Michael Arnold1 Charlene Way From:Michael Arnold <stv1668@hotmail.com> Sent:Wednesday, October 24, 2018 4:13 PM To:City Clerk Subject:Linder Village (H2017-0088) I am writing to express my concerns about the proposed Linder Village plan undergoing review by the Planning & Zoning Commission on November 15, 2018. I am not in favor of this proposal as it is currently presented. 1. While I appreciate that WinCo has redesigned the layout of their store so that the loading and delivery is on the Linder St. side of the Building, I am still opposed to a 24/7 operation at this location. 2. When last presented to the City Council, the developer has stated that they needed a stoplight at Bergman and Chinden because Brighton would not grant access to Fox Run, the Mayor read a letter received that day from the CEO of Brighton wherein he stated that at no time had the developer ever app roached them or met with them to discuss access to Fox Run! Now the Developer has added a new road between the development and the proposed medium density residential site which appears to go from Linder to Fox Run. If in fact there is to be a future connection to Fox Run, apparently the developer has NOT YET secured any consent from Brighton for such a connection despite having had an additional 9 months to meet and secure an agreement in principal. If such a connection is destined to be made then I do not believe a stoplight at Bergman and Chinden is necessary or appropriate. 3. To the east of the proposed WinCo site the developer is proposing a very large building to house Anchors 2, 3, and 4, approximately 76,500 square Feet. Further to the East is another proposed 3 story Office building proposed to be 119,400 square Feet not counting the proposed future Expansion! Both of these excessively large buildings FAR Exceed the current Mixed Use Residential designation of this property which suggests limits of building size to 30,000 square feet. I find facilities this size to be disproportionally large and they should not be permitted! At the very least the Anchor stores should be divided into separate buildings with sufficient spacing between them to avoid the “Strip Mall” look that they currently project. The Office Building should be placed more to the North as there is far too little buffer (at two lane road) between the Office building and the proposed medium density residential neighborhood. 4. This proposal shows numerous street connections between this development and the Paramount Community. While I understand that it is the roads people pushing this connectivity, I do not believe it is appropriate to route traffic through a densely residential neighborhood to ease traffic on Linder or Chinden. You are putting children at risk for the convenience of the drivers. 5. Just recently, Costco went to great lengths to accommodate the concerns of the residents in the neighboring community by limiting delivery hours and redesigning the look of their facility to better integrate it into the neighborhood. The Linder Village developer and WinCo should be required to go to the same lengths to better integrate this proposed development into the Paramount Community, to date it has not done so and it has fought every proposed change. There is far too little buffering between a development of this magnitude and the neighboring communities!