES • CONRAD ARCHITECTURE I PLANNING INTERIOR . Boise,1221 Shoreline Lane I , .., COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in any form or by any means--graphic,electronic,mechanical,etc.--without written permission of LOMBARD-CONRAD ARCHITECTS,P.C. is unlawful and subject to criminal prosecution. STAMP: �PI OF SECOND FLOOR ABOVE --------- STAIR II II II II II II II II II I 11 -- A VESTIBULE - - - TEN MILE ----- ------ -- - - -- -- ---- - - _--_- -__ ___---- ------_--- -- _---__ --- -_---- _--__ --_- -- --__ -___ _- _ --_ _--___ -_ --- - __-_- _--_- -- --__ ---- _- _----. = BRANCH C JANITOR 71 VA STORAGE IN U LT - 0 0 0 0 0 = � � LIU 0U L- 0 0 0 I 4co . ATM I- iELECT c IDAH CENTRAL OP EN O WORK CREDIT UNION C U 0 0 AREA J17 I O I . I�� J I 0 7,900 GROSS SF - C B J O I - - L BBY O CONSULTANT: FM Ll r1l TELLER 11i1I1110 'Ain' MOD' CJ I 0 LL 0 0 0 0 BREAK OM OFFICE / i 0 � � LINE INDICATES EXTENTS OF SECOND FLOOR ABOVE VIDEO VESTIBULE o MANAGER a v �I W II II II II II II II II I I I I I I STAI R �111-FIIF 111-77�1-711 C 0 Y JOB NO.: 19230.01 DATE: 01/31/20 DRAWN BY: BPP CHECKED BY: MH PHASE: FIRST FLOOR PLAN E=:] Z FIRST FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO. D1 1/8" 1' 0" ° A2m01 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 LOMBARD CONRAD ARCHITECTURE I PLANNING INTERIOR . Boise,1221 Shoreline Lane I COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in any form or by any means--graphic,electronic,mechanical,etc.--without written permission of LOMBARD-CONRAD ARCHITECTS,P.C. is unlawful and subject to criminal prosecution. STAMP: UP 11,300 SF SECOND LEVEL STAIR A � ELEV. TEN MILE BRANCH MEN IDAHO CENTRAL 3,700 SF TENANT SPACE CREDIT UNION WOMEN LL B 4,900 SF TENANT SPACE PEI ® JAN. ELEC. CONSULTANT: z 0 a v w iiliiliiliilil o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STAIR C 0 Y JOB NO.: 19230.01 DATE: 05/05/20 DRAWN BY: Author CHECKED BY: Checker PHASE: SECOND FLOOR PLAN Z SECOND FLOOR PLAN SHEET NO. D1 ° 1/8" 1' 0" A2mO2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 EIFS COLOR 2 MASONRY VANEER EIFS COLOR 1 M GLAZING WITH METAL PANEL ANODIZED ALUMINUM CONRAD FRAME FINISH A - T.O.PARAPE 36, - 0" ARCHITECTURE I PLANNING INTERIOR . 208.345.6677 1 F 208.344.9002 COPYRIGHT All rights reserved. Reproduction or use in any form or by any means--graphic,electronic,mechanical,etc.--without written permission of LOMBARD-CONRAD ARCHITECTS,P.C. METALPANEL is unlawful and subject to criminal prosecution. FLOOR 2 =E:I=EIEI= STAMP: � 16' - 6" ALLL--J-JL--JL--JL--JL--JL--JL--JL--JI IL--JL--JL--JL--i - - FLOOR 1 o' - o" TEN MILE MASONRY VANEER MASONRY VANEER BRANCH Al SOUTH ELEVATION B1 NORTH ELEVATION 1/8" 1 0" 1/8" 1 0" EIFS COLOR 1 MASONRY VANEER EIFS COLOR 1 GLAZING WITH EIFS COLOR 2 GLAZING WITH METAL PANEL ANODIZED ALUMINUM METAL PANEL ANODIZED ALUMINUM BRIGHTON CORPORATION FRAME FINISH FRAME FINISH GLAZING 2929 W. NAVIGATOR DR. IDAHO CENTRAL T.O.PARAPET 36' - 0" CREDIT UNION B METAL PANEL =E]�������� ❑ ��� - FLOOR 2 - 16' - 6" _ ! CONSULTANT: I• E7 11 1 ILI I I � F I r'r _n FLOOR 1 EIFS COLOR 2 MASONRY VANEER MASONRY VANEER EIFS COLOR 1 WEST ELEVATION MASONRY COLOR C 1 1/8" - 1 0„ THE LOFTS AT TEN MILE 2940 W COBALT DR. z O 0 C T.O.PARAPET 36' - 0" Q I M JOB NO.. 19230.01 sz �r DATE: 05/13/20 BPP ������ ����� ���������❑❑❑� ❑ = CHECKED BY: MH FLOOR 2 _ 16' - 6° ',' -= PHASE: EXTERIOR Q - F ELEVATIONS IL 11, o FLOOR 1 0' - 0" MATERIAL PALETTE D 1 EAST ELEVATION THE ABOVE EXHIBITS ARE BUILDINGS LOCATED WITHIN THE SHEET NO. 1/8° = 1 0.1 TMISAP USED AS REFERENCE FOR MATE RIAL,TEXTURE, FORM, AND MASSING FOR THE ICCU TEN MILE BRANCH. A4mO 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■ 4il _� _ r - f" ri - JL ,. 1 �• .*try 1p - •k - VWW 7 ti � _fir ■ L �_ i•i"'• �R -.Ar'.t v-�':� ?�:..,� ..Y..'.¢trs'L��..r_: �': '� 'X.ti .. I IDAHO CENTRAL CREDIT UNION L 7 Jrs r _ RD 0 .&- B ..*.- T E N I L E B R A N H C 0 N D - BOISE IDAHO - MAY 5TH , 2020 A R C H I T E C T S F F - r --moodWN- 4 ! —J AW _Jf40, _ AL • � — - - �[ _ _ - - �� � ,. ram, NJ ir— tr Of A7 �'.�.:-.r�1:,�r]..,''... .r �'. yaNti+` ,{•�:^�..'r, -'''vt. - -,�i. � T :I-,+P �` ->�` 'rt' ,.'+` - - • �' - - - ''�' =raw =�,�ti�`~�' -'_'-?���ti`�:�3' 2' ..^�} `� - �k I _ _ _— ��A �' - Y' * { •�Y' � - .may•- - -�+k' 1� � �-X�1•' _ -�~`~t t.�`+ '�F_- _ _ � ��r[T{ �ti� �-. _, _.'.'��. s.}.r_ �• e - -�.�' � - .ram.. � �J �' # _ - - - _ �l r>.:h�.•�' .�;,r'�. -. Y - t� _ ;.�i}~ _ - - '.s�+`�..+ �7��' - _�:• .�:1�� .r - - +� � < - � t � � x � .t , .- }` '� lti_ � -"•?c'��+:i�,r - 3 - �. `.��{7�.�'`�"�.� ��'�`��,ri.�,t - - _ `-��A ti :�"*`i�J'�' - - '�r�- , ��Y -_•�' } ��'}- ~ i ^-Kr J��,�_ _ � • frT ���, - �y��. 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Y f •�}r r Y • 4 f" F; kqf TERIVAKI {' r+� f F {id ,- y i y r •rfi!- _ � lawJL ; f f 4: � EINSTEIN'S QILERY YaR r ;• t'y. �IiEtl� . _,r ;b• W=::t'� * - ... , 'r 'tea •,;:,�•�."a'-^w:- ��-:���r_--��r-ter-, � • O - Owl is - - - ---_ - - -- _ yil WI F.f >�4�qI \ �r � I 17 WN _I. lyti'a o s •a Aye . - -":�__�. all ■rr ■ gas ■ ■� , I ;;� r� loom I R ry low M -k� Y IL r� I r } r Y i, LV lib. • ti WEI�DIAN�' ITEM SHEET Council Agenda Item - 5.D. Presenter: Estimated Time for Presentation: 0 Title of Item - Public Hearing for Tanner Creek Subdivision (H-2020-0024) by Schultz Development, Located at 675 W. Waltman Ln. Click Here for Application Materials Click Here to Sign Up to Testify at Hearing ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Uploa Staff Report Staff Report 5/20/2020 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 90 of 148 STAFF REPORT E COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT .►A H O HEARING May 21,2020 Legend DATE: Project Lacfl-fiar TO: Planning&Zoning Commission FROM: Sonya Allen,Associate Planner 208-884-5533 Bruce Freckleton,Development Services Manager -- 208-887-2211 - SUBJECT: H-2020-0024 Tanner Creek LOCATION: 675 W.Waltman Ln., in the SE '/4 of - x Section 13,Township 3N.,Range 1 W. (Parcels: S 1213428050; Imo S1213428301; S1213428010; S1213427890; S1213427880; S1213427872; S1213427860; S1213428020; S1213427840) 1. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Applicant has submitted an application for the following: • Modification to the existing Development Agreement(Inst. #108131100),which allows commercial/office/hotel uses, for the purpose of replacing the agreement with a new agreement allowing a mix of residential uses to develop on the site including single-family detached dwellings,townhouse dwellings, and multi-family residential(apartment); • Rezone of a total of 38.47 acres of land from the C-G to the R-8 (10.13 acres),R-15 (12.20 acres)and R- 40 (16.14 acres)zoning districts; • Preliminary plat consisting of 142 buildable lots and 18 common lots on 37.87 acres of land in the R-8, R-15 and R-40 zoning districts; and, • Conditional use permit for a multi-family development consisting of 272 residential units on 16.14 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district. Pagel Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 91 of 148 II. SUMMARY OF REPORT A. Project Summary Description Details Page Acreage 37.87 Future Land Use Designation MDR(3+/-acre strip along west boundary)&MU-C on the remaining majority of the property Existing Land Use Vacant/undeveloped land(pasture) Proposed Land Use(s) Residential(Single-family detached,townhome,and multi- family) Current Zoning C-G Proposed Zoning R-8,R-15 and R-40 Lots(#and type;bldg/common) 142 buildable/18 common Phasing plan(#of phases) 4 Number of Residential Units(type 400 units[83 detached(16 alley-loaded&67 front-loaded), of units) 45 alley-loaded townhomes&272 multi-family] Density(gross&net) 10.56 gross(overall);4.17 gross&7.12 net(R-8);7.13 gross & 12.68 net(R-15); 17.17 gross(R-40) Open Space(acres,total[%]/ 3.14 acres(14.3%) buffer/qualified) Amenities Playgrounds,basketball court, swimming pool,clubhouse, pathways Physical Features(waterways, The Ten Mile Creek runs along east boundary,a small portion hazards,flood plain,hillside) of the site is within the floodplain Neighborhood meeting date;#of January 27,2020(9 attendees) attendees: History(previous approvals) AZ-06-063 (DA#108131100);PP-08-001;TE-10-028;TEC- 12-008;TEC-14-005;H-2016-0008 (PP exp.4/7/18);H- 2018-0023 (Tanner Creek CPAM,CUP,MDA,PP,RZ— denied) B. Community Metrics Description ' Details Page Ada County Highway District • Staff report yes (t'mno) a Requires ACHD Yes(approved) Commission Action e-wno Capital Improvements Plan (CIP)f Integrated Five Year Work Plan(IFYWP): ■ Linder Road is scheduled in the IFYWP to be widened to 5-lanes from Overland Road to Franklir)Road with an undetermined date.This does not include funding for ITD's portion of the 1-84 overpass. ■ The intersection of Franklin Road and Linder Road is listed in the CIP to be widened to 6- lanes on the north leg, 6-lanes on the south, 7-lanes east,and 7-lanes on the west leg,and signalized between 2021 and 2025. Page 2 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 92 of 148 Fire Senice Distance to Fire 1.4 miles from Fire Station Ml Station s Fire Re3pcnse The boundary of the site is within 5 minutes;the far west edge near I -Ruddy Time Dr.is outside the goal of 5 minutes Resource 75%from Fire Station 41-does not meet the target goal of 80%or greater Reliability Risk Identification Risk factor of 2-current resources would not be adequate to supply sertice to this project(see comments in Section VIU.C) Accessibility Project meets all required access,road widths and turnarounds special-'resource Am aerial dervice is required;the closest truck company is 4 minutes travel time needs (under ideal conditions)-Fire D ept-can meet this need in the required timefraine. ■ Water Supply Requires 1,500 gallons per minute for 2 hours IM ■ Other Resources IOTA Police Service Ir . Distance:to Police 1-5 miles Station a Police Response 3 minutes Time Calls far Service For time period.of 11:12 019-2 9. 020: 2,513 calls within a mile of site ■ Accessibility No issues with the proposed access Specialty/resource No additional resources are needed at this time;the PD already services the needs area crimes 328 Crashes For time period of 3/1I2019-2/29/2020: 55 crashed occurred iAid n a mile of sit West Ada School District 1.Distance(elem,ms,hs) Enrollment Capacity t es 2.Capacity of Schools (rev.to Schooll 3.#of Students Enrolled Peregrine Elementary 556 650 2.6 Meridian Middle School 1200 1250 2.4 Meridian High School 1978 2400 2.5 Page 3 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 93 of 148 Wastewater • Distance to Sewer Directly adjacent Services • Sewer Shed Ten Mile Trunkshed • Estimated Project See application Sewer ERU's • WRRF Declining 13.91 Balance • Project Consistent Yes with WW Master Plan/Facility Plan • Impacts/Concerns Flows Commitments have been added to the Declining Balance. As preliminarily designed,SSMH A-2 is in an inaccessible area by being located in a landscaped walkway area. There also appears to be separation issues with the water main that is generally parallel through this area. At a minimum, these utilities shall have a 14-foot wide compacted gravel roadways constructed over top of them to make them accessible by a service truck. No structures are allowed to be constructed within the easement areas for the sanitary sewer mainlines. Water • Distance to Water Directly adjacent Services • Pressure Zone 3 • Estimated Project See application Water ERU's • Water Quality None Concerns • Project Consistent Yes with Water Master Plan • Impacts/Concerns Meridian Public Works has modeled each phase per the preliminary plat submitted. Currently each phase meets minimum flow requirements,but each phase will need to be re-modeled at Final Plat application to confirm minimum flow requirements are met. No structures are allowed to be constructed within the easement areas for the water mainlines. Page 4 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 94 of 148 C. Project Maps Future Land Use Map Aerial Map (fLegend (fLegend Project LacaSar l I Project Laca6ar. id 5 t iq RIdellilt7� _ - - j_ OVERLAND K. U r i 9 Zoning Map Planned Development Map Legend - Legend - Project Laoai�an Project Locfl-ffan Cd}r Urn& R; RUT I — Panned Parcels RUT , s 1-L G � C- RUT 11m�L RUT Era t III. APPLICANT INFORMATION A. Applicant: Schultz Development—PO Box 1115,Meridian,ID 83680 B. Owner: Corey D. Barton— 1977 E. Overland Rd.,Meridian, ID 83642 C. Representative: Matt Schultz, Schultz Development PO Box 1115, Meridian,ID 83680 Page 5 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 95 of 148 IV. NOTICING Planning&Zoning City Council Posting Date Posting Date Newspaper Notification 5/1/2020 Radius notification mailed to properties within 300 feet 4/28/2020 Public hearing notice sign posted 5/7/2020 on site Nextdoor posting 4/28/2020 V. STAFF ANALYSIS A. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT MODIFICATION(MDA) A modification to the existing Development Agreement(Inst. #108131100), approved in 2008,which allows commercial/office/hotel uses, is requested for the purpose of replacing the agreement with a new agreement allowing a mix of single-family detached,townhome and multi-family residential uses to develop on the site. The existing DA includes two (2) different concept development plans for the site as shown in Section VII.A. These plans depict approximately 400,000 square feet of professional office,hotel,big box retail and smaller retail spaces. The Applicant feels the proposed development plan with a mix of residential uses (i.e. single-family detached,townhome&multi-family) is more appropriate for this site as it provides a transition in zoning and uses to the existing single-family residential homes to the west and existing and future residential uses to the north with multi-family as a transition to future commercial/office uses to the east(see Section VII.D). Because the development plan for this site has completely changed from the conceptual commercial development previously approved and the terms of the agreement are no longer applicable, Staff is amenable to the request for a new DA to replace the existing agreement based on the proposed development plan. Staff s recommended provisions for the new DA are included in Section VIII.A.1 and the development plan for the overall site is included in Section VII.D. The proposed project differs from the previous Tanner Creek project that was denied in 2018, as follows: • Previously, R-15 &R-40 zoning was proposed; now R-8, R-15&R-40 is proposed; • The number of buildable lots/dwelling units have increased by one (1). • The building lots formerly on the east side of the central park area in the single-family portion of the development have been relocated to the north side of the common area (and one additional buildable lot was added) to open the area up and transition better to the multi family development to the east; • A basketball court was added, a larger playground is proposed and amenities in the central common area in the single-family portion of the development have been relocated to the east side of the common area to open up the west side for a large open play area; • The access driveway from the single-family to the multi family portion of the development was shifted to the north to line up with the new configuration of the park in the single-family portion for better pedestrian and vehicular connectivity between the two uses; Page 6 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 96 of 148 • The common lot where the driveway connection to the multi family portion is proposed was widened from 50'to 105' and 12 parking spaces were added with landscaped street buffers and sidewalks on either side of the driveway; • The detached sidewalk along W. Waltman Ln. was widened from 5'to 10'for the entire frontage of the site; • Added 5'wide detached sidewalks along the east side of the off-site Corporate Road extension and along the north side of Waltman Ln. to Meridian Rd.; • The concept building elevations for the multi family apartments and clubhouse have been revised; • North/south 5'wide sidewalks have been added between apartment buildings in the central common areas leading to the amenities and sidewalks were added connecting breezeways to perimeter sidewalks around buildings. Also, the previous development application included a request for an amendment to the Future Land Use Map (FL UM) to change the future land use designation of the property from Commercial to MHDR. At that time (in 2018), the City was in the process of amending the Comprehensive Plan and Council determined it was not in the best interest of the City to approve the application based on the following reasons: 1) Concern that the property would not be maintained consistently due to different ownership of the structures and associated areas;2)Desire for the Applicant to participate in the Comprehensive Plan update that was in process at that time rather than requesting an amendment to the FL UM outside of that process; 3)Preference for commercial employment type uses to develop on the site rather than residential as the original plan proposed; 4) Concern related to impact on area schools,proposed density and traffic (i.e. resulting safety hazards); and 5) Conclusion that the timing wasn't right for an amendment to the City s Comprehensive Plan and development of the site as proposed. The new Comprehensive Plan, which was adopted in December of 2019, included a change to the FLUMfor this site from Commercial to MDR &MU-C which allows the proposed uses to develop on the site without an amendment to the FLUM. REZONE(RZ) A rezone of a total of 38.47 acres of land from the C-G to the R-8 (10.13 acres),R-15 (12.20 acres)and R-40(16.14 acres)zoning districts is proposed. The Applicant proposes to develop the site with a mix of residential housing types including single- family detached dwellings,townhome dwellings and multi-family apartments. The Allowed Uses table in UDC Table 11-2A-2 for residential districts lists single-family detached and townhome dwellings as principal permitted uses in the proposed R-8 and R-15 zoning districts; and multi-family development as a conditional use in the R-40 zoning district subject to the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-27. A legal description and exhibit map for the rezone area is included in Section VII.A as well as individual legal descriptions and a map for each of the zoning districts proposed. The City may require a development agreement(DA)in conjunction with a rezone pursuant to Idaho Code section 67-651 IA. Because a DA already exists on this property,the Applicant requests a modification to the DA consistent with the proposed development plan. To ensure the site develops as proposed with this application, staff recommends the provisions included in Section VIII are included in the amended DA. Page 7 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 97 of 148 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN(ht(ps://www.meridiancity.org/compplan): This property is primarily designated MU-C(Mixed Use—Community) on the Future Land Use Map (FLUM)with a narrow sliver of Medium Density Residential(MDR) along the western portion of the site consisting of approximately 3 acres. Land Use: The MU-C designation allocates areas where community-servicing uses and dwellings are seamlessly integrated into the urban fabric. The intent is to integrate a variety of uses, including residential, and to avoid mainly single-use and strip commercial type buildings.Non-residential buildings in these areas have a tendency to be larger than in MU-N(Mixed-Use Neighborhood)designated areas but not as large as in MU-R(Mixed Use—Regional)designated areas. Goods and services in these areas tend to be of the variety that people will mainly travel by car to but also walk or bike to(up to 3 or 4 miles). Employment opportunities for those living in and around the neighborhood are encouraged. The MDR designation allows for dwelling units at gross densities of 3 to 8 dwelling units per acre. Density bonuses may be considered with the provision of additional public amenities such as a park, school, or land dedicated for public services. Because FLUM designations are not parcel specific, an adjacent abutting designation,when appropriate and approved as part of a public hearing with a land development application,may be used but may not apply to more than 50%of the land being developed(see pg. 3-9). Transportation: Access is proposed via Waltman Lane at the project's north boundary and via the extension of W. Ruddy Dr. at the project's west boundary. Waltman Lane is currently classified as a local street but is being re- classified with the proposed development as a collector street due to the increase in vehicle trips per day generated by this development and the change in functionality of the street. The extension of Corporate Drive, including construction of a bridge over the Ten Mile Creek, from the north to Waltman Lane is proposed with the first phase of development; such improvements are proposed to be completed prior to issuance of building permits in Phase 1. The bridge across the Ten Mile Creek on Waltman Lane is proposed to be replaced with a 54-foot wide bridge with 2-foot parapets prior to the third phase of development to accommodate the increased traffic. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES(https://www.meridiancity.or /g compplan): Goals,Objectives, &Action Items: Staff finds the following Comprehensive Plan policies to be applicable to this application and apply to the proposed use of this property(staff analysis in italics): • "Encourage a variety of housing types that meet the needs, preferences, and financial capabilities of Meridian's present and future residents."(2.01.02D) The proposed single-family detached and townhome dwellings and multi family apartments will contribute to the variety of housing types in the City as desired.A mix of alley-and front-loaded units are proposed as well. • "Improve and protect creeks and other natural waterways throughout commercial,industrial, and residential areas."(4.05.01D) The Ten Mile Creek which runs along the project's east boundary is proposed to be re-vegetated and improved with development on the west side that lies within the subject property. The creek should also be protected during construction. • "Permit new development only where it can be adequately served by critical public facilities and urban services at the time of final approval, and in accord with any adopted levels of service for public facilities and services."(3.03.03F) Page 8 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 98 of 148 City water and sewer services are available and can be extended by the developer with development in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. • "Avoid the concentration of any one housing type or lot size in any geographical area;provide for diverse housing types throughout the City."(2.01.01 G) Three(3) different residential housing type are proposed in this development(i.e. single-family detached, townhome and multi family apartments); a range of lot sizes are proposed ranging in size from 2,400 to 10,824 (sf.)which will accommodate a variety of housing styles consisting of I-and 2-story units as proposed. • "Limit canal tiling and piping of creeks, sloughs, laterals, and drains to man-made facilities where public safety issues cannot be mitigated or are not of concern."(4.05.01C) The Ten Mile Creek, which runs along the project's east boundary, is required to remain open as a natural amenity and not be piped. • "Encourage compatible uses and site design to minimize conflicts and maximize use of land." (3.07.00) The proposed single-family and multi family residential development and site design with larger lots provided at the west, south and north boundaries as a transition to smaller internal lots and the multi family development on the eastern portion of the site should be compatible with existing residential uses to the west. • "With new subdivision plats,require the design and construction of pathway connections,easy pedestrian and bicycle access to parks, safe routes to schools,and the incorporation of usable open space with quality amenities." (2.02.01A) Pedestrian pathways are proposed to the amenities in the central common area in the single-family portion of the development, which connect to pathways in the central common area in the multi- family portion of the development and extend to the multi-use pathway along the Ten Mile Creek. The large central common area in the single-family portion and the linear open space in the multi family portion of the development provide much usable open space with quality amenities as desired. • "Encourage the incorporation of creek corridors as amenities in development design."(4.05.02C) The Ten Mile Creek corridor is proposed to be improved as an amenity with a segment of the City's regional pathway system along the west side. • "Ensure development is connected to City of Meridian water and sanitary sewer systems and the extension to and through said developments are constructed in conformance with the City of Meridian Water and Sewer System Master Plans in effect at the time of development."(3.03.03A) The proposed development will connect to City water and sewer systems;services are proposed to he provided to and though this development in accord with current City plans. • "Maximize public services by prioritizing infill development of vacant and underdeveloped parcels within the City over parcels on the fringe."(2.02.02) Although there are some County zoned properties to the north and east of this site, the larger area is surrounded by properties that have been annexed and developed in the City. Development of this infill property will result in more efficient provision of public services. • "Require urban infrastructure be provided for all new developments, including curb and gutter, sidewalks,water and sewer utilities."(3.03.03G) Urban sewer and water infrastructure and curb, gutter and sidewalks is required to be provided with development as proposed. Page 9 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 99 of 148 • "Require collectors consistent with the ACHD Master Street Map(MSM), generally at/near the mid- mile location within the Area of City Impact."(6.01.03B) The MSM does not depict a collector street in this area; however, because the proposed development will generate vehicle trips per day consistent with a collector street and serve as a collector street, ACHD is changing the classification of Waltman Ln. with this development from a local to a collector street. • "Slow the outward progression of the City's limits by discouraging fringe area development; encourage development of vacant or underutilized parcels currently within City limits." (4.05.03B) The proposed vacant parcels are within the City limits and the larger area is surrounded by properties already developed in the City. The development of this property will result in better provision of City services. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in all Mixed Use areas,per the Comprehensive Plan(pg.3-13): (Staffs analysis in italics) • "A mixed-use project should include at least three types of land uses. Exceptions may be granted for smaller sites on a case-by-case basis. This land use is not intended for high density residential development alone." The proposed development only includes one (1) type of land use—residential; although several different types of residential uses are proposed(single-family detached, townhome and multi family apartments). • "Where appropriate, higher density and/or multi-family residential development is encouraged for projects with the potential to serve as employment destination centers and when the project is adjacent to US 20/26, SH-55, SH-16 or SH-69." Although employment uses are not proposed on the subject property, they may be developed in the future on the adjacent property to the east; the subject property abuts I-84 to the south and is in close proximity to Meridian Rd., which turns into SH-69 to the south. • "Mixed Use areas are typically developed under a master or conceptual plan; during an annexation or rezone request,a development agreement will typically be required for developments with a Mixed Use designation." An overall development plan is proposed for the MU-C designated site with the associated rezone application.A modification to the existing Development Agreement is also proposed consistent with the proposed project. • "In developments where multiple commercial and/or office buildings are proposed,the buildings should be arranged to create some form of common,usable area, such as a plaza or green space." No commercial and/or office buildings are proposed. • "The site plan should depict a transitional use and/or landscaped buffering between commercial and existing low-or medium-density residential development." The proposed plan depicts multi family residential apartments along the east boundary adjacent to C-G zoned land to the east. The Ten Mile Creek, which lies within a 100 foot wide easement, and associated pathway and landscaping will provide a natural transition and buffer between the proposed residential and future 31+/-acre commercial development to the east. • "Community-serving facilities such as hospitals, clinics, churches, schools,parks,daycares,civic buildings,or public safety facilities are expected in larger mixed-use developments." No such uses are proposed in this development although they may be provided in the adjacent C-G zoned property to the east when it redevelops in the future. Page 10 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 100 of 148 • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas,outdoor gathering areas, open space, libraries, and schools are expected; outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count." No such uses are proposed in this development although they may be provided in the adjacent C-G zoned property to the east when it redevelops in the future. • "Mixed use areas should be centered around spaces that are well-designed public and quasi-public centers of activity. Spaces should be activated and incorporate permanent design elements and amenities that foster a wide variety of interests ranging from leisure to play. These areas should be thoughtfully integrated into the development and further placemaking opportunities considered." A mix of uses is not proposed within this development although the proposed mix of residential types proposed within this development will contribute to the mix of overall uses in this area when the C-G zoned property to the east redevelops in the future, which should include public and quasi public centers of activity. • "All mixed-use projects should be directly accessible to neighborhoods within the section by both vehicles and pedestrians." The proposed development will be directly accessible to adjacent neighborhoods through extension of streets and internal pedestrian pathways and the multi-use pathway along the Ten Mile Creek at the east boundary of the site. • "Alleys and roadways should be used to transition from dissimilar land uses, and between residential densities and housing types." Alleys and roadways are proposed within the development to transition between different housing types as desired. • "Because of the parcel configuration within Old Town,development is not subject to the Mixed Use standards listed herein." The subject property is not located in Old Town, therefore, this item is not applicable. In reviewing development applications,the following items will be considered in MU-C areas, per the Comprehensive Plan(pgs.3-15 thru 3-16): • "Developments should comply with the general guidelines for development in all Mixed Use areas." See analysis above. • "All developments should have a mix of at least three land use types." The proposed development does not have a mix of land use types as desired; only residential land use is proposed. Staff anticipates additional land use types will be provided in the overall MU-C designated area when the C-G zoned property to the east redevelops in the future. • "Residential uses should comprise a minimum of 20%of the development area at gross densities ranging from 6 to 15 units/acre." Residential uses comprise the entire site at an overall gross density of 10.56 units per acre consistent with the gross density desired in MU-C designated areas. • "Non-residential buildings should be proportional to and blend in with adjacent residential buildings." Non-residential uses/buildings are not proposed in this development. • "Vertically integrated structures are encouraged." No vertically integrated structures are proposed. • "Unless a structure contains a mix of both residential and office, or residential and commercial land uses, a maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For Page 11 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 101 of 148 community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 30,000 square-foot building footprint. For community grocery stores,the maximum building size should be limited to a 60,000 square-foot building footprint. For the development of public school sites,the maximum building size does not apply." The building footprints for proposed residential uses are far below 30,000 square feet. • "Supportive and proportional public and/or quasi-public spaces and places including but not limited to parks,plazas, outdoor gathering areas, open space,libraries, and schools that comprise a minimum of 5%of the development area are required. Outdoor seating areas at restaurants do not count towards this requirement." Public and/or quasi public spaces and places are not provided in the proposed residential development; Staff anticipates these types of uses will be provided with development of the C-G zoned parcel to the east. • Where the development proposes public and quasi-public uses to support the development above the minimum 5%,the developer may be eligible for additional residential densities and/or an increase to the maximum building footprint." Public and/or quasi public spaces and places are not provided in the proposed development. Based on the analysis above, Staff fords the proposed plan is generally consistent with the vision of the Comprehensive Plan for this area in regard to land use,density and transportation. The exception is the desire for at least three(3)different land use types to be provided within the MU-C designated area— only one(1)land use type is proposed(i.e.residential).However, several different types of residential uses are proposed consisting of single-family detached,townhome and multi-family apartments with a mix of alley-and front-loaded garages which provides variety but does not meet the intent of this provision. As noted above,the Comprehensive Plan does allow for abutting designations to be applied. In this case, the western portion of the subject property and the property to the north across Waltman Ln., a local street,is designed MDR. Due to the existing and future residential nature of this area, Staff feels it's appropriate for the western half of the MU-C designated area to develop with medium density residential uses while the eastern portion develops with high density residential uses,which along with the 100-foot wide creek corridor,will provide a transition to future commercial/office uses from the medium density residential uses to the west and north. Commercial uses exist on the north side of Waltman Ln. east of the Ten Mile Creek,therefore, Staff believes it would be more appropriate for commercial uses to develop on the adjacent MU-C designated property to the east than on this property. For this reason, Staff is supportive of the proposed development plan and associated zoning requested. B. PRELIMINARY PLAT A preliminary plat is proposed consisting of 142 buildable lots and 18 common lots on 37.87 acres of land in the R-8,R-15 and R-40 zoning districts. The plat is proposed to develop in four(4)phases as shown in Section VILC with construction of a bridge over the Ten Mile Creek and extension of Corporate Drive from the north to Waltman Ln.with Phase 1,replacement of the bridge over the Ten Mile Creek on Waltman Ln. prior to issuance of building permits in Phase 3, and the berm along I-84 with associated Phases 3 and 4. Because noise from the freeway will affect future residents in this area, Staff recommends the noise abatment in the form of a berm and wall as proposed is constructed in it's entirety with the first phase of development as a provision of the Development Agreement. Existing Structures/Site Improvements: There are several existing structures on this site that are required to be removed prior to signature on the final plat for the phase in which they are located. Page 12 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 102 of 148 Dimensional Standards (UDC 11-2): The proposed plat and subsequent development is required to comply with the dimensional standards listed in UDC Tables 11-2A-6 for the R-8 district, 11-2A-7 for the R-15 district and 11-2A-8 for the R- 40 district. Access(UDC 11-3A-3): One public street access is proposed via the extension of W. Ruddy Dr. at the west boundary and two accesses(one public street and one driveway) are proposed via W. Waltman Ln., an existing local street to be designated a collector street with this development. A stub street(S.W. 7'Ave.) is proposed to the property at the northwest corner of the site for future extension and access. Three(3)common driveways are proposed off internal public streets that are required to comply with and be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3D. The setbacks,fencing, building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed by common driveways shall be shown on an exhibit submitted with the final plat application. A perpetual ingress/egress easement shall be filed with the Ada County Recorder,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment. Three(3) alleys are proposed off internal public streets that are required to comply with and be constructed in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5. Road Improvements: Waltman Lane is proposed to be widened on the south side adjacent to the site with an additional 12 feet of right-of-way(ROW) (37 feet from centerline total), in addition to the existing 25 feet of ROW on the north side of Waltman Ln. The existing bridge on Waltman Ln. over the Ten Mile Creek is being replaced with a wider bridge; and Corporate Drive to the north is proposed to be extended across the creek to the south to Waltman Ln. with this development. Pathways(UDC 11-3A-8): A segment of the City's regional pathway is depicted on the Pathways Master Plan along the east side of the Ten Mile Creek. The Park's Dept. recommends the pathway is constructed on the west side of the creek instead with this development with a pedestrian bridge over the creek as proposed. A pedestrian easement is required to be submitted to the Planning Division for this pathway in accord with Park's Dept. requirements. Sidewalks(UDC 11-3A-17): Sidewalks are required to be constructed adjacent to all public streets as set forth in UDC 11-3A-17 as proposed. The UDC requires 5-foot wide detached sidewalks to be constructed along collector streets (i.e. W.Waltman Ln. and Corporate Dr.). Parkways (UDC 11-3A-17): Parkways are required to be constructed and landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-17E. Landscaped parkways are proposed along W. Ruddy Dr./S.Kearney Ave. and W. Waltman Ln. in accord with UDC standards. Landscaping(UDC 11-3B): Street buffer landscaping is required to be provided as set forth in UDC Tables 11-2A-6 for the R-8 district, 11-2A-7 for the R-15 district and 11-2A-8 for the R-40 district and planted in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-313-7C. Street buffers are required to be placed in a common lot and maintained by the Homeowner's Association. A 20-foot wide street buffer is required along W.Waltman Ln.,to be designated as a collector street with this development. The buffer is proposed to have a 3-foot tall landscaped berm with a 10-foot wide detached sidewalk. A 50-foot wide street buffer is required along Interstate 84 and is proposed to incorporate a 9-foot tall berm with a 5-foot tall solid wall on top. Page 13 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 103 of 148 Common open space areas are required to be landscaped per the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3E. Landscaping is proposed in these areas in excess of the minimum standards. Landscaping is required to be provided along pathways per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-12C. A landscape strip a minimum of 5-feet wide is required along each side of all pathways planted with a mix of trees,shrubs,lawn and/or other vegetative ground cover with a minimum of one(1)tree per 100 linear feet of pathway; a 5-foot wide landscape strip should be added on the east side of the pathway along the creek in accord with this standard. Qualified Open Space& Site Amenities(UDC 11-3 : The overall development is subject to the qualified open space and site amenity standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3. A minimum of 10% qualified open space is required to be provided based on the standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3B and a minimum of one(1) qualified site amenity is required. The common open space and site amenity standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-2 7for multi family developments apply in addition to this requirement(see analysis below under Conditional Use Permit). A qualified open space exhibit was submitted for the single-family(R-8 and R-15 zone) and multi- family(R-40 zone)portions of the development as shown in Section VII.E. A total of 3.14 acres (or 14.3%)of qualified open space is proposed in the single-family portion and a total of 4.07 acres (or 25.7%)is proposed in the multi-family portion of the development in excess of the minimum UDC standards. The multi family portion is also required to provide common open space per the standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-27C(see analysis below). Qualified site amenities are proposed in the single-family portion of the development consisting of children's playground equipment,pathways and a basketball court; and in the northern portion of the multi-family development consisting of a clubhouse area containing a swimming pool,pergola shade structure and a fire pit, internal pathways, a segment of the City's multi-use pathway system along the Ten Mile Creek and a pedestrian bridge across the creek to the east, and children's play equipment in the southern portion of the multi-family development in excess of UDC standards. Fencing(UDC 11-3A-6, 11-3A-7): All fencing constructed on the site is required to comply with the standards listed in UDC 11-3A-7. A 6-foot tall solid vinyl fence is proposed to replace the existing fence along the west boundary; a new 6-foot all solid vinyl fence is proposed along the north boundary of the R-8 zoned portion of the site, adjacent to internal common areas visible from the street, and between the R-15 and R-40 zoned portions of the site; a 6-foot tall wrought iron fence is proposed between the multi-family structures and the pathway along the Ten Mile Creek; and a 4-foot tall stamped solid SimTek fence is proposed on top of a 9-foot tall berm along 1-84 in accord with UDC standards. Because this site abuts 1-84 and residential uses are proposed, Staff recommends the noise abatement standards listed in UDC 11-3H-4D apply to this site as a provision of the amended DA. As mentioned above, a 9-foot tall berm with a 5-foot tall faux concrete(SimTek)wall is proposed along the southern boundary of the site parallel with 1-84(see exhibit in Section VII.D—the Applicant clarified that a 5-foot tall wall,not 4-foot,is proposed). To avoid a monotonous wall along I-84,the color and/or texture of the wall is required to be varied every 300 linear feet or the wall staggered every 300 linear feet as set forth in UDC 11-3H-4D.3c. Existing Easements: There is an existing 100-foot wide irrigation easement for the Ten Mile Creek held by NMID along the east boundary of the site as depicted on the plat, some of which lies on the adjacent property to the east. A 20-foot wide City sewer easement also exists along the east boundary of the site as depicted on the plat. Page 14 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 104 of 148 Waterways(UDC 11-3A-A): The Ten Mile Creek runs along the east boundary of the site and is required to be left open as a natural amenity and not be piped as set forth in UDC 11-3A-6B.1 as proposed. Flood Zone: A portion of the site along the east boundary lies within Flood Zone"A"per FEMA Map #16001CO232H. This site is not within the floodplain. Utilities(UDC 11-3A-21): Connection to City water and sewer services is required in accord with UDC 11-3A-21. Street lighting is required to be installed in accord with the City's adopted standards, specifications and ordinances. An existing 15 inch sewer main lies along the east half of the Waltman Ln. frontage and along the west top of bank of the Ten Mile Creek through the site. The 8 inch sewer main connection will be in Waltman Ln. and will serve the entire site via gravity sewer. An existing 12 inch water main is located in Waltman Ln. along the full frontage of the site. This subdivision will connect in Waltman at two locations and also to the existing 8"stub located at the Landing Subdivision stub street(Ruddy) at the west boundary.See Section VIII.B below for Public Works comments/conditions. Pressurized Irrigation System (UDC 11-3A-I5): A regional pressure irrigation pump station is proposed to be constructed with this development to NMID standards with a Ten Mile Creek takeout in the northeast corner of the site near Waltman Ln. Pressure irrigation distribution lines and individual lot services will be provided to all lots in the subdivision. Storm Drainage(UDC 11-3A-18): An adequate storm drainage system is required in all developments in accord with the City's adopted standards, specifications and ordinances. Design and construction shall follow best management practice as adopted by the City as set forth in UDC 11-3A-18. Storm drainage is proposed to be mitigated by underground seepage beds and/or retention ponds in accord with ACHD design criteria.If retention ponds are proposed in required landscape areas,they should be improved per the standards listed in UDC 11-3B-11C. Building Elevations(UDC 11-3A-19 I Architectural Standards Manual): Conceptual building elevations were submitted for the proposed residential structures on the site as shown in Section VII.G. One and two-story single-family detached and townhome dwellings are proposed with a mix of front-loaded and alley-loaded styles in a mix of materials and colors. Single- story homes are proposed along the southern boundary adjacent to I-84. Two-story(Building Types 1 and 3) and three-story(Building Type 2) apartments and a clubhouse in the multi-family portion of the development are also proposed with a mix of materials and colors. Two-story structures are proposed along the north, south and west boundaries and three-story structures are proposed along the east boundary. All townhome and multi-family structures are required to comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual; single-family detached structures are exempt from this requirement. An administrative Design Review application is required to be submitted for approval of the design of all townhome structures in the development prior to submittal of building permit application for those structures.An application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance is also required to be submitted along with Design Review for the multi-family portion of the development. C. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT Conditional use permit for a multi-family development consisting of 272 residential units on 15.84 acres of land in the R-40 zoning district at a gross density of 17.17 units per acre. A total of(14)2-and 3- story structures are proposed consisting of a mix of 8-, 16-and 24-unit buildings. Page 15 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 105 of 148 Specific Use Standards (UDC 11-4-3): The proposed use is subject to the following standards: (Staffs analysis/comments in italic text) 11-4-3-27: MULTI-FAMILY DEVELOPMENT: Site Design: 1. Buildings shall provide a minimum setback of ten feet(10')unless a greater setback is otherwise required by this title and/or title 10 of this Code. Building setbacks shall take into account windows, entrances,porches and patios,and how they impact adjacent properties. The proposed site plan complies with this standard. 2. All on-site service areas, outdoor storage areas,waste storage, disposal facilities, and transformer and utility vaults shall be located in an area not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street. The site plan depicts screened trash enclosures not visible from a public street; all proposed transformer/utility vaults and other service areas shall comply with this requirement. 3. A minimum of eighty(80)square feet of private,usable open space shall be provided for each unit. This requirement can be satisfied through porches,patios,decks, and/or enclosed yards. Landscaping, entryway and other access ways shall not count toward this requirement. In circumstances where strict adherence to such standard would create inconsistency with the purpose statements of this section,the Director may consider an alternative design proposal through the alternative compliance provisions as set forth in section 11-513-5 of this title. Floor plans were submitted that depict porches or balconies for each unit,the Applicant states these will consist of between 82 and 99 square feet per unit. 4. For the purposes of this section,vehicular circulation areas,parking areas,and private usable open space shall not be considered common open space. These areas were not included in the common open space calculations for the site. 5. No recreational vehicles, snowmobiles,boats or other personal recreation vehicles shall be stored on the site unless provided for in a separate, designated and screened area. The Applicant shall comply with this requirement. 6. The parking shall meet the requirements set forth in chapter 3, "Regulations Applying to All Districts", of this title. Seventy(70) 1-bedroom units, (136)2-bedroom units, (66) 3-bedroom units and a 4,992 square foot clubhouse are proposed. Based on this, a total of 518 spaces are required with 272 of those in a covered carport or garage. A total of 548 spaces are proposed with 272 of those in a covered carport or garage. The proposed vehicle parking exceeds the minimum standards by 30 spaces. Based on the number of vehicle parking spaces proposed,a minimum of 22 bicycle parking spaces should be provided dispersed throughout the development. 7. Developments with twenty(20)units or more shall provide the following: a. A property management office. b. A maintenance storage area. c. A central mailbox location, including provisions for parcel mail,that provide safe pedestrian and/or vehicular access. d. A directory and map of the development at an entrance or convenient location for those entering the development. (Ord. 18-1773,4-24-2018) Page 16 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 106 of 148 The property management office, maintenance storage area and mail kiosk are all depicted on the site plan in the clubhouse. A directory and map of the development should be depicted on the site plan at the entrance or convenient location for those entering the development as required. C. Common Open Space Design Requirements: 1. A minimum area of outdoor common open space shall be provided as follows: a. One hundred fifty(150) square feet for each unit containing five hundred(500)or less square feet of living area.Not applicable b. Two hundred fifty(250) square feet for each unit containing more than five hundred(500) square feet and up to one thousand two hundred(1,200) square feet of living area.206 units are between 500 and 1,200 sf.; therefore, a total of 51,500 sf. (or 1.18 acres) of common open space is required for these units. c. Three hundred fifty(350) square feet for each unit containing more than one thousand two hundred(1,200) square feet of living area. 66 units contain more than 1,200 sf.; therefore, 23,100 sf. (or 0.53 of an acre) of common open space is required for these units. At a minimum, a total of 74,600 sf. (or 1.71 of an acre) of outdoor common open space is required to be provided in the proposed development.A total of 4.07 acres is proposed to be provided as shown in Section VILE, in excess of the minimum standards, which also satisfies the qualified open space standard in UDC 11-3G-3B. 2. Common open space shall be not less than four hundred(400) square feet in area,and shall have a minimum length and width dimension of twenty feet(20'). The common open space areas depicted on the open space exhibit in Section VILE meet this requirement. 3. In phased developments, common open space shall be provided in each phase of the development consistent with the requirements for the size and number of dwelling units. The multi family component of this project is proposed to be developed in two (2)phases consistent with UDC standards. 4. Unless otherwise approved through the conditional use process,common open space areas shall not be adjacent to collector or arterial streets unless separated from the street by a berm or constructed barrier at least four feet(4') in height,with breaks in the berm or barrier to allow for pedestrian access. (Ord. 09-1394, 3-3-2009, ef£retroactive to 2-4-2009) The common open space area is central to the development and not adjacent to any collector or arterial streets. (Although the street buffer along Waltman Ln. is included on the open space exhibit, the area qualifies toward the open space standards listed in UDC 11-3G-3) D. Site Development Amenities: 1. All multi-family developments shall provide for quality of life, open space and recreation amenities to meet the particular needs of the residents as follows: a. Quality of life: (1) Clubhouse. (2) Fitness facilities. (3) Enclosed bike storage. (4) Public art such as a statue. b. Open space: Page 17 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 107 of 148 (1) Open grassy area of at least fifty by one hundred feet(50 x 100)in size. (2) Community garden. (3) Ponds or water features. (4) Plaza. c. Recreation: (1) Pool. (2) Walking trails. (3) Children's play structures. (4) Sports courts. 2. The number of amenities shall depend on the size of multi-family development as follows: a. For multi-family developments with less than twenty(20)units,two(2)amenities shall be provided from two (2) separate categories. b. For multi-family development between twenty(20) and seventy five(75)units,three(3) amenities shall be provided,with one from each category. c. For multi-family development with seventy five(75)units or more, four(4)amenities shall be provided,with at least one from each category. d. For multi-family developments with more than one hundred(100)units,the decision making body shall require additional amenities commensurate to the size of the proposed development. 3. The decision making body shall be authorized to consider other improvements in addition to those provided under this subsection D,provided that these improvements provide a similar level of amenity. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Based on 272 proposed units, a minimum of 5 amenities are required; City Council may require additional amenities if they feel the proposed amenities aren't adequate for the size of the development.A clubhouse with a swimming pool,pergola shade structure and seating area,fire pit, internal pathways, a segment of the City's multi-use pathway system along the Ten Mile Creek with a pedestrian bridge to the east, children's play equipment and open grassy areas at least 50'x 100'in area are proposed from the open space, quality of life and recreation categories in accord with UDC standards. Stafffeels the proposed amenities are adequate for this development. E. Landscaping Requirements: 1. Development shall meet the minimum landscaping requirements in accord with chapter 3, "Regulations Applying to All Districts", of this title. 2. All street facing elevations shall have landscaping along their foundation. The foundation landscaping shall meet the following minimum standards: a. The landscaped area shall be at least three feet(3')wide. b. For every three(3)linear feet of foundation, an evergreen shrub having a minimum mature height of twenty four inches(24") shall be planted. c. Ground cover plants shall be planted in the remainder of the landscaped area. Page 18 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 108 of 148 Landscaping is depicted along the foundation of elevations that face Waltman Ln. that appears to comply with this standard. F. Maintenance and Ownership Responsibilities: All multi-family developments shall record legally binding documents that state the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development,including,but not limited to, structures,parking,common areas,and other development features. The Applicant shall comply with this requirement. If the Fire Dept. and Police Dept.want private streets to be provided for addressing purposes within the multi-family portion of the development to better facilitate emergency wayfinding,a private street application should be submitted with the final plat application for the phase in which the apartments are located. VI. DECISION A. Staff: Staff recommends approval of the proposed modification to the existing Development Agreement, Rezone,Preliminary Plat, and Conditional Use Permit per the provisions included in Section VIII in accord with the Findings in Section IX. Page 19 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 109 of 148 VII. EXHIBITS A. Conceptual Development Plans Included in Existing Development Agreement Oil fli -------------- ............. H EZ:1 Jm Hf Waltman Annex rh J� sd 03 Mafkfim Idahu Page 20 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 110 of 148 B. Rezone Legal Descriptions and Exhibit Maps DESCRIPTION FOR TANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION ZONE R-$ A parcel of land located in the located in the NW 114 of the SE 114 of Section 13, T.W, R_1W.. B.M., Meridian, Ada County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the C114 corner of said Section 13 from which the E114 corner of said Section 13 bears South 69`52'43''East, 2642.71 feet; thence along the East-West centerline of said Section 13 South 89°52'43"East, 250,00 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said East-West centerline South 89°52'43"East, 539.49 feet; thence leaving said East-West centerline South 00°00'00" East, 196.56 feet, thence North 90°00'00"West, 15.00 feet; thence North 89°56'05"West, 199.91 feet: thence North 88°43'36''West, 59 52 feet; thence North 89`52'43"West, 305.30 feet; thence South 00'0414"West, 331,54 feet; thence 199.11 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the right, said curve having a radius of 125.00 feet, a central angle of 91115'53"and a long chord which bears South 44"25'59"West, 178.72 feet; thence North 89�56'05"West,46.97 feet: thence South 00°01'30"West, 422.85 feet; thence 84.04 feet along the arc of curve to the left, said curve having a radius of 53.50 feet, a central angle of 90`00'13"and a long chord which bears South 44°58'37" East, 75.65 feet; thence South 89°58'43" East,427.00 feet; thence North 88°33'04"East,56.77 feet; thence South 89°65'05" East, 125,16 feet; thence South OW00'00"East, 194.86 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of Interstate 84; Page 21 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 111 of 148 thence along said!North right-of-way line North 89058'43"West, 791.00 feet to the SE corner of The Landing Subdivision No. 11 as filed in Book 79 of Plats at Page 8528 through 8529, records Ada County, Idaho, thence along the East boundary line of said The Landing Subdivision No.11 and along the East boundary line of The Landing Subdivision No.9 as filed in Book 74 of Plats at Page 7658 through 7659, records of Ada County, Idaho and the northerly extension thereof North 00°03'55" East, 1,075.04 feet; thence South 89°52'43" East, 250,00 feet, thence North 00°03'55"East,250.00 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 10.13 acres, mare or less. 7729 Page 22 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 112 of 148 BASIS ,QF,I3,�ARING 5S9'52' 3"E 2642Jl' 1 CENTER W- WALTMAN LANE 5 9'S I'43"E .1/4 1/4 250,DID' wl — — 53 49 9 — RP05 Ld S-13 S.18 - p Lnlo old ;n UNPLAT o N89'56'05'W 1EUNPLATT6A To o ` t09.91 n z I N89'52'43"W 305-30 S89'52'43"E 250.00' I —— IN88'43'36"W a 1 99.52' a ' sA I r7 w ! I3 far I 1� Jv �y 10.13 I 4 W. RUDDY a ui m a n ! 46.97' } OI LINE TABLE UNE LENGTH BEARING I IP I N L1 15.00 N90100'00"W N 88'33'04"E I S89'58'43'E 56.77 i o t 427.00'— ! 569'58'05'E a I CD tZ7729 —— —— N69'56'43"W u� '�CC of IV) WS INTERSTATE 84 Ir III CURVE TABLE ! CURVE RADIUS LENGTH C14 D DIST. CHORD BRG, DELTA 1 f4. �;.13 EC 1 53.5R 84.04 75-66 S44-58'37"E 90'W'13" 5.24 2 125.00 199.11 178.72 S44-25'59'V 91-15'53- cn "— axe A9 reE. IDAH❑ EXHIBIT _— DRAWING FOR 17-133 .gkpIrusoE.WATER7oWERg7 TANNER CREEK R8 ZONE SURVEY MERIC Im SHEET NO. MERIOIn1l IEFHO&]!aP 1 lZOEf Rs6•E57A GROUP, LLC LOCA E N YED N THE: 9 U&1 E W cOF 5E, EI H IJ3 �W0.DWG. DATE WMAr,sN., k.1W.SIM. DATE Page 23 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 113 of 148 DESCRIPTION FOR TANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION ZONE R-15 A parcel of land located in the located in the NW 114 of the SE 114 of Section 13,T.3111., RAW.,B.M.,Meridian,Ada County,Idaho more particularly described as follows; Commencing at the C114 corner of said Section 13 from which the E114 corner of said Section 13 bears South 89°52'43"East,2642.71 feet; thence along the East-West centerline of said Section 13 South 89°52'43"East,789.49 feet; thence leaving said East-West centerline South 00°00'00"East,196,56 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing South 00°00'00"East,431.89 feet; thence North 89°56'05"West, 104.70 feet: thence South 00'01'15"East, 105.35 feet; thence South 89°56'05"East, 104.79 feet; thence 5euth OO°01'11"West,395,00 feet, thence North 89`56'05"West, 125.W feet; thence South 88°33'04"West,56.77 feet, thence North 89°58'43"West,427.00 feet; thence 84.04 feet along the arc of curve to the right,said curve having a radius of 53.50 feet,a central angle of 90113"and a long chord which bears North 44°58'37"West,75.66 feet, thence North 00°01'30"East,422.85 feet; thence South 89°56'05"East.46.97 feet, thence 199.11 feet along the arc of curve to the left,said curve having a radius of 125.00 feet,a central angle of 91'1553"and a long chord which bears North 44"25'59"East, 178.72 feet; thence North 00'04'14"East,331.54 feet; thence South 89°52'43"East,305.30 feet, thence South 88'43'36"East,59.52 feet: thence South B9"56'05"East,109.91 feet; thence North g0"00'00"East,15.00 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 12 20 acres,more or less. SSG �y m� IL 77Grr��9 jO G. Page 24 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 114 of 148 BASIS .QF.D,�ARING 59§'S i0l 26 42,71....... CENTER AL I 7/4 1/4 789.49' w 5.13 5,18 a UNPLATTED- UNPLAPPEtl 589'56'05"E N RPO$ `y 589'S2'43"E 109.91' ��365. 0' L1 -- S88'43'361'r °1v LnI a r7 w l I- Jv ' ism oaG pl IIo W : 204 ll 104,7a` J L W. RUDDY DR. C S0"41'15"E 12.20 a,c. 1D5-35' a J � I 589'5fi'05"E �, ca' �o I 46.97' U m n 589'56'05"E I o v o k N I 104.79' I q v iG: 'S�p1 m 4FF1 o o)r' w QI LINE TABLE 4 y PI LINE LENGTH SEARING CI L1 15.00 N90'00'40"E �. I S68'33'04"W a` — N89'58'43"W 56.77 427.00' � V p 7729 N89'56 05"W �A 1,t-z a+Z 125.E 6' F pp 1'O t4r GAY G.G rebj WB INTERSTATE 84 r� CURVE TABLE CURVE RADIUS LENGTH CHGRt7 DIST. CHORD BRG. DELTA 1/4�.13 C1 53.50 84.01 75.66 N44'58'37"W 90-00'13" Z4 C2 125.00 199.11 178.72 N44"25'59"E 91'15'53" S.o I- bRI. b - ]. EXHIBIT _. DRAWING FORIDAHO JOB NA 17-1SS ,esoe"'";E°'a"'`psT. TANNER CREEK R15 ZONE SHEEP NO SURVEY EpjLAN.0 r,Cia-Mz pp {{ ��ryry I ;soo�9i,-657C awc_DATE �rIDV r, LLC LOCAiEO ire THE NW WERIPI N.ROR caiNTY.IDAisoa r.sN„ R.M.6,M., 1J24/2M Page 25 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020- Page 115 of 148 DESCRIPTION FOR TANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION ZONE R-40 A parcel of land located in the located in the NW 114 of the SE 114 of Section 13, T.31N., R.1 W.. B.M., Meridian,Ada County, Idaho more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the C1l4 corner of said Section 13 from which the E114 corner of said Section 13 bears So.tth 89°52'43" East, 2642.71 feet; thence along the East-West centerline of said Section 13 South 89°52'43"East, 789.49 feet to the REAL POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing along said East-West centerline South 89°52'43" East, 531.98 feet to the C-E 1/16 corner of said Section 13; thence along said East boundary line of the NW V4 of the SE 114 of said Section 13 South 00919'35"West, 1281.39 feet to a point on the North right-of-way line of interstate 84; thence along the North right-of-way line of Interstate 84 the fallowing 3 courses and distances. thence South 84'03'28"West,43.25 feet; thence South 82'20'13"West„ 275.70 feet; thence North 89'58'43"West, 208A2 feet, thence leaving said North right-of-way line North 00°00'00" East, 589,86 feet thence North 89°56'05"West, 104.6E feet; thence North 00`01'15"West, 105.35 feet: thence South 89°58'05"East, 104.70 feet; thence North 00°00'00" East, 628.45 feet to the REAL_ POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 16.14 acres, more or less. ENS��` a 7729 Page 26 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 116 of 148 BASIS OF BEARING i..�.... ti.............. S59'52 43 E 2 2.71 CENTER _ LTMATV LANE 569_'52'43E 531,9$. CF 1321.2 a 4 06 RPOB I I in ¢k ! wi � f uNpLnrrsn I pl 1 z I k 1 k I + i � f S89'56WE I w W I� 104.70' k I cCOv a in I LO NN0'61'15"W 15,ic Q.C, n r 105.35' z I� +n N89'S6'05"w i f 104.66' k I I a Loo 00gn ! mI �I I UNPLA"EDLO } L Sri � o� I J LL a � 1 zl 1 I I i k 589'58'43"E �N8958'43"W 582, — 275.74 791.00' 20a-- 2' 584"03'25"YV 0 WB INTERSTATE 84 43.25' NSO 40� IOL 7 1/4 5.13 25 100 723 0 0 50 200 600 �4- 5.2^� SCALE: 1" 200' ���'RY G.GP� TQ Q. 4 i L+YP' :51 wo. IDAHO Ma EXHIBIT __ DRAWING FOR 17—iT12 1450 TE ""rERr°w�R 130 TANNER CREEK R4C ZONE SLEET H0. SURVEY MEA11AN 7 MEaia�N.inAna saes L2aeZe�s7o OiYr. DATE GROUP, LLC OrATED IN nae"W A Clr,HE SE A CWNTY or$EC o N 11 "3N"R-1W.-B.AI., 1/24/2420 kiNPage 27 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 117 of 148 C. Preliminary Plat(date: 02/11/2020) &Phasing Plan .. W � ------------------ 14 m. w © oo•0001oo CD M i 'o I 4. l p IDAHO SURVEY GROUP,LUC TANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT ® ®,.,..,v..,�.,....a..m.. °u�mnTMx o.'ouxry ipn..T 'DFx2 ® xnnxr 62 R ne m l•._wu uxE1 ® d � r EY P,LLC CREEK SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT 6 :%r grnov. PAZ P 2 2 0P 2 Page 28 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 118 of 148 D Lu 0 � WALTMAN U m BRIDGE #2 In WALTMAN LN L I leis 10 !a e 1 0 10 1 !b BONNE TIO C w —0— OD 63 1-84 PHASING PLAN Page 29 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 119 of 148 D. Landscape Plan(dated: 2/5/20) YN6TMAN WNE Y� � T I to al;ov I.,U-- � ...: •a CLUB OUSE AREA ILLEY J . 8 ` w I I _ 7 j — , ' 'rv.encrcw000s oN.- - ,I'w- I RSTa AN RR _ N=.I,iCKSNIPF OHIVE _—' = ENISTING—IN 1 _ C�\ TANNERC REEK SUBDIVISION _waRsraTEaa 11 WALTMAN LANE MERIDIAN,IDAHO �•o r,.._ SCALE,€'=AO'-0• �.� CITY OF MERIDIAN R-40 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS AMEN YSiESSM "T I iCITY xOF MERIDIAN R 15 K if _— a __—__ •- — u .�„e'a.,...... � Z g - -- . F'S; PROJECT INFORMATION Y Z❑ - KEY MAP W¢a5 z-- W r Q •i - I,•I,• i-I'i' I-!- I' I' i-I -i ' I - - �i, � � 3a �oQaQ9oQ.Q.0.-o. .000,- -_�Q_ PLO- o'-_ o _➢- a -- 1 ` TQVERALL SITE AND LANDSCAPE PLAN a LANDSCAPE NOTES: a Y F, Page 30 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 120 of 148 • - - - —°v w--. .. .�.v Jams LANDSCAPE LEGEND CALLOUT LEGEND W WALTMAN LANE F;.,. =aii Ea i W BROWN TROUT DRZLU �O¢ i PLANT SCHED LE c m= 1 i ¢¢ tl W EIDER DR. Q W da 2 fro U �¢ w W2QO W RUDDY DR- t ! � �SITE AND, LANDSCAPE PLAN-AREA ONE - II - Ji �F�„ I KEY M P g Y Li.i 9 I LANDSCAPE LEGEND CALLOUT LEGEND r w�W WALTMAN LANEc+��c+.�.—..0 w c.�� �.",=y. ®•�^-^•°^-• ww FFF w o a �� - PLANT SCHEDULE ❑OZ.< 3 'Im / z auoe O> _�, - OW fro Z F�gp P _ uQaa - - QQ t _ U y Z [ a Z Z uw F r E E L f T Trr 5 ! e SITE AND LAN DSCAPE PLAN-AREA TWO KEY MAP—--- ---J �q �T1 B € L12 4 Page 31 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 121 of 148 LANDSCAPE LEGEND CALLOUT LEGEND FTT I I ------------ 1TIi ----------- L: MCI. Z IF-- rI 0 d0 5; PLANT SCHEDULE I NO IN gff. LBE aLL - C-)It W LU cw 1 T, LL, Z U)1: NMI, Z -I F Z z % om —4 b0000�foo Q I-B4 7 ITE AND LAND i KEY MAP -LIA LANDSCAPE LEGEND CALLOUT LEGEND RUDDY -------------- ox - Z- ---------- • W BACKWOODS DR. Fig =T==9I—I-.T:-= ZUJ z a: Cc) 0 IL m: Z;� Er PLANT SCHEDULE � cc I L T 7-g- ,- ❑W JACKSNIPE DR T-7 OfE LUD, LU CL q- [--F-- wm<< Ej 0() z V)ZZw 00 5:5 (DO OD010600( T�SITE AND�LANMGAPE PLAN-AREA THREE Y P < L13 Page 32 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 122 of 148 77 rDRYLAND SEEDING REQUIREMENTS i AREA TOPSOIL NOTES TURF AREA PREPARATION NOTES: PREPARATION NOTES: =X.= 3, tl� TREE i NOTES: .......... WEED ABATEMENT NOTES," IN111.1i'V 4. IRRIGATION NOTES 50 0 5 57 W< BUFFER R AREA WITH 20 WIDE BERM W2 < SECTION— TION 1 0Z 0 aj BOULDER NSTAI.�TION IN 3 TREE MITIGATION i BRM IM -84 SECTION 2 WITH CEi —----- LIS is, HIN 04EL 7A z U" .......... go Lb CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING 7 0 Z E-I W co 26 Z)<w > @,EFR i1 1RQUNi l. 1 YZ-0 PLANTING W a Z0 W 6 PLANTER7.,Bi .CUT E W n rr . ..... ..... wm<< Z UZ Z-J W A ROM TREE VINYL FENCE PANEL L 3 C' 7 BERM SLOPE KK49 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTIN LtB 1 1. Page 33 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 123 of 148 '111TFT T ILI I& -TTI-.FFT11 4TT77FT ............................................... L L ------ 4 a: III UT �TITANNER CREEK PARK CORRIDOR J& STUNNING BEAUTY r LIFETIME DURABILITY Page 34 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 124 of 148 KEY MAP I 100'EASEMENT LINE TO EASEMENT LINE Z 27.5'-29'BUILDING VARIES vnRIES 6-25.5' 0 TO EASEMENT LINE 5'-29'EASEMENT TO TOp OF ImNN 42'-55'Tpp OF BANK TO TOp OF 01 p'-�,5� PROPERTY LINE TO EASEMENT LINE U W U) =Lu Y W inW U � I zW Q J W s OPEN VIINON FENCE ' Z Z W Lu 2.S"PAVEMENT "GRA L a§g g;9 21'-23.5'BOILDING TO FENCE Y FFE 'L PATH 1o'-t e.5' wA'.HIGH G f i i 39 H AY EOOE aF PATH '*° y QQ 1 TOP IF RANk ji TEN MILE CREEN _ $I_ Do �� m ■ i WENT AN P/DRANK- MINOR RDFLORATIONWER/G GRADING/WEED APP CLEANUP/DRY LMIO WILOFLON'EA/ORASB 8EE011PPLII .� TEN MILE CREEK SECTION ALE I. ILI I I I I 4 — Single-Family Section Elevation I I - I ! *I _ I I . sl � -I Multi-Family Section Elevation Tanner Creek M.njn" ,Idaho — Scalr.t-20-0" Page 35 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 125 of 148 E. Qualified Open Space Exhibit(dated: 2/5/20) & Site Amenities CITY OF MERIDIAN SINGLE FAMILY (R-8 AND R-15) OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENTS QUALIFIED OPEN SPACE M OPIN 5PA=Rii�Y'JIFF To TA.Aw. ]t!wgu,['h FRQVI=. �ZYJ/4�IFIER 5PAor) gNAZf 5P -M563 t2.2aAc.P 136_g2 0_i-f AG} =100 AC3 IQq, 143$ LANDSCAPE LEGEND OVALIFIED OPEN SPACE W WALTMAN LANE — 18,912 SQ-FT. I W BROWN TROUT❑R. :.REA=2,B3®SQ.FT. �7�.AREA= w jujujul . } ARE4=2,735 SO.7. I W EIDER DR. Ia f W RUDDY_F:. ®D AREA--7$,448 SC.FT. r El } r 3 . W BACKWOODS DR- i N 1 w LLl r Uj � 4 r Z W W I � a 3 fn AREA='7973Q.FT- 3 W JAGKSNIPE DR- i II1 ' II 1 s NOT TO SCALE i TANNER CREEK 'S°�° WALTMAN LANE, MERIDIAN PROJECT#:172U3 R _ _ OPEN SPACE EXHIBIT Page 36 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 126 of 148 42. ■ ■ unnilIRo NIHON w N m p w 1 1 u 1 � 1' 1 ■ � w 1 1 �� w w uu � Y w • 'I �1 1 1 li - ;r aOil C it TANNER CREEK PROJECT it-1720 Y � R w � w ryi 1 1 w `IiNf 1 li w w 1 � II 1 �Irs as rat r � ■x* r t r � � WALTMAN LANE, MERIDIAN OPEN SPACE EXHIBIT IRECKONL Playground Equipment in Single-Family Portion of Development: i CC �1 aecaeaTIONl Tanner Creek rx Toonr * ^. Q. 1 L� • 1 _ v y Page 38 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 128 of 148 Playground 1 • • Portion of •1 Pedestrian Bridge over the Ten Mile r� l -~iti!.f0��-b- �Af�•x�^ �� � �' ip.Pwt+r yr r������.. .. Page • Meridian • •Agenda May 21,2020- Page 129 of F. Site Plan for Multi-Family Portion of Development(date: 1/14/2020) ' `�� _ TANNER CREEK TA � =t- ----- -- r �� APARTMENTS TAEAR{HITE050FFI[E• Ej WALTMAN LANE,MERDIAN,IDAHO [ GENERAL SITE NOTES �''•. SCALE:...........................1'=6W-O` ZONING(CURRENTIPROPOSED):.........C-GIR-4O T .~` 3 is TOTAL AREA:..................m 1LB4 ACRES 1 DENSITY PROPOSED: ...........17.17 D.UJACRE I OPEN SPACE:........._..............2L7%ICI %• NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS PROPOSED:......272 UNITS DODO° , - ------� I F" i BEDROOM UNITS 126%I ••--•••-•••--•••-•...70 2 BEDROOM UNITS(50%).....................136 2 e �_F7�� 3 BEDRROM UNITS(24%) ••••• ....•...•.....66 TYPE'A'ACCESSIBLE UNITS(2%)......••--...•..6 (DISPERSED IN UNITS ABOVE) �I I PARKING SPACES REQUIRED: APARTMENTS..............................509 TANNER CREEK '- CLUBHOUSE................................10 APARTMENTS TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED:............519 J PARKING SPACES PROVIDED.....................546 WALTMAN LANE 2 I 3 F— — — > CARPORTS REO'DiPROVIDED..............272/272 MERICIAN,IDAHO i MAX.BLD.HT PROPOSED.....................40'-0" -- i (PEAK OF SLOPED ROOF) -- -� - - - —` 3 DEVELOPER: CHALLENGER DEVELOPMENT 1977 E.OVERLAND ROAD MERIDIAN,IDAHO 83642 CIVJLRANDSCAPE: BRECKON LAND DESIGN _ !IL. 8661 N GLENWOOD ST. - — -- BOISE,IDAHO Fl —---- �° 266.376-5153 2 i 3 I x� j mciDxs --. -------- ---- uEcxrrEcr: TAD I II p _ � � �- w 'I THEARLHITEl150FFILE$ — vem vim aeamx WYfN.1M0.Vq.WM L -- - - - - ® S01.0 e 1 SITE PLAN OVERALL SITE PLAN Page 40 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 130 of 148 7 �- - II " JI TANNER GREEK i. APARTMENTS -� I�' ill o0000 - Iw I II R000 � j, — a - -__ i s I � I li' i I � lY s oa —7 I — 1 i -- _—II — -------- ----- ❑ E N LA RGEGSITEPLAN NDRTH SD1.1 ICI M1�� --1 - —� TANNER CREEK I W AP0.RTNENIS r I I 99� ?_I wA imax�nxf F I f I IAERIpPM1 IAfxO q I� ZZ— IhWni LL -- INTERSTATE SD1.2 41 1 ENLARGED SITE PLAN-SOUTH Page 41 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 131 of 148 -� ��� __�. �n,�_�� � � �- a���w�� TAB v s - '—` �" °� •� mo� THEARERRECFSOFFIEEA 31—y""AL STEEL BOLLARD ....... HANDICAP SIGN DETAIL 4NOTTOFla COND.SLAB;OII;TRI;L JOINTS TRASH ENCLOSURE SECTION mm TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS 6SIDEWALK EDGE DETAIL 7 ENFRUDED CURB DETAIL 8CAST CURB AT PLAY AREA TWO MECRANICAL 10 ENCLOSURE SECTION ------------ ACCESSIBLE PARKING PLAN 12 ACCESSIBLE PARKING Pa' 13 TRASN ENCLOSURE ELEV. 14 TR;S;'ENCLOSURE GATE ELEV. MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE ELEV. 15 wow IT S01.3 16 TYP.BIKE RACK PAD SITE DMU G. Building Elevation Photos for Single-Family Dwellings Alley-Loaded Detached Units: 11 �g — - , EE=,, all- Townhome Units: Page 42 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 132 of 148 Run' ' 1 _ Sli� MV - ILI NOON Front-Loaded Detached Units: - J - - _ A Page 43 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 133 of 148 F- F � � _ fIf i ■�.. i Page 44 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 134 of 148 H. Building Elevations &Renderings and Floor Plans for Multi-Family(date: 01/14/2020): TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS FCBH]HOMES EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME ewu I T PE 1 FRONT ELEVATION STUCCO/BODY BOARD&BATTEN ACCENT BOARD& TRIM FASCIA/BRACKETS SW6001 SW6004 BATTEN wwDows,DooRs, SW7674 BANDS Grayish Mink SW6116 Peppercorn Tatami Tan SW7004 Snowbound *Railing to be BLACK IRON TA 0--- THEARCHIRMOM(EA :ELLEI El El 11 1 L F:Ij ED F❑ TANNER CREEK APAR TMENTS L L O�D LL-1 FRONT ELEVATION-BUILDING TYPE FEJ Ll FL 1 FT1 2 LEFT END ELEVATION-BUILDING TYPE i NIGHT END ELEVATION-BUILDING TYPE I 3­1­1 SD3.0 BIIImINGB 1 IXlEINN B.—W Page 45 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 135 of 148 P i TA 0-- THI#ff1lffKr50rR(U IT TONNFH FYRHIfAENTSENiS d MLOM TTPE 1&Y NUT FLOOD PIM P n - X BOKOINOTTPE F ISIM.) SD2.0 PDRDIDG TTPE 2 1SECOND FLOOR PLAN ®r TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS FCBHj HOMES EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME BLDG TYPE 2 FRONT ELEVATION �I STUCCOIBODY BOARD&BATTEN ACCENT BOARD& TRIM FASCIA/BRACKETS SW6001 SW6004 BATTEN WINDOWS,DOORS,BANDS SW7674 Grayish Mink SW6116 Peppercorn Tatami Tan SW7004 Snowbound "Railing to be BLACK IRON Page 46 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 136 of 148 TAB rxFuningtsarrlcEe 71; i CREEK - = PARTMENTS _ - - — wurMAxlxN 1 FRONT ELEVATION-BUILDING TRPF 2 U I }- --- - 2LEFT END ELEVATION•BUILDING TYPE 2 3NIGxT HD ELEVATION•BUILDING TYPE 2 SD3.1 E—RE DPE9 IXIEaGR EIINA{NRE s TA 0-- El . . TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS wALEMARLAHE d MERIUIPN,IRAHO BUILDING TYPE 2 THIRD FLUOR PLAN ®— SD2.1 FLOOR PLANS Page 47 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 137 of 148 TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS CBH HOMES EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME BLDG TYPE 3 FRONT ELEVATION �? .III.Tin�: >.'� III III ICI STUCCOIBODY BOARD&BATTEN ACCENT BOARD& TRIM FASCIAlBRACKETS SW6001 SW6004 BATTEN WINDOWS,DOORS, SW7674 BANDS Grayish Mink SW6116 Peppercorn Tarami Tan SW7004 Snowbound 'Railing to be BLACK IRON TAD--- M: E E] El TAN TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS �f S!e.ild^.I;LINE FRONT ELEVATION-BUILDING TYPE 3 lu. yam-4--- - - - ...� 2 LEFT END ELEVATION-BUILDING TYPE 3 3 RIGHT END ELEVATION-BUILDING TYPE 3 SD3.2 BUILDING Mf 3 FXIEPIOP fLEVAilONS Page 48 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 138 of 148 TA1 THEARCHREMOFFICEC 4 -t1 TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS ID ARi pan[ i;EaialsV.male BUILOIND TYPE 3 'FIRST FLOOR PLAN 4 m�os� BECOND FLOOR ® SD2.2 SECOND FLOOR PLAN P�aaa P-S TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS COH HOMES EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME CLUBHOUSE qw STUCCOIBODY BOARD&BATTEN ACCENT BOARD& TRIM FASCIAIBRACKETS1 SW6001 SW6004 BATTEN WINDOWS,DOORS, FRONT DOOR RANDS Grayish Mink SW6116 SW7674 Tatami Tan SW7004 Peppercorn Snowbound Page 49 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 139 of 148 TA T- THEARCHrrE OFF(I MORTH(FRONT)ELEVATION-CLUBHOUSE TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS ®,. D a] wuTMAN LANE IL-I� MERIDIANL NE MIT zm—f-- FAST(LEFT)ELEVATION-CLUBHOUSE Ell] ID 00 WEST(RIGHT)ELEVATION-CLUBHOUSE ��-�- ..— (RER)ELEVATION-CLUBHOUSE Cry 3.3480N LMHOOSE 'RIOF ELEVATIONS TAB �H[AL(RR[f15NfR[f' r { TANNFR CHEEK APARTMENTS �` I uF .ioAxo 4 _ Q Ll.i. ❑ ❑ ClYBl100lE ...® .� 1 FIOBR PWI SD2.3 Page 50 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 140 of 148 VIII. CITY/AGENCY COMMENTS & CONDITIONS A. PLANNING DIVISION Development Agreement Modification: 1. The subject property shall no longer be subject to the terms of the existing Development Agreement (DA) (Inst. #108131100)upon the property owner(s)entering into a new agreement. The new DA shall be signed by the property owner(s) and returned to the City within six(6)months of City Council granting the subject modification. The new DA shall include the following provisions: a. Future development of this site shall be generally consistent with the conceptual site plan, conceptual building elevations,preliminary plat,phasing plan, landscape plan, and qualified open space exhibits included in Section VII and the provisions contained herein. b. The off-site construction of the bridge across the Ten Mile Creek and associated extension of Corporate Drive from the north to Waltman Lane and detached 5-foot wide sidewalk along the east side of the street shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits in Phase I of the development. c. The re-construction and widening of the bridge across the Ten Mile Creek and associated widening of W. Waltman Lane including the off-site construction of a detached 5-foot wide sidewalk along the north side of Waltman Ln. to Meridian Rd. shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits in Phase 2 of the development. d. Noise abatement shall be provided for residential uses adjacent to Interstate 84 in accord with the standards listed in UDC 11-3H-4D. A minimum 9-foot tall berm and 5-foot tall wall on top of the berm shall be provided parallel with I-84 along the southern boundary of the site;the height of the berm/wall combination shall be a minimum of 10 feet higher than the elevation at the centerline of the freeway. To avoid a monotonous wall along I-84,the color and/or texture of the wall is required to be varied every 300 linear feet or the wall staggered every 300 linear feet as set forth in UDC 11-311-41).3c. The berm and wall in its entirety shall be constructed with the first phase of development prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the development. e. All townhome and multi-family structures shall comply with the design standards listed in the Architectural Standards Manual; single-family detached structures are exempt from this requirement. An administrative Design Review application is required to be submitted for approval of the design of all townhome structures in the development prior to submittal of building permit application for those structures.An application for Certificate of Zoning Compliance is also required to be submitted along with Design Review for the multi-family portion of the development prior to submittal of building permit applications. f. No building permits shall be issued for this development until the property has been subdivided. Preliminary Plat: 2. The preliminary plat included in Section VII.B, shall be revised as follows: a. Depict zero(0)lot lines where townhome units are proposed in Blocks 6, 7, 8 and 9. 3. The landscape plan included in Section VII.D shall be revised as follows: a. Depict a 5-foot wide landscape strip along the east side of the pathway along the creek with landscaping as set forth in UDC 11-313-12C. b. Correct the height of the SimTek wall along 1-84 from 4-to 5-foot tall as proposed by the Applicant. Page 51 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 141 of 148 4. Address signage needs to be provided at the public street for homes accessed via common driveways for emergency wayfinding purposes. 5. All alleys shall be constructed per the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3B.5. 6. All common driveways shall be constructed per the standards listed in UDC 11-6C-3D. 7. The setbacks, fencing,building envelope, and orientation of the lots and structures accessed by common driveways shall be shown on an exhibit submitted with the final plat application as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D.7. 8. A perpetual ingress/egress easement for the common driveways shall be filed with the Ada County Recorder,which shall include a requirement for maintenance of a paved surface capable of supporting fire vehicles and equipment as set forth in UDC 11-6C-3D.8. A recorded copy of the easement(s) shall be submitted to the Planning Division with the final plat for City Engineer signature. 9. All existing structures on this site are required to be removed prior to signature on the final plat for the phase in which they are located. 10. A 14-foot wide public pedestrian easement for the multi-use pathway shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval by City Council and subsequent recordation. 11. If private streets are determined to be needed for addressing purposes by the Fire Dept. and Police Dept. for emergency wayfinding in the multi-family portion of the development,a private street application shall be submitted with the final plat application for the phase(s) in which the apartments are located. Conditional Use Permit: 12. The multi-family development shall have an ongoing obligation to comply with the specific use standards listed in UDC 11-4-3-27. 13. For each of the multi-family units,a minimum of eighty(80) square feet of private,usable open space shall be provided for each unit as set forth in UDC 11-4-3-27B.3. This requirement can be satisfied through porches,patios, decks, and/or enclosed yards. Floor plans with square footage noted for patios and balconies shall be submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance application that demonstrate compliance with this standard. 14. The multi-family development shall record a legally binding document that states the maintenance and ownership responsibilities for the management of the development, including,but not limited to, structures,parking, common areas, and other development features as set forth in UDC 11-4-3-27F. A recorded copy of said document shall be submitted to the Planning Division prior to issuance of the first Certificate of Occupancy for the development. 15. The site and/or landscape plan submitted with the Certificate of Zoning Compliance shall be revised as follows: a. Depict a minimum of 22 bicycle parking spaces in bicycle racks dispersed throughout the development. b. All transformer and utility vaults and other service areas shall be located in an area not visible from a public street, or shall be fully screened from view from a public street in accord with UDC 11-4-3-27B.2. c. Correct the width of the berm within the street buffer along Waltman Ln. from 20-to 15-feet wide on Sheet L1.5,Detail#1,per the Applicant. Page 52 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 142 of 148 d. Depict landscaping along the foundations of all street facing elevations adjacent to Waltman Ln as set forth in UDC 11-4-3-27E.2. e. Include a detail of the pergola shade structure and fire pit. f. Depict a directory and map of the development at the entrance or convenient location for those entering the development in accord with UDC 11-4-3-27B.7. B. PUBLIC WORKS 1. Site Specific Conditions of Approval 1.1 A portion of this project lies within the Meridian Floodplain Overlay District. Prior to any development occurring in the Overlay District a floodplain permit application, including hydraulic and hydrologic analysis is required to be completed and submitted to the City and approved by the Floodplain Administrator per MCC 10-6. 1.2 As preliminarily designed, SSMH A-2 is in an inaccessible area by being located in a landscaped walkway area. There also appears to be separation issues with the water main that is generally parallel through this area. At a minimum,these utilities shall have a 14-foot wide compacted gravel roadways constructed over top of them to make them accessible by a service truck. No structures are allowed to be constructed within the easement areas for the sanitary sewer mainlines. 1.3 Meridian Public Works has modeled each phase per the preliminary plat submitted. Currently each phase meets minimum flow requirements,but each phase will need to be re-modeled at Final Plat application to confirm minimum flow requirements are met. No structures are allowed to be constructed within the easement areas for the water mainlines. 1.4 Applicant shall be required to submit up to date geotechnical information and recommendations for the project site with the final plat application. The abbreviated report from SITE Consulting, LLC that was submitted with this application is dated February 20,2018,and it indicates that groundwater monitoring effort began in June of 2017. It is also noted in the report that"The Ada County Soil Survey, (US Soil Conservation Service)indicates the onsite groundwater may be as shallow as 1.5-3.0 feet in the northeast half of the site along Ten Mile Creek and greater than 80 inches deep in the Southwest half." The SITE report in part also states that"Measured and reports depths to groundwater indicate this development can be constructed but will require either substantial filling or shallow/high groundwater methods for storm water disposal. Groundwater will require pumping during installation of deep utilities but will not impact construction of future homes or right of ways on the property." The design engineer and developer should consult heavily with the geotechnical engineer to ensure that homes can be constructed free from intrusion of groundwater. The developer/builder should consider slab on grade construction methods. 2. General Conditions of Approval 2.1 Applicant shall coordinate water and sewer main size and routing with the Public Works Department, and execute standard forms of easements for any mains that are required to provide service outside of a public right-of-way. Minimum cover over sewer mains is three feet,if cover from top of pipe to sub-grade is less than three feet than alternate materials shall be used in conformance of City of Meridian Public Works Departments Standard Specifications. 2.2 Per Meridian City Code(MCC),the applicant shall be responsible to install sewer and water mains to and through this development. Applicant may be eligible for a reimbursement agreement for infrastructure enhancement per MCC 8-6-5. Page 53 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 143 of 148 2.3 The applicant shall provide easement(s) for all public water/sewer mains outside of public right of way(include all water services and hydrants). The easement widths shall be 20-feet wide for a single utility, or 30-feet wide for two. The easements shall not be dedicated via the plat,but rather dedicated outside the plat process using the City of Meridian's standard forms. The easement shall be graphically depicted on the plat for reference purposes. Submit an executed easement(on the form available from Public Works), a legal description prepared by an Idaho Licensed Professional Land Surveyor,which must include the area of the easement(marked EXHIBIT A)and an 81/2"x I I"map with bearings and distances(marked EXHIBIT B)for review. Both exhibits must be sealed, signed and dated by a Professional Land Surveyor. DO NOT RECORD. Add a note to the plat referencing this document. All easements must be submitted,reviewed, and approved prior to development plan approval. 2.4 The City of Meridian requires that pressurized irrigation systems be supplied by a year-round source of water(MCC 12-13-8.3). The applicant should be required to use any existing surface or well water for the primary source. If a surface or well source is not available, a single-point connection to the culinary water system shall be required. If a single-point connection is utilized, the developer will be responsible for the payment of assessments for the common areas prior to prior to receiving development plan approval. 2.5 All existing structures that are required to be removed shall be prior to signature on the final plat by the City Engineer. Any structures that are allowed to remain shall be subject to evaluation and possible reassignment of street addressing to be in compliance with MCC. 2.6 All irrigation ditches, canals, laterals,or drains, exclusive of natural waterways,intersecting, crossing or laying adjacent and contiguous to the area being subdivided shall be addressed per UDC 11-3A-6. In performing such work,the applicant shall comply with Idaho Code 42-1207 and any other applicable law or regulation. 2.7 Any existing domestic well system within this project shall be removed from domestic service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8 contact the City of Meridian Engineering Department at(208)898-5500 for inspections of disconnection of services. Wells may be used for non-domestic purposes such as landscape irrigation if approved by Idaho Department of Water Resources Contact Robert B. Whitney at(208)334-2190. 2.8 Any existing septic systems within this project shall be removed from service per City Ordinance Section 9-1-4 and 9 4 8. Contact Central District Health for abandonment procedures and inspections(208)375-5211. 2.9 Street signs are to be in place, sanitary sewer and water system shall be approved and activated, road base approved by the Ada County Highway District and the Final Plat for this subdivision shall be recorded,prior to applying for building permits. 2.10 A letter of credit or cash surety in the amount of 110%will be required for all uncompleted fencing, landscaping, amenities, etc.,prior to signature on the final plat. 2.11 All improvements related to public life, safety and health shall be completed prior to occupancy of the structures.Where approved by the City Engineer, an owner may post a performance surety for such improvements in order to obtain City Engineer signature on the final plat as set forth in UDC 11-5C-3B. 2.12 Applicant shall be required to pay Public Works development plan review, and construction inspection fees, as determined during the plan review process,prior to the issuance of a plan approval letter. 2.13 It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all development features comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. Page 54 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 144 of 148 2.14 Applicant shall be responsible for application and compliance with any Section 404 Permitting that may be required by the Army Corps of Engineers. 2.15 Developer shall coordinate mailbox locations with the Meridian Post Office. 2.16 All grading of the site shall be performed in conformance with MCC I I-12-3H. 2.17 Compaction test results shall be submitted to the Meridian Building Department for all building pads receiving engineered backfill,where footing would sit atop fill material. 2.18 The design engineer shall be required to certify that the street centerline elevations are set a minimum of 3-feet above the highest established peak groundwater elevation. This is to ensure that the bottom elevation of the crawl spaces of homes is at least 1-foot above. 2.19 The applicants design engineer shall be responsible for inspection of all irrigation and/or drainage facility within this project that do not fall under the jurisdiction of an irrigation district or ACHD. The design engineer shall provide certification that the facilities have been installed in accordance with the approved design plans. This certification will be required before a certificate of occupancy is issued for any structures within the project. 2.20 At the completion of the project,the applicant shall be responsible to submit record drawings per the City of Meridian AutoCAD standards. These record drawings must be received and approved prior to the issuance of a certification of occupancy for any structures within the project. 2.21 A street light plan will need to be included in the civil construction plans. Street light plan requirements are listed in section 6-5 of the Improvement Standards for Street Lighting. A copy of the standards can be found at http://www.meridiancity.org/public_works.aspx?id=272. 2.22 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a performance surety in the amount of 125%of the total construction cost for all incomplete sewer,water and reuse infrastructure prior to final plat signature. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit,cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. 2.23 The City of Meridian requires that the owner post to the City a warranty surety in the amount of 20%of the total construction cost for all completed sewer,water and reuse infrastructure for duration of two years. This surety will be verified by a line item cost estimate provided by the owner to the City. The surety can be posted in the form of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit or bond. Applicant must file an application for surety,which can be found on the Community Development Department website. Please contact Land Development Service for more information at 887-2211. C. FIRE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/Doc View.asp x?id=184671&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity D. POLICE DEPARTMENT https://weblink.meridiancity.oLvlWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=184716&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity E. COMMUNITY PLANNING ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO(COMPASS) https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=185135&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCiCE Page 55 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 145 of 148 F. NAMPA&MERIDIAN IRRIGATION DISTRICT(NMID) https://weblink.meridiancity.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184911&dbid=0&repo=Meridian City G. CENTRAL DISTRICT HEALTH DEPARTMENT(CDHD) https://weblink.meridianciiy.oLvlWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=184500&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity H. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY(DEQ) https://weblink.meridianciV.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=184889&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity I. WEST ADA SCHOOL DISTRICT(WASD) https://weblink.meridiancity.oLvlWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=185552&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity J. IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT(ITD) https://weblink.meridiancity.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=185863&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity https:11weblink.meridianciby.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=187106&dbid=0&repo=Meridian City https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/Doc View.aspx?id=187105&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity K. ADA COUNTY HIGHWAY DISTRICT(ACHD) https://weblink.meridiancity.orglWebLinkIDocView.aspx?id=187484&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity Traffic Impact Study: https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=187102&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity Traffic Trip Generation Study: https://weblink.meridianciU.org/WebLink/DocView.aspx?id=187103&dbid=0&repo=MeridianCity IX. FINDINGS A. Annexation and/or Rezone(UDC 11-5B-3E) Required Findings: Upon recommendation from the commission,the council shall make a full investigation and shall,at the public hearing,review the application. In order to grant an annexation and/or rezone,the council shall make the following findings: 1. The map amendment complies with the applicable provisions of the comprehensive plan; Staff finds the Applicant's proposal to rezone and develop the subject 38+/- acre property with a variety of residential uses is consistent with the associated MDR&MU-CFLUMdesignations for the property and applicable provisions of the Comprehensive Plan as noted above in Section V.B. 2. The map amendment complies with the regulations outlined for the proposed district, specifically the purpose statement; Stafffinds the proposed map amendment and development complies with the purpose statement of the residential districts in that it will provide for a range of housing opportunities for the community consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 3. The map amendment shall not be materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and welfare; Staff finds the proposed map amendment should not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare as the proposed residential uses should be compatible with adjacent existing residential properties to the west, north and east. Page 56 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 146 of 148 4. The map amendment shall not result in an adverse impact upon the delivery of services by any political subdivision providing public services within the city including,but not limited to, school districts; and Stafffinds City services are available to be provided to this development. Area schools are currently under capacity but this may change if boundaries are adjusted. 5. The annexation(as applicable)is in the best interest of city. Stafffinds the proposed rezone is in the best interest of the City. B. Preliminary Plat(UDC 11-613-6) In consideration of a preliminary plat,combined preliminary and final plat,or short plat,the decision making body shall make the following findings: (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) 1. The plat is in conformance with the comprehensive plan and is consistent with this unified development code; (Ord. 08-1372, 7-8-2008, eff. 7-8-2008) Stafffinds the proposed plat is generally in conformance with the UDC if the Applicant complies with the Development Agreement provisions and conditions of approval in Section VIII. 2. Public services are available or can be made available ad are adequate to accommodate the proposed development; Stafffinds public services can be made available to the subjectproperty and will be adequate to accommodate the proposed development. 3. The plat is in conformance with scheduled public improvements in accord with the city's capital improvement program; Stafffinds theproposedplat is in substantial conformance with scheduledpublic improvements in accord with the City's CIP. 4. There is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development; Stafffinds there is public financial capability of supporting services for the proposed development. 5. The development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare; and Stafffinds the proposed development will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare. 6. The development preserves significant natural, scenic or historic features. (Ord. 05-1170, 8-30-2005, eff. 9-15-2005) Staff is unaware of any significant natural, scenic or historic features that need to be preserved with this development. C. Conditional Use Permit(UDC 11-513-6E) The Commission shall base its determination on the Conditional Use Permit requests upon the following: 1. That the site is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and meet all the dimensional and development regulations in the district in which the use is located. Stafffinds that the subject property is large enough to accommodate the proposed use and dimensional and development regulations of the R-40 district(see Analysis, Section V for more information). Page 57 Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 147 of 148 2. That the proposed use will be harmonious with the Meridian Comprehensive Plan and in accord with the requirements of this Title. Stafffinds that the proposed use is consistent with the future land use map designation of MU-C and is allowed as a conditional use in UDC Table 11-2A-2 in the R-40 zoning district. 3. That the design,construction, operation and maintenance will be compatible with other uses in the general neighborhood and with the existing or intended character of the general vicinity and that such use will not adversely change the essential character of the same area. Stafffinds the proposed design of the development, construction, operation and maintenance should be compatible with the mix of other uses planned for this area and with the intended character of the area and that such uses will not adversely change the character of the area. 4. That the proposed use, if it complies with all conditions of the approval imposed, will not adversely affect other property in the vicinity. Stafffinds that if the applicant complies with the conditions outlined in this report, the proposed use will not adversely affect other property in the area. The Commission should weigh any public testimony provided to determine if the development will adversely affect other properties in the vicinity. 5. That the proposed use will be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such as highways, streets, schools, parks, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse disposal,water,and sewer. Staff finds that essential public services are available to this property and that the use will be adequately served by these facilities. Page 58 — Meridian City Council Meeting Agenda May 21,2020— Page 148 of 148 Project Hearing Presentations Schultz Development — Tanner Creek 9 4 it iliL i ��__ �� - � "�1 _ � _ _- { J�' `. 4� �:_ . . �. G�.. :... s...,.,. . 0 ...roA., _ , .: TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS CBH HOMES EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME BLDG TYPE 3 FRONT ELEVATION STUCCO/BODY BOARD & BATTEN ACCENT BOARD & TRIM FASCIA/BRACKETS SW6001 SW6004 BATTEN WINDOWS, DOORS, SW7674 BANDS Grayish Mink SW6116 Peppercorn Tatami Tan SW7004 Snowbound *Railing to be BLACK IRON CREEKTANNER ■ ® HOMESARTMENTS EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME BLDG TYPE 1 FRONTELEVATION IIIIIII I■I ■ ■ ®0■■M ■ ■ T n m ■ ■7■®0■■idII 1■I _�_�.N..V ��® IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII - _ _ _ . -- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ��� IIIIIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIIIIII _IIIIIIII IIIIIII I_ -- ■��®■ IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII I_ ■, = IIIIIIIIIII`L_ ���� IIIIIII IIII STUCCO/BODY • , 1 & BATTEN ACCENT BOARD & TRIM FASCIA/BRACKETS BATTEN WINDOWS, DOORS, SW7674 SW6001 SW6004BANDS Grayish Mink SW6116 Peppercorn Tatami Tan 1 1 Snowbound *Railing to • BLACK - .O TANNERHOMES CREEK APARTMENTS ■ FRONTEXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME • IIIIIII I■■ �� 11 IJJ ■[ME] 0j 1 ■E ■ T MIFF]] LE®10 REM MIM ■ ■� I■I �,�I ■1_--■1■ ■■■�I! ■� ■ mu ML STUCCO/BODY • • • & TRIM FASCIA/BRACKETS SW6001 SW6004 BANDS Grayish Mink SW6116 Peppercorn Tatami Tan 114 Snowbound *Railing to • BLACK - .O TANNER CREEK APARTMENTS CBH HOMES EXTERIOR PAINT SCHEME CLUBHOUSE ET. , 11 11 Ul [U-1 STUCCO/BODY BOARD & BATTEN ACCENT BOARD & TRIM FASCIA/BRACKETS/ SW6001 SW6004 BATTEN WINDOWS, DOORS, FRONT DOOR BANDS Grayish Mink SW6116 SW7674 Tatami Tan SW7004 Peppercorn Snowbound a. n 1 ,� IT t ' l _ 6 _ li - ; I F 47 I IJ OA iJ Li.F-- .crw� • :: - ®_, r e=_ -� i �I - I i i _ _; a -- - --- -'� ' - -_- T "-� - soon µ_ t " h _ r. s� MAW— �o.o. oi.0000��:A.ao�•.°.° 000e �.•'•� .°`..� il`����.� �.�1 � '- - a pr 2 G •i - �o a Fp •, 1' � h� ME OMNI ■_ , ' _.•.' 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MM Current 7 : 30 AM Commute . a4 2018 Traffic Impact Study • Trips per day estimate : 2,928 • ACHD guideline for collectors — 3,000 for a new collector — 51000 for an existing collector n I i Co c usn o • R15 and R40 zoning is inappropriate for this area. We recommend matching adjacent subdivision for R4 zoning to minimize traffic impact on an already overloaded system. • Inappropriate high density zoning in this area does not align with proper stewardship of community resources. • Smart growth must be observed. Higher population does not equate to higher life quality • Please preserve our city vision and keep meridian a premier community ! City Mission: We love Meridian; It's our town and our mission is to cultivate a vibrant community by developing service through committed, equipped employees dedicated to the stewardship of our community's resources. City Vision: By 2035, Meridian will be the West's premier community in which to live, work and raise a family. Thank • C � _ • � w Sys � {T J J Backup r S wlC�a� = epm"fic Storage 7 Meridian L �• r 1 .Q _ 7 �� f I I * x. t;CV, Aie y� F• 44, �• `� - fit . .. 4 . +. �r�l_rn ---Ran Corporate Extension • Requesting developer , . be responsible for privacy fence construction . • Request Irrigation be relocated at developers expense C O N O _ O �/� I �p - Pop,Y O " ' - •.L -_ - _ - 1. , � r - N PEN NWOOD STREETAke IF man N -. >•.- �rp e WEN" �; TOIT1 Q '� • • o - r a gaaj W _ _ ro LU imp Q • 771 00 1 —\ '' ,3 1 - ^•R• : yam,rr -r- ;_ C q� 7 f � • 1 i"ram r' - 1.T � O CU CORPORATE DRIVE y� 13 Poo J t' to IN . 1 67•` i�\ / •� W �• _�7 �S �.mot �r �� LU 441 SP 2* L7 77 RI Alm- WALTMAN LANE WALTMAN LANE - r I I I I I I I I i i � • � � ' O f f f I L Q _ I LU - - I I I TANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION - I I I I I I I ti. 00000 0 0 0 �--- f 0000 I LU LU •Civil Engineering TANNER CREEK SUBDIVISION _ _ _ _ _ I - - --- :Landscape Architecture , Erosion&Sediment Control �'' � C ' •Gr g tlion Communication Design ication i N WA LT M A N LANE z 1 •Land Planning - I W I 0 www.hreckonianddesign.com MERIDIAN, I DA H O ; Phone 208-376-5'153 � Fax:208-37fi-6528 1 6661 North Glenwood Street SCALE. 1 /, — 80'-0" Garden City,Idaho133714